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Opioids Poppy seed tea and yellow color


Dec 27, 2005
Does the yellow colored liquid from washing poppy seeds come from the seed oils, or does it mean that there's good stuff there? :)
The finished product will turn a yellowish color, but if it's cloudy that means some of the seeds broke open (doesn't usually happen on first and second wash). Generally, you will be able to tell more about the quality of the seeds by how they look rather than the resultant liquid from washing them.
The yellow color comes from the opium alkaloids dissolving in the liquid. If they're strong enough it will become more brown than yellow.

The oils from the seeds will look like an oil slick on the surface of the liquid. You should be shaking them up for 5-7 minutes, and after the second wash, there's no point, in my experience, of doing any more. You want to avoid the oils.