Mental Health Possibly going on Wellbutrin,need info about it


Oct 2, 2013
Hi all, I am a recovering heroin addict on a suboxone program. I have been on suboxone for over 4 years now at 10mgs daily, depression and an extreme lack of motivation to do anything have taken over me... probably side effects of long term suboxone maintenance. I have been stagnant in my life ever since I got on the subs, all I do is sit around, numb from my medication.

So my doctor suggested I try Wellbutrin, I don't know anything about this drug... she says it will help me be more motivated to change my life.. keep in mind though the goal here is nOT to get off of suboxone, I will go back to dope the second I get off subs and will die,I plan on staying on suboxone indefinitely.

I am just hoping that this welbutrin will maybe help me fight the lethargy, lack of motivation, etc that the suboxone causes. What are side effects of welbutrin? I am used to always being sleepy, relaxed so if i take welbutrin will I be hyper, on edge, etc ? How does this stuff make you feel? Will it actually make me want to change my life?

help me out... anyone on welbutrin for awhile tell me do you like it? does it hurt your sex drive ? thats the one thing the subs didn't take from me I still have an EXTREMELY high sex drive even after 4 years of being on the subs... does welbutrin fuck with you like that?

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is an NDRI. It is basically the most stimulating of all antidepressants. Definitely the go-to when there's a lack of energy/motivation, the factors you describe. It SHOULD provide you with the bit of a lift that you're looking for, and benefit you in many ways.

Of course, as with all stimulants, you could see an increase in anxiety symptoms, if that's a concern.

Even though this is a stimulant, you won't experience euphoric effects, just as a heads up.

Yes, if utilized correctly and circumstances are appropriate, your body responds appropriately, etc- this drug will provide you the little boost you need in order to get moving and your life rolling forward. But you can't make the mistake of thinking the drug will do it all on it's own- because that's far from the truth, and most of the work will ultimately be your responsibility.
You'll get nowhere otherwise, unfortunately.

As for sexual side effects, no, if anything, this drug will have a POSITIVE impact- as it's known to have (and even specifically prescribed for by medical professionals in conjunction with SSRIs and the like to negate their negative effects in this area).

As a side note, be sure to be conscious and aware of all drug interactions...

Any other questions I can assist with?

I liked Wellbutrin a lot, it was one of those antidepressants I responded to rather quickly in comparison to the SSRI's. Felt nominally better in about a week and a half. Actually I kinda miss it, maybe I'll bring it up with my psych next month... let us know how you like it
It made anxiety so much ,taking Wellbutrin it had enhanced all of my anxiety and irritability I already deal with
OP, as you can see, it's a mixed bag. I have taken this medication myself. The doctor will start you on a low dose. Simply convey how you feel after you start taking it. To me, it felt like a low to moderate dose of amphetamine. It doesn't cause euphoria in a get high way, but it has enough effect to make you happy by helping motivate you and lifting depressive symptoms.

You will respond to it or you will not. Very simple. When you take the medication, don't look for anything or over think it. This way you have a fair chance of responding to it.

If you have any side effects of concern, contact your physician.
Not the best idea IMO when coming off of Opiates , as it can increase anxiety a tonne. try some modafadil, it gives you energy with less sides. Hope you feel better fast
thanks for all the info guys i think i have made my decision, tomorrow i see my doctor i will tell her I'm ready... I'm a little nervous though I'm guna miss the old sleepy, mellowed, constantly numbed out me but i guess this is for the best
It made anxiety so much ,taking Wellbutrin it had enhanced all of my anxiety and irritability I already deal with

This. Same for me. What I will say about Wellbutrin is it worked better than any other antidepressant I'd ever taken to that point, and it worked immediately. However, it only worked for a few months, and then the added anxiety was no longer worth the trade off for me.

Stimulating it most definitely is. And I think for people who don't have constant anxiety problems along with their depression, it's one of the few ADs on the market that aren't total garbage and/or poison.
I have been on wellbutrin, but don't have personal experience with wellbutrin + suboxone. Everyone responds really differently to different types of antidepressants, so it's hard to really tell you what to expect. It IS somewhat more stimulating than other classes of ADs which tend to make you tired, but I didn't find it at all energizing. It didn't make me as tired as other ones and worked better too, but not by much. I actually took it at bedtime with no problems. Definitely a lot of people experience a big increase in energy and motivation though, and focus, etc. So, I suspect that's why your Dr is recommending it. I would try it, if it works, awesome and if not, try a different one. I know a lot of ADs helped my anxiety buy weren't that effective for depression, motivation etc and wellbutrin worked at least better than the rest but made my anxiety worse at times and gave me heart palpitations. The one that finally works well for mood and anxiety for me is the one I refused to try until I was desperate - effexor/venlafaxine, which is (if I remember correctly, the same or very similar class of ADs as wellbutrin). The only way you'll know how it will affect you is by trying it.
I went on Wellbutrin (Bupropion) like 13 years ago. I have anxiety but it doesn't make it any worse for me. I went on it because I had no energy. It seemed to help at the time. I've been on the same drug combo for quite some time with changes only to opiates. I've found it therapeutic in my drug combo. Good luck!
Snowy--one thing that's nice about bupropion is that unlike SSRI's, you should be able to get a good sense of how it affects you very quickly after starting (none of the waiting around for ~3 weeks common in other antidepressants). Now that you've decided to give it a whirl, I'd just recommend keeping an eye on your mood, motivation and anxiety during the first week or so.

FWIW, I've been on Wellbutrin two separate times in my life. The first time, it was too stimulating for me. I lost a lot of weight and couldn't sleep well. The second time was during a much worse depressive period--my shrink added it on top of two other antidepressants. That time, it was fine. And that time I was also on subs. I've never been quite sure why I tolerated it later in life. But I found it to be fairly helpful. I hope you do too!
With some reluctance, I started Wellbutrin 6 weeks ago. Started taking 150mg extended release. With the exception of a few good days that could be attributed to anything, I haven't noticed much of a difference aside from a serious increase in libido. Doc recently bumped me to 300 mg. On the higher dose I've had some increased anxiety and trouble sleeping but those are the only side effects so far. Trying to keep an open mind but it hasn't been a miracle drug for me.

I've read that Wellbutrin can decrease the threshold for seizures especially if you drink on it. I can't imagine it would be wise to take with Suboxone but ask your doctor. Good luck, OP.
Always important to pay attention to seizures. Ime, the worst of the side effects lessen over time. You need to let body get used to it.

If there is anxiety, take vitamins, sleep/trance producing herbs.

Worst case....., talk to your doctor.
There are medications both including and besides benzodiazepines, that can be prescribed to help the rough edges.

All I can add is to give it a fair chance.

Some people need to, but you don't need to increase past 300 mg. They work at that level.

Keep posting your effects. We like learning.
As others have said, give it a fair shot. I was on it for years. After getting off meds, then back on them, I tried it several times with more negative than positive effects. But when it worked, it worked really well. Theory goes that it may help with certain addictions too.
i took 150mgs on friday... 15 mins after taking it i actually felt a slight little buzz that energized me for the next half hour or so... then as the day went on i started to feel worse and worse. Cold sweats all day long, they came and went in waves, i had a migraine all day long, my mouth became so dry i could hardly dissolve my suboxone in my mouth...

i also chew tabbaco on a daily basis and with the welbutrin in my system i got no buzz and 0 enjoyment out of my dip, i also felt a slight nausea all day long, hardly had an appetite which is VERY rare for me, and actually i wasn't horny at all that day (I'm usually thinking about sex all day long) but not friday...

before anyone says "oh you only gave it one fucking day" i don't really care because I'm not going to push through weeks of these side effects for probably no end results.. maybe this medication is not for me, doing a lot of research what do you guys know/ think about vyvanse or modafinil for me? let me know what you guys think of those medicines.
Your doctor is incredibly unlikely to prescribe amphetamines, or even modafinil to an addict OP. Especially not for this application.

As for your experienced side effects with bupropion, these are pretty typical and should ease over time if you simply give it a shot for a little while longer. Keep In mind, almost all of your other possible options will also carry unpleasant side effects that take time to subside or require time to work at going one and done on this would not be wise at all, especially considering the same/similar timeframe you'd be dealing with regardless with any other option. The only options that produce immediate benefit and minimal negative sides are the ones you won't be prescribed- I'm sorry to be bearer of bad news, but that's the reality of medicine that we've in.

I really liked wellbutrin. The Psych said it would take a few weeks to kick in, but I felt it in a few hours. Very subtle, but turned my frown upside down, more morning energy, balanced sleep. However I did notice a lot of constipation with it so I couldnt really eat what I wanted. Also try to keep it time consitant

Now! Do not use anything psychoactive while on it. A previous psych prescribed a combo of welbutrin and an antipsycotic. That sent me on a heck of a tail spin. Then the next doctor prescribed it and I smoked some canabis a few weeks in and "cocococo" and super anxious.