Open Discussion Post *YOUR* Ideas for Forum Re-Design & Upgrade Here

Yeah that would be nice. They have quote notifications other places.
Yeah, some sort of new incentive to donate would be cool.

I've got a question.. where do the donations go? All to MAPS, or some to BL too? If to BL, to what exactly?

There's a lot of bells and whistles one could tie into donations. The question then becomes, is it a cool perk, or just annoying bling?

FTR, the donation portal points to MAPS because they were already set up to take donations and as part of our partnership they were willing to do this service for us. 100% of the donations sent thru the portal are put into an account strictly for BL use. We use it to pay our server hosting fees quarterly and for any hardware or software upgrades. Anything left after that goes for premium midget pr0n, which means the pr0n stash is pretty shabby and sparse :\
I know we have many views in BDD and OD, but wouldn't it makes sense to merge the two? Like what really is the difference?

Also, healthy living and sober living merge possibly?

Major reason for the BDD-OD split is that OD members and staff way back got tired of answering the same 'basic' questions over and over with people not UTFSE. BDD takes a ton of patience, whereas OD tends to be people who know what they are talking about and don't want to slow down for those who are newer to drugs. :\ Always worth asking, we can see if the OD could absorb BDD type content. To ease the situation (with BDD on it's own still, or merged into OD) there is an opportunity to revisit things like DRUG FAQ / WIKI / etc and try to make an updated version of a good reference to point n00bs to that will allow them answer a lot of those questions for themselves.

HL + SL (and/or PED)? I like the ideas. Keep 'em coming.

It might also be cool to have the categories of subforums, (Bluelight feedback, Bluelight basics, Pillsreport, Focus Forums, Drug Discussion, MAPS forums, Recovery support, Community, Arts and Entertainment, Regional Drug Discussion, Bluelight history), as tabs on the top of the page where it says "Bluelight is pruning database". This would give new users easier access to the subforums as opposed to scrolling through the 50+ subforums.

I'd like to see us address overall structure between now and the new year. As we get Xenforo tested out and prepared, we can explore the navigation options as well. I think we'll find a lot of improvement opportunities when it comes to navigation. But until we get to Xenforo we can at least work on forum structure / mergers/ etc.
Major reason for the BDD-OD split is that OD members and staff way back got tired of answering the same 'basic' questions over and over with people not UTFSE. BDD takes a ton of patience, whereas OD tends to be people who know what they are talking about and don't want to slow down for those who are newer to drugs. :\ Always worth asking, we can see if the OD could absorb BDD type content. To ease the situation (with BDD on it's own still, or merged into OD) there is an opportunity to revisit things like DRUG FAQ / WIKI / etc and try to make an updated version of a good reference to point n00bs to that will allow them answer a lot of those questions for themselves.

HL + SL (and/or PED)? I like the ideas. Keep 'em coming.

BDD and OD should be merged imo since we don't have volume to worry about anymore - we barely get 15-20 posts between them per day - and most mods are already mods of both forums anyway.

The Drug FAQs 'forum' should also be removed and the threads in there reopened and returned to relevant forums or archived. It's virtually unread and 7+ years out of date.

We don't need Wiki type stuff tbh. Search engines direct people to relevant threads of useful information (typically the megathreads), and for anything they don't know they ask questions.
CFC, I liked your idea of having a separate sub-forum for opiates/benzos. Then maybe one for stims. Cannabis, psychedelics, etc.

Just an idea.
Agreed on the BDD OD thing, half of us mod both, and we all watch out for both tbh.

Sad to lose a modstick tho... got one for each hand atm.
I'm thinking if we had separate sub-forums for opiates and benzos, it could get sticky when someone adds another drug into the mix. Then the topic wouldn't be about that specific drug. We would need a separate place for combos wouldn't we? A lot of people are polydrug users.
That makes sense. We could move the dangerous drug combination megathread into the combo sub-forum.

Empathegenics, psychedelics, performance enhancing, cannabis, opiates/benzos, stims, combos?

We could put them all in the same sub-forum category: DRUGS.
BDD and OD should be merged imo since we don't have volume to worry about anymore - we barely get 15-20 posts between them per day - and most mods are already mods of both forums anyway.

Sorry for going off-topic but what happened? OD used to get quite a lot more traffic not so long ago
Sorry for going off-topic but what happened? OD used to get quite a lot more traffic not so long ago

Starting around 2012 a lot of the forums (not just our site, but similar sites as well) saw a decline in participation. It was widespread, not focused on any region or subject matter. It's more of a general shift by the world's population with an internet connection such that what used to be housed on discussion forums like ours went to facebook groups, or other social media that allowed small groups to stay connected on a subject.
FWIW - we are discussing with effected staff to close down HOMELESS with the assumption that members will make their best guess on where to post a thread, and if it needs moving the mods will handle it accordingly.
Sorry for going off-topic but what happened? OD used to get quite a lot more traffic not so long ago

Well hey KK, you've missed out on a couple things in the last 11 months. Nice to see you back here though. If you could get Slo_Mobius to come back we'd have half the old band back together.
BDD and OD should be merged imo since we don't have volume to worry about anymore - we barely get 15-20 posts between them per day - and most mods are already mods of both forums anyway.

I was thinking something along the same lines myself. There's a lot of crossover with the same topics coming up in each forum - which encourages people to post the same question in each as they're not sure where it should go.
A way to customize/personalize which threads, forums and posters appear in the activity feed would be good.
What amount donated regularly would make a significant difference as in a bit of relief to the head honchos?

I dunno how much bl costs and would seriously consider making a direct debit into a bl account, IF it both helps and also I am convinced its contributing to a community, one that could use assistance and some plur.

I could have sworn the site was green when we lumbered across it, the purple it bleh lol, just chucking it up here just for reference.

As tlb says, traffic going to fb and now other juggernaughts is normal and just going to continue.

People come here from there as well, reddit especially.

Bl has had something that anywhere else has not. A lot of us keep in touch off the board in our lives, so theres something to be said about us.

A lot of us have also met and met and held events.

Other websites allow vendor discussion, it's probably a good idea to have a look into same, some vendors are shit and are dangerous allegedly, in terms of hr, that should be discussed at least.

Plenty of other areas that could be addressed and sorted out but it's a software upgrade, other stuff can be sorted out any time.

It's good to have upgrades and all, the history of BL needs preserving too.

Other Drugs in particular is a historically huge forum, thousands of posts a day at one point, many of which were unique and informative, a lot of work went into it.

If theres a question, its prol best to just answer it really , it would get tiring and same same but that's just part of the job?
Damn, Zephy, got any more of that old site images? I'd forgotten about the purple.
Yeah, in bobl theres a thread by xena, theres a web library of sorts.

My net connection isnt the greatest right now but follow the links from xena thread in best of and stand on your left foot you'll find all the things!