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Pot or Not: Bruce Banner #3

Pot or Not?

  • A

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • B

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Bluelight Crew
Aug 31, 2006

Strain: Bruce Banner #3
Submission by: w01fg4ng
Original size: 900x675 px

What is Pot or Not?

You submit; you click the sticky-icky thread, you drool, you vote, rinse, lather and repeat. That's basically it, Pot or Not is just for fun and the ratings are more or less arbitrary, but here are some rough guidelines to help you decide how to vote:

A - That next-level stuff even the stingiest pothead would pay the premium to get a bag of!
B - Better than what you'd call regs/mids, no unicorn but no lame ass either
C - Commercial stuff, possibly well-trimmed and cured, but also maybe just torn up at the roots by some dude on meth
D - Schwag, Mexican brick, soapbar, etc!

How to submit

Pot or Not depends on your submissions to stay alive, but for the sake of our viewers the selection will be limited to pictures that look like they were taken with a camera manufactured in this century. High resolution shots are a must, but that shouldn't be a problem now that even cell phones have 5MP+ cameras! Snap a pic that shows off your green as best as possible (good lighting) and upload that bitch to a BL-friendly imagehost such as imgur.com. Once you've got that, just forward the image link to the mods and we'll punt it to the top of CD to get A+'d into glory or stomped into oblivion! Give us your schwag, give us your regs, it doesn't matter whose bum the bag was pulled from just give us some nice variety to post and have fun with the voting :)
Looks pretty good i like those spear shaped buds.. B+.. Does it smell like cat pee?
^It smells like lemon with a slight hint of sweet nectar.

I thought the shape was reminiscent of the hulk,


This is 2013 Cannabis Cup winner as well as listed #1 on the Earth's Strongest Strains, tested claims of over 28% THC.

This stuff is strong, not to mention crazy cheap right now.

If the size of the nugs I got in this bag were "Hulk" size, instead of "Bruce Banner" size I might be able to give this a perfect score.

Thanks. This thread is now accepting concentrates. We just need people to take pics for us!

iirc THIS is the first and only concentrate PoN sub.
who gave this a B??? gat dayum weed snobs up in hur.

i have seen some really crystally bud that didn't smell anything like it looked, so I guess I understand- but man, I can almost smell this through my screen. looks top notch to me.
Mafioso I agree. While it looks a lil pressed and condensed it still has nice shape and a lot of shine. I def second the a rating.... That's coming from someone considered snobby
^Thanks guys.

This will be my last submission for the year, so I'm glad that you guys enjoyed them. Thanks to everyone who also submitted.
whats the genetic lineage?

edit: nvm googles.
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