Possession of Stolen Goods....


Apr 10, 2001
OK, so I'm wondering if say a person were to buy something that was stolen and later on the person that sold it to you got in trouble for stealing it and when questioned by the cops said that the goods were now in your possession is that enough to warrant a search of your house by the police?? I mean just because this person said that you now have it, is that good enough to warrant probable cause?? And say if the police show up saying "So and so said you have this." Can you just respond with "No I don't" and be done with it??
if it can be proven that it is stolen, and that you knew it was stolen, then you have enough for an arrest so i'd assume you could have a warrent for your house too
I would just have whatever it is they are looking for out in plain view so they don't have to do some type of thorough search. It is really your word against a theif's unless there is something like a serial number on it that they can track down.
As long as you didnt know it was stolen till the police told you about it I dont see any problems for you. But if you knew all along then you are probably facing Reciving Stolen Property. I just hope you didnt know about it, and comply with what the police ask of you. Give them the goods and try to be a "good samaritan"
to be safe you may want to find different storage for any goods that no one knows about that you may want hidden. Its better to play safe than sorry
Judas Priest! You guys must be the Three Stooges.

If you have the property, return it to the police. If not, tell them where it is located. Yes, there is most likely probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant.
yes its probable cause if they say you have it, its like an "anonymous tip".

i really doubt they will have success proving its stolen in court though if its something small, they probably wont bother unless its like a big screen tv or something and there is proof via camera you stole it.

if its from someone its slightly different but still what can they do if there is no real evidence besides someones mouth?
OK, I am going to post here this last time.

If you are in possession of stolen property and the person that stole the shit named your ass; you NEED to give the shit back.

Regardless of what these other "scholars" say, possession of stolen property depends upon whether you, or some other reasonable person, knew or should have known that the property was stolen when you received it. E.G., a $200.00 gold ring does not normally go for $25.00. Do you understand what I am saying.

Lastly, if the man gives you an opportunity to "turn the property over" and you do not, you can be charged with the additional charge of secreting stolen property.
Not only that...

it does NOT matter if you knew the property was stolen or not. If you can prove you did not know they will certainly take it easier on you in the sentencing, but 6th degree larceny is the possession of stolen property whether your know or not if what you possess is legal.

It sucks and its a shitty law but thats the way it works.
get rid of what ever you have before they come looking.

its really common sense here, because you dont have many choices.

1) hide it and hope they dont come with a search warrant
2) give it them if they ask and then hope they dont press charges
3)get rid of it and deny any and all involvement

option 3 looks to be the best way that gives you a reltively good chance to not have any trouble.

or give it your friend to hold, that always works.