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Possible overdose - Unsure of drug (Similar to MDMA) - Head shocks


Oct 17, 2015
So I got 10 caps of MDMA (apparently), after some hard research I'm not convinced it is MDMA.
I had around 8 Caps In 14 hours, with an approximate 1-2hr gap In Between each cap I took.
I've never tried any other drug other than weed, and I was really keen to try some MDMA. At least I thought it was.
It was 11:30pm and I tried it lying in bed first. I had one cap and it took about 35mins to kick in. At first I was really nervous when I was waiting for the effects to happen, thinking I would get a MASSIVE change in the way I see everything. It all build up slowly, firstly feeling like I was a tad heavier. Then feeling really happy and disconnected from the world. I found everything so beautiful, I found everyone so amazing, even the people I hated I loved. My whole body was tingling and just felt so good to move around in my own bed, it had never felt so comfortable before. I looked at the stars outside my window and only about 5 stars out of the 20 or so I could see were flashing rapidly, in the colour of a rainbow. Life just felt so perfect and magical. About 1hr and a half later I felt like I was coming down and life was beginning to feel bland again. So I decided to take another one. And I felt the same again. Next thing you know around 2hrs after that I took another one. Until I fell asleep.
I slept for about 2 hrs and 30 mins. And woke up and had one before school.
And then when I was coming down at school I had more and more.
In total I have had 7 in 9hrs.
The effect started to not feel the same. Not as amazing as the first time I had it.
I gave one to my mate in class and I gave another one to my friend after school. And I had one after school also. I stopped once I felt like my liver was punched really hard. And I knew I had to much and I got carried away.
It's been around 30 hrs since I had my last one after school.
I haven't been depressed yet (apparently you get depressed as an after effect but I haven't felt anything). But the stars are still flashing rainbows, and every 5 mins I get a brain zap. It's really irritating when I try to sleep. It feels like I strong powerful tingle in my brain. And it lasts for about half a second. And my body also feels weak if I stand for too long. Sometimes I zone out and stare at something for 5 mins without even realising.
So I need some questions answered.
I want to know if anyone has an idea of what drug I have taken (was told MDMA)
I want to know what the overdose limit is
And I want to know how long these after affects will last for, and if there is anymore to come.
Someone please get back to me, thanks.

Age: 15
- I have eaten today but I never ate when I was rolling
- Sleeping is getting back to normal, but brain zaps interfere.
No one will be able to tell you what you took. Use a Reagent kit in the future before you ingest chemicals of this nature. Just be lucky it was nothing dangerous bc you approached this unknown chemical very recklessly. By your story...btw...doesn't sound like MDMA
No one will be able to tell you what you took. Use a Reagent kit in the future before you ingest chemicals of this nature. Just be lucky it was nothing dangerous bc you approached this unknown chemical very recklessly. By your story...btw...doesn't sound like MDMA

Yeah ik I came towards an known drug that wasn't tested to recklessly, I'll be sure to test it next time. I guess I had so many because I felt like I depended on it to keep me happy and I didn't think about the effects it does to my body and alters my mind when I took the caps because all I worried about was being happy. Thanks for the heads up about the kit.
I would expect the zaps to last mainly another couple of days but they should be getting better around a week from now, in general you should be doing a lot better around a week from now but with how much sleep you're getting it could vary. Sleep is extremely important and the best possible sleep you can get will speed along your recovery, I hope you start to sleep better.

Taking some slow deep breaths and letting your thoughts relax for a while might help you sleep. Just focus your attention on the way your breathing feels, every time your mind wanders or thoughts kick up return your attention to the sensation of breathing.

These drugs typically release a chemical called Serotonin, when your brain is out of serotonin it doesn't matter how much more you take, your brain doesn't have any more to release. I believe brain zaps are from your serotonin being messed with, this will come back to normal with time.

If you were interested you could try a supplement called 5-HTP, this is what your brain makes serotonin out of. I would take 50mg in the morning if you were interested and see if it helps. If it makes you anxious/sleep worse or anything like that I would stop it immediately but it does seem to help recover serotonin. Not worth it if you notice it's messing up your sleep or whatever though.

If someone could confirm that zaps are from low serotonin (and not necessarily dysregulation serotonin) then by logic 5-HTP should help with the zaps, if anyone has experience with 5-HTP helping zaps that would be lovely too. I know they happen with SSRI withdrawals as well anyways..

On an personal note I think 15 is a little young for these kinds of drugs regardless of what it actually was, especially that many pills. I suppose you are probably kicking yourself for taking that many but don't blame yourself, just try not to make the same mistake twice :) But anyways, my advice would be to stick to weed+mushrooms in the future. They won't mess with your health as much. LSD can end up being research chemicals on blotter paper (which you don't want) but typically with mushrooms and weed you know what you're getting. Test kits are very important though, ESPECIALLY IF YOU GIVE PILLS TO FRIENDS! Taking bunk pills with friends can stir up a mighty shit storm in my experience lol.