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Pregabalin and appetite

Even when taking it as scripted it does make me want to eat and eat but the cravings do pass.
I find if I take a recreational dose of Pregabalin and after it kicks in my appetite goes through the roof. Like I could eat everything I could get my hands on.

Anyone else experience this?

I'm on Gabapentin, not Pregabalin, but, yeah, same. When I take it as prescribed I don't notice a difference, but when I take recreational levels...it's not even hungry really, like my stomach isn't empty or rumbling or anything...more like it causes both a strong desire to eat stuff and also the lowered inhibitions to think "fuck it" and eat everything
I find if I take a recreational dose of Pregabalin and after it kicks in my appetite goes through the roof. Like I could eat everything I could get my hands on.

Anyone else experience this?
Yeah, it’s pretty hard for me to lose weight on pregabalin and gabapentin. I definitely notice that I feel hungry almost right away after taking these.
They both have certain similarities to pot for me. Same, but different. The munchies in a same but different way as well.
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But it’s weird sometimes my appetite stays the same but not always.
This is so weird to me, at this point im assuming my body has some weird enzymatic/pharmacokinetic issue because I respond strangely to a multiple recreational drugs. When I take a recreational amount of pregabalin I fast until 4 pm, and then i literally force myself to eat at 9-10 pm because i have no appetite, even when combining weed. I also seem to have no major withdrawal effect when taking a tolerance break after taking >800mg every other day. I also barely react to benzos and have no noticeable withdrawal after taking 4-5mg of lorazepam and temazepam.
Yeah this happend to me
I don't get it, tbph.
Weird substance imo/e but do enjoy the buzz a couple times a month.
Does "PG" in user name refer to propylene glycol by chance? First thing that came to mind when I read it. Shows where my head is. 😎
I don't get it, tbph.
Weird substance imo/e but do enjoy the buzz a couple times a month.
Does "PG" in user name refer to propylene glycol by chance? First thing that came to mind when I read it. Shows where my head is. 😎
No only pregab because I don't like glycol "ether" lol
I do pregabs twice a week never more than 900mg and I always get desired affect however the munchies don't kick in for ages but when they do it kinda makes my high a little better too
No only pregab because I don't like glycol "ether" lol
Word, thanks.
I do pregabs twice a week never more than 900mg and I always get desired affect however the munchies don't kick in for ages but when they do it kinda makes my high a little better too
Seems it takes at least five hours for me to start "peeking" on pregab and yeah when I start eating I do get the extra for lack of a term. Eat everything hahaha
Think I will take a couple hundred mg and by the time it hits I can skip my nightly bnz dose.
Word, thanks.

Seems it takes at least five hours for me to start "peeking" on pregab and yeah when I start eating I do get the extra for lack of a term. Eat everything hahaha
Think I will take a couple hundred mg and by the time it hits I can skip my nightly bnz dose.
Yeah gabbapentinoids are like some elusive fucking pokemon know knows shit about.
I've been spending years trying to crack the code with these little red and white babies.
An empty stomach certainly makes a bigger difference. I also find 3 days off is good too. But what confuses me is , one day I can have 900mg and only just about be OK with it then 3 days later hav 600mg and then I'm fucking flying my back out. Lol 😆
An empty stomach certainly makes a bigger difference
I just ate some pregab and half an apple fritter.
I also like that it lasts most of the day/night.
I think the only thing I do not like about pregab is the withdrawal of said substance if dependant.
I just ate some pregab and half an apple fritter.
I also like that it lasts most of the day/night.
I think the only thing I do not like about pregab is the withdrawal of said substance if dependant.
Yeah I heard the WD is bad.
Thats why I try to do what I think is correct.
Every 3rd day is my PG day but every 2nd week I will skip one of them 3rd days for a dose of zopiclone instead to help reduce tolerance even more,, works for me but maybe not everyone else ...
Yeah I heard the WD is bad.
Thats why I try to do what I think is correct.
Every 3rd day is my PG day but every 2nd week I will skip one of them 3rd days for a dose of zopiclone instead to help reduce tolerance even more,, works for me but maybe not everyone else ...
I'm no expert with gaba drugs but sounds like a reasonable schedule - will being outta jail impact on that cos of increasesed availability / lower price? Those factors could make you vulnerable to dose increase but hopefully you've got this pattern nailed down
I heard the WD is bad.
Weird again there are some who have little to no issues with WDs.... Me? Dark and worthless.
So yeah I believe every 3rd or 4th day is where it's at. I did that with phenibut and other gabas for a couple years and stopped. No issues.
The pregab is hardly ever but 300mg got me. Head all blowed up and feeling like Bernie in that movie weekend at Bernie's. Damn I am shocked that I can even post atm cause this tiny keyboard even sober will drive me nuts. A little shaky and basically clownish. 😁
I took some kratom, too and I think it helps me keep focus. Yeah... clownish is a decent descriptor.
Glad to have ya here. And thanks for the engagement and information. I will secind that every 3rd day (for at least two people) to prevent wd or tolerance issues of gabapentenoids in general. Every 4th obv would be ideal I think.
Damn how many times did I types issues?