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Potentially mislabelled aMT from UK vendor


Bluelight Crew
Mar 12, 2007


Apparently some of our dear and respected bluelighters have fallen casualty to toxic effects from an aMT batch. Granted, the doses of around 200 mg were very high, but it is suspected to be laced with other drugs that are dangerous to combine with aMT, seriously diminishing the therapeutic index. Their accident could have been lethal.
Details are unclear at this point but we hope to see tox screens. Unfortunately naming the vendor they got it from is against the rules and not an option. (I wish I could say it was different and we could just mention where to stay away from but there are legal issues)


- Start extra low if you get a new batch, or ideally get it tested before you even try it. Inform us of results if you do. Get rid of it if you are seeing unusual effects, unusually potent and unstable or unfamiliar effects or side-effects.
- Reagent tests may not be definitive since if there is a lace in the aMT it may still test positive for the aMT that is indeed present.
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I don't want to discount this at all but 200mg is an insanely high dose of AMT, one which I could see as capable of causing life-threatening reactions. Do we know if the people in question had previously taken dosages this high, and what the results were if so? AMT, though it's a wonderful compound which seems quite safe in regular dosages, is not safe like, say, the 4-sub-tryptamines are. It can cause MAO inhibition, especially at higher dosages, and it's a triple monoamine releaser.
Read JesusGreens comments on page 2, the high dose theory sounds much more plausible than the "bad batch" one, especially since no one else reported such effects from aMT lately.
It definitely does, I felt like saying something before but didn't feel like stirring the pot ATM.
It can't hurt to be careful, aMT has a history of variability without explanation and it's too early to determine the cause of this. Certainly we will be collaborating to get a sample tested but in the meantime caution is valid.
A lab verification would be great, meanwhile I will go back to the EADD thread to ask Pagey and/or other involved BLers if they are all fine and used to doing doses of aMT like that... because if that is the case 3 hospitalizations at once is very suspicious, and a statistical anomaly (apart from being a tragedy of course).
Still, the other explanation then could be that they are used to weak aMT. So I will ask if they have experience with high doses of several batches over a significant period of time.

I'm sorry if it is a bit alarmist, but let's be on our toes until it is cleared up a bit more. We really don't want any more casualties and for the time being I trust EADD having their warning copied here.
Yeah I agree, it's not alarmist, it's a logical precaution. Being too cautious never hurt anyone, but not being cautious enough did. Even if this just gets people to be more cautious with their AMT dosing, then it's a good thing. People taking 200mg dosages of AMT no matter what the circumstances is very irresponsible and I would never recommend taking even close to that much to anyone. Even when I was dosing AMT 3-4 times a week for a year+, I never even took 100mg at once.
Definitely, I agree. But I just read in that EADD thread Pagey (and not sure about others) indeed have experience with taking high doses like that in the past.

It is good and pro HR to emphasize the intrinsic danger of taking heavy doses of aMT like that, even if it is unlaced aMT... but people need to know what they are taking, and like I said before (if it wasn't already clear) taking a mix of contraindicated drugs really ramps up the risks and removes most of the safety margins. A lot of people who skirt the borders with drugs like these could get up hurt if those borders are shifted with a supposed dirty batch.

If all the info is out there, and hopefully it will be... then people can still get themselves seriously hurt, but HR will have done its job right IMO.
I wonder if they had been getting old/degraded AMT and this batch is a brand new, pure undegraded batch? And hence they weren't really taking such high doses before and this caught them unawares?

It's just speculation but I wanted to raise the point.

Also do we know if Pagey/etc were taking other things with it, or near it?

I guess until we get more info it's all speculation and this notice can only be a good thing due to promoting caution. It certainly could be a contaminated batch.
Xorkoth cud well be right also, i wouldnt go over 60mg if someone even paid me !
When I was young and dumb, I ordered and received amt from a chemical supplier. My friends and I proceeded to fill half of a large capsule up, not having scales. After this accident I did acquire said scales and estimated our doses to be 150-200 mgs! Anyway, we puked, and puked and then dry heaved and dry heaved until I was practically locked into a heaving contraction, and I thought, this is it, were dead! We didn't die but tripped amazingly hard after about 3-4 solid hours of non-stop purging. Use scales and common sense kiddos lol!