Posting and then not knowing if the post went on a walkabout?


Bluelight Crew
Oct 21, 1999
Duh. A silly question I know, but I ain't no technophile.
Why is it that I can reply to a message and the post is added to the count and bumps up to the top, BUT I can not see my reply. Reload and refresh are not doing it either. What up anyway? HUH?
thanks kidz = p-------- blaph....
don't know if this ansewers your question but when you reply it bumps the latest thread replied to the top of the list, but your reply within the thread is at the bottom of the thread. It should reload the current thread when you hit reload, try holding down the shift key when you click reload. why is it like this? to make it easy to find the lastest topics replied to and within the thread, questions are asked and further down the list ansewers are given. thats how I think this thing works anyways.
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