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Poppy straw concentrate

Señor Moreno

Apr 27, 2022
Got some of this thing, and wanna be clear:
I've have not any chemical background and despite of been aware of some hungarian dude developing this method of obtaining alkaloids without extracting opium gum, this is the first time I see such a thing.

That said, I can't be specific but no money was involved and the source is legit
Thing is years old, maybe a decade; it is a kind of powder, almost dust, brown in colour and it has that vegetal look you can see if you open one of these herbal capsules they sell as suplements or wathever

Put some on foil and it is active, there is morphine in there. Taste is awfull and doesn't remind opium as it is not made from it. But it is weird, it has no bitter taste AT ALL, nor has it any kind of smell....

It is labelled ( Spanish and Latin) as " Concentrado de Paja de Adormidera/ /Extractum Papaverum Crudum, 50% A.M.A" Found out that A.M.A. means "Alcaloide de Morfina Anhidra", so anhydrous morphine alkaloid ( apparently, they also can concentrate A.C.A., alkaloid codeine, and A.T.A., tebaine...)

So this thing apparently has 50% of morphine in it, but what is the remaining 50%?
Have been reading about it and all I could find is them calling it "residue".
What kind of residue? Vegetal/plant matter? Some kind of chemical residue?

I would like if some of you in the know could help me here.
Obiously, I'm not going to do anything stupid like inject it, or ever plug without knowing what the fuck is that 50%, my goal is not getting high but obtaining pain relief, so I have been thinking about how safe or unsafe could be for me having some of it on a tea..

Btw, we are talking about a gram or two. Not enough matter for trying further extractions nor purifications, not with my lack of chem skills, anyway.

Hope a wiser or a more chemically versed person than me ( 97% of bluelighters, lol) will chime in to help me.
Thanks in advance.
How to post pics:

1) find a host - A lot of folks here use ImgBB - google it if you are not sure
2) load the pic to the host
3) At the top of the reply box there is series of icons, in the middle is a paper clip or two links of a chain, next to it on it's right is an icon of a picture - click on it.
4) past the address the image host gives you into the box and save.
5) Hit reply

Sit back and enjoy your pic on the internet :cool:
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Thank you Cheshire.
I am trying but for reason I fucking can't creaste a count. The username is required to have between 4 to 16 characters? Including letters, number and symbols. I did so and it keeps rejecting it.
Fuck it, I am too old for all this shit.

Anyway, if someone do have a clue of what the fuck is the other 50% I am asking for, I would be very happy if she/ he let me know
I'm in my 80's, so don't give up on learning new things in general. ;)
I don't remember having to create an account with ImgBB, I was almost sure that it is optional.

Take care
Once it's been washed you can make really STRONG teas' tentures and morphine out of it. To make morphine out of poppy straw, washing it is a must. It will not work unless it's washed. All that unwanted gunk interferes with the process. Also when you wash the straw and do an extraction is "Poppy Straw Concentrate." That left over concentrate can be eaten and will hit you just like a potent pain pill but it hasn't been chemically altered. Also you can vaporize the concentrate. Doing that brings smoking opium to a whole new level. It hits WAAAAAY harder and is WAAAAAAAY stronger then raw or cooked opium. Leaps and bounds stronger. Poppy straw is pretty much morphine base. If you do make morphine out of it, the morphine base will be purer then if you used raw opium to make it with.
This is what I found here in BL.
But it doesn't answer my question, I guess I will have to find it on my own
I am trying but for reason I fucking can't creaste a count. The username is required to have between 4 to 16 characters? Including letters, number and symbols. I did so and it keeps rejecting it.
Fuck it, I am too old for all this shit.
There are image hosters which don't require a registration, like imguploiad. Just drag and drop your image, then upload it and select "direct link", this is what you post here as the picture url!
Thanks, Plumbus, I might try it...

But, just to be honest, I think people who could help me with this shit wouldn't need to see pics.

Maybe may I find a way to send pics anyway.
Even when it looks exactly like I first posted: brown kind of powder
No more, no less.
It would be a mixture of some of the numerous minor benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, along with some tannins, resins, etc. One crude test of the ratio of tannins to minor alkaloids would be how subjectively "tangy" it is. My guess is that tannins and resin content is very low given the solvents they used to make it.
Oh, just saw the "tasting notes".

Odd that it isn't bitter. It should be.

Can't imagine anything with 50% morphine by weight wouldn't taste intensely bitter.
Oh, just saw the "tasting notes".

Odd that it isn't bitter. It should be.
That is what I thought, but reading the whole post from that dude I quoted, he said same thing.
No taste, no smell....
There is morphine there, that is for sure
It sounds kind of like ground up poppy pods but I could be wrong.
No, it is a procedure some dude invented.
Long time ago. ..
First they make " poppy granulate" like 5 to 15 % morphine, like opium.
Then they keep centrifugating the granulate until they made the " concentrate"
Only doubt I have is what is the remaining 50%.
I will asume that is some inactive plant matter
It would be a mixture of some of the numerous minor benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, along with some tannins, resins, etc. One crude test of the ratio of tannins to minor alkaloids would be how subjectively "tangy" it is. My guess is that tannins and resin content is very low given the solvents they used to make it.
Sorry, didn't read your post until now

do you think you could do it orally?
It works vaped, but I feel it being wasteful as I have very few stuff...
No, 50% morphine.

They have a procedure where they take poppy straw (pod and nearest few inches of stem) and then they do:
1° crushed pods
2° granulate
3° concentrate
4° purified

They can concentrate and purified it into morphine or codeine or thebaine.

A.M.A. is for alcaloide morfina anhidra
A.C.A. is for alcaloide codeína anhidra
A.T.A for alcaloide tebaina anhidra.

What I have is the first.

Pm me if you feel like and I will tell you about a pdf where you can see it.