POST YOUR RECORDINGS HERE! (not just for amateurs - also for labels/websites!)

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Some songs I made (Feedback)

Hey Bluelight! Just thought I'd stop by and drop off some songs I made (some covers and some not). Here's just one, but if you go to the profile, you can listen to all of them I recorded. I know they're low quality, but can you not pay attention to that? I'm hopefully focusing more on the playing rather than the quality for now.
thats some psychedelic guitar playin. you could benefit from a drummer or even some electronic drums. a beat of some kind.
he's referring to you, it was in the thread that you posted initially.
Ok, I was just wondering so I can respond:

I do know some drummers, but it's almost impossible to record when my inspiration comes at 3 in the morning.
^It was done on logic with several condenser mics. All of this stuff belongs to my friend. We pretty much psychically communicate when we make music. And as far as krautrock goes, Faust and Can are some of my favorite bands.

Your song reminded me of some amanita-consciousness necromancy-laced heavy psych energy-breath. It gave me the feeling of being a wizard on the brink of a new universe, toiling through a blizzard, but keeping steadfastly strong and undeterred by the obstacle, marching with the mind pointed oneway...reflections of Blue Cheer, somehow.

Here's some more of my stuff.

This is an 80s parody that descends into noisy chaos. Another collab.

This one, however, is just me. It's a chant to the moon. Noisy psych.
^wow what a crazy description of my tune.

i really want to be able to write proper songs and music but something is wrong. its like a total writers block i dont seem so be able to create music with interesting form and structure like the music i listen to. like your music. i feel so uncreative i cant seem to break out of this. what can i do?
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