• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Politically motivated science isn't science, it's propaganda


Bluelight Crew
Jul 29, 2004
There are plenty of examples of such things, but one very personal to me, is the state sponsored science regarding methoxetamine.
In the interview I did for Hammilton Morris, I stated that methoxetamine came about in an effort to create a dissociative that treated neuropathic pain, while not damaging bladders or psyches the way ketamine can.
Now, I really didn't fully appreciate that the drug I came up with would turn out to have such a potential for other purposes. There is a study(!), from a Chinese uni stating that mxe causes bladder damage. That was only in one species (rat) and only because the poor fucking creatures were fed doses that equated to humans spending 24 hours a day, in a state of dissociative anaesthesia (and it's difficult to abuse a drug, or anything for that matter, if you're fucking unconcious for three months - how long they had to administer it to the rats to get any statistically significant signs of bladder damage). Funny that the study came from a govmnt uni in a country that was starting to get a load of shit for supplying new psychoactive substances, eh?
In the years of people caining mxe like it was going out of fashion, there is not one report of mxe induced bladder damage, in humans (so, I reckon I pretty much achieved one of my goals, despite attempts at scientific propaganda. I never expected mxe to stand out as a drug as much as it has, but I suppose I over-achieved when it came to a dissociative that was more friendly to the psyche (as evidenced by the way it took off as an RC). It even outperforms ketamine as a treatment for extremely severe depression (I was doing a literature search for a firm, up until my wife died, as no one in their right mind would sink the sort of money to get it seen as a legit medicine, on the sayso of some mad bastard, hippie druggie).I still need to get back to completing it, as I would like to see mxe accepted as the gold standard for antidepressants (not for any monetary gain, although my two nieces and my step-son wouldn't be complaining if I left any shares etc for them, in my will). My reason was that (as I stated to my wife), I wanted to leave this world a better place than the one I was born into and pharmacology was the obvious way to achieve it, by helping a large group of people suffering from depression that was thought unresponsive to drug treatment.
I'm not blind to the fact that it has problems (some serious), but the benefits could surpass the drawbacks by a country mile. I'd just hate to think that the political shit would take as long to be countered, as the way psychedelics were classed as high abuse potential, with no accepted medical use (as I'll be worm food, well before then), which is only being accepted now, 55 years after Nixon went apeshit and wanted the death penalty for supply of LSD etc.
Other drugs, such as cannabis, ibogaine etc have had equally shit, politically motivated propaganda levelled against them, which turned out to be bollocks, all in service of 'the war on drugs'. Even Russia has more chance of winning a war than the war on drugs.
My journalist friend, who I've helped with technical/scientific info for his stories and book and who put me in contact with said pharma company, is going to do a podcast (and other things), to correct info about how mxe came about (would have done it earlier, except the potential for hurting my folks, I deemed too great - I think I've caused them enough pain). Also, I've been told someone in London, is going about saying he created it. What a sad fucker he must be, pretending to be me, so I'm claiming it's an act of mercy!

Useful links. The latter is one of the few things I support financially. The SuperMab disaster was totally avoidable. Previous CD28 studies showed man to be 100x more active than in almost all animals. A previous but unpublished study showed it.
Were moving through the propaganda stage into the pure data driven stage. Preplanned economy, peoples minds known by companies through analyzing data the person interacts with online.

The Speed of Science and all the profit driven politicallymotivatex science is evil and sick. It really is a mess.

I havent seen ANY MXE in many years. I only did some once. Synth it up and investigate