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Poppys indoor

If I were to grow them indoors I would use a 50/50 peatmoss perlite medium, however i grew mine(Tasmanians ? White with purple inlays)in the 100 degree Las Vegas sun and the ones that grew did great, much larger than I expected and the latex was really strong, I could use the ooze from 2 pods on a cigarette and get a nice little buzz, I’m gonna try again soon I have a feeling it will turn out much better, Iv read nothing on growing them and this past run was a “set it and forget it” thing to see if it’s possible, we’ll find out if my thumb is still green
I grew some indoors recently. The resulting poppies were far stronger than any outdoor grown poppies I've had (and I have consumed many pounds of outdoor poppies).

So it certainly can be done. It was alot of work but it was also quite fascinating to watch them grow. I grew them in a little 4x4 grow tent (as well as another group in my garage).

A couple of things:

- Don't grow them during the summer unless you live somewhere where it doesn't get too hot, or you can control the temperature. The grow tent shouldn't reach over 80 degrees, and the young plants like colder temps (65-70 degrees).

- In the tent I used two inexpensive "600W" LED lights I bought on Amazon (the true output of these are like 60W).

- I used standard potting soil but I mixed in perlite at a ratio of 3 parts soil 1 part perlite

- Feed regularly with organic fertilizers and blood meal

Would recommend doing research, I read everything I could find on the subject of growing poppies.

However, I will never grow these again. I must have some Afghan blood in me because it turns out I was very good at growing these, and I wound up yielding far more than I anticipated. As someone who has been horribly and hopelessly addicted to opioids in the past, a good strong dose of this stuff thows off my already low functioning opioid system. About three to four days after drinking tea made from these pods, a slowly developing depression sort of comes over me, as well as joint pain, difficulty sleeping, skin sensitivity, etc. This state lasts for a good 10 days, maybe more. Not really worth it. So not going to grow them anymore.

I gave some to my girlfriend when she was having really bad period pain. Right after dosing her (a capsule with raw opium in it) I realized the dose was too high. I figured she might get sick, vomiting, etc, and figured worse case I might have to give her some naltrexone. I go to check on her an hour later and she looks absolutely fucked up, high as hell, scratching her face, etc. I asked her, "did I give you too much?", and with a raspy voice (as if she had just emerged from surgery and the general anesthetic is wearing off) she says, "No I think it was the right amount".

My girlfriend has no history of drug use and what is interesting is that I have given her opioids in the past to treat pain, opioids such as hydrocodone, tianeptine, o-desmethyltramadol and kratom, but she never seemed to enjoy the effect. The opium however was very different in that she seemed to actually enjoy it, and unlike the other opioids I've given her in the past, she has asked for the poppies again. But that was the last time she'll be having it.

Your post made me remember that time, ages ago, when my then gf (opioid virgin, 40 kgs) had the same issue like yours, a painful period.
I was a brainless young cunt on 120 mgs methadone and thought 10 or maybe 15 mgs of the stuff could help her.
Thanks God the girl was hesitant and conservatively took 5 mgs.
Two hours in and she was loving me so much, I was her caring angel, the wise and sweet lover who felt how bad she was and who knew exactly what she needed.

18... 24... 30 hours later and she hated me as the stupid fucker who had poisoned her, and just kept asking how fucking long would that shit last....
Don't use his or metal hallide, it's waaay too hot and the bulbs are a fire risk.

As stated before use an LED around 600-1000w and measure you PAR light to get the right lighting distance.

With his or metal halide youde not only risk fire hazard, astronomical electrical bills bit youde also have to add a dehumidifier and a air conditioner.

Never go above 1000Par or you will have to also add c02.

Not sure why people say poppies are difficult ultimately to grow? They are easily grown.
18... 24... 30 hours later and she hated me as the stupid fucker who had poisoned her, and just kept asking how fucking long would that shit last....

Yeah, right after I dosed her I realized that it was way too much and that what you described here was potentially going to be the outcome.

She would have had strong pain relief from half of what I gave her, instead I gave her a dose that would have been sufficient for post-operative pain from a kidney transplant.

She did end up throwing up a few times yet oddly still liked it enough to ask for it again. It wasn't a dangerous dose, but if she had appeared to be uncontrollably nodding off I probably would have given her some naltrexone.
Yeah, right after I dosed her I realized that it was way too much and that what you described here was potentially going to be the outcome.

She would have had strong pain relief from half of what I gave her, instead I gave her a dose that would have been sufficient for post-operative pain from a kidney transplant.

She did end up throwing up a few times yet oddly still liked it enough to ask for it again. It wasn't a dangerous dose, but if she had appeared to be uncontrollably nodding off I probably would have given her some naltrexone.

Exactly same thing.
I knew for a fact that was not a risky dose, but seeing how things went, I was afraid of her going into the nod and kept a permanent eye on her for two days.
It never happened, tho, and if you were to ask her today, she doesn't think about it as a bad experience at all. She just remember it was a little too much.
Don't use his or metal hallide, it's waaay too hot and the bulbs are a fire risk.

As stated before use an LED around 600-1000w and measure you PAR light to get the right lighting distance.

With his or metal halide youde not only risk fire hazard, astronomical electrical bills bit youde also have to add a dehumidifier and a air conditioner.

Never go above 1000Par or you will have to also add c02.

Not sure why people say poppies are difficult ultimately to grow? They are easily grown.

Yeah I would definitely not recommend HPS (and etc) unless you are able to control the temperature. Poppies don't like heat, especially the young plants. But even with temperature controlled well, HPS is a bad idea as poppies grow tall and will grow towards the light and try to touch it and get burnt. You would need a huge room with cold A/C to use those types of lights with poppies.

Plus it isn't necessary, they grow very well with LED and don't get exposed to excessive heat. My poppies turned into large bushes with LED's. I posted pictures in the bluelight discord a while back.

I also took a slow motion timelapse of them growing over night and it is pretty weird. They move around alot so in the video the stalks are kind of worming around like vines, it is pretty freaky.

They are kind of creepy plants actually, they have a spooky vibe to them. The flower petals don't remain for very long, and what emerges is this weird alien head 👽. The most addictive plant in the world: the plant that has enslaved millions.
Possibly but I highly doubt that.

With that being said it may just be an experience thing in which case I'd agree.

I've grown up with cannabis, mushrooms, cacti etc plus normal food items and herbs. So maybe I'm biased.

My grandma grew poppies in the front yard my whole young life and it was nothing to even talk about. Water at ph 6.1 every 5-6 days and that was about it.

Maybe things/genetics have changed? I have no clue.

Just seems odd to me a plant is hard to grow and make thrive with a lil effort and knowledge.

The only thing I really remember is they don't like to be over watered which is similar to alot of plants bearing from the east
Thank you guys for tips , sadly this shit with lights Sounds expensive whitch is not for me atm:/ i gues it cant hurt (me atleast) to give it a shot Like a hillbilly and learn with trial and error... But il' be prepared for NeXT season outdoors i gues.. might be a dumb qustion but poppy season is over now right? I ask coz it seems fun to hunt them in nature and god forbit in someones yard :s
They're sun lovers so you need a warm spot that gets plenty sunlight. They also don't like other plants crowding them so regular weeding is a must. Don't sow too close together. You might have to thin seedlings as they grow and I know that hurts 'cause you wanna maximize your yield, but you' ll get more out of 250 strapping plants than you will 500 weedy ones. Sow them in the position they are to grow, because they really don't take any attempts to transplant them. They want well-drained, fertile soil. Keep the soil moist but NOT wet until the seeds germinate, and after water only sparingly.

PS I never heard of anyone growing poppies indoors. Outdoors is already a hassle and indoors, in case that's even possible, simply not worth the expense.
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I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier, but this is not something that we do here guys. We don't help people acquire drugs in any way, shape or form. We are here to help adults who have chosen to use drugs, do so as safely as possible. The act of getting them is not something we do.
Hey @Keif' Richards .......I hear ya about this thread not being BDD material but growing poppies threads are all over the forum. There are several in DC and a few in other areas. We have decided that growing poppies is no different than growing weed and there are a boatload of growing weed threads in Cannabis Discussion.

I didn't see anyone asking where to get the seeds to grow them nor anyone sharing links for pods or sourcing. Just some tips on if they are viable to grow indoors. I'm gonna re-open this and move it to Drug Culture as it will be appropriate there. Here in BDD it has no real HR value.
Thank you guys for tips , sadly this shit with lights Sounds expensive whitch is not for me atm:/ i gues it cant hurt (me atleast) to give it a shot Like a hillbilly and learn with trial and error... But il' be prepared for NeXT season outdoors i gues.. might be a dumb qustion but poppy season is over now right? I ask coz it seems fun to hunt them in nature and god forbit in someones yard :s
I did a little searching online and poppies enjoy the light givin off from flouresent tubes, tubes are way cheaper to operate and you can get them at the same sources ,electrical contractors…

I found a few of these in a jobsite a few yrs ago when i had a small weed grow 3’x3’ in a spare closet,this was 1 of 2 i had like this is a 150w HPS, i also had a couple metal halides of similar size ,,electric cost was less because of smaller bulbs
question for everyone parrots poppies being some impossible force to transplant.

how many times have you tried to transplant young poppies?

and do you know how to transplant plants and their root systems in a safe manner?