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Benzos PLZ Help!!! Vallium Taper Stuck

Hey man thanks for the reply! I appreciate you sharing your experience it sounds like their are a great many similarities between our path.

Can I ask how many mg of Valium you were tapering?

I was only tapering from 10mg valium but my situation was pretty unique. I was a multi-decade poly user/drunk/rocker, I have done so much booze and ket I had already started intensely upregulating my glut and downregulation gaba systems. Then my best friend passed away. I started really drinking heavily and doing more nitrous and k, i started to get extremely aggressive AWS symptoms (my brain on fire w aceteldehyde and glutamate while continuing to try and party) which i started treating with diazepam. that grew to 10mg a day and i had been doing ket 3x daily for multiple years. by the time shit completely hit the fan in the way you describe that's where i was at. I might have upped my dose to 15 or 20 during the crash course off of ethanol after several ER admissions, but i am not certain, it was a terrifying blur.
I've never tried NALT, I've been using the BPC for about 3 weeks and have not noticed any negative effects if anything I think it's helping slightly. I am taking that in capsule form, were you injecting it? I've looked into Ketamine infusions but have a needle phobia so never have pursued it it lol.
I was injecting it and eating it. it seemed helpful while on it, it's coming off it made me much more sensitive to gaba agents/ taper effects. my friend who is tapering from 120mg diaz noticed it too.. it's almost like it potenitiates and then leaves things more damaged when it wears off (just our experience, ymmv). ketamine can be good for ptsd/depression intervation when adminned by a dr every few months. (although i still would not do it in the state you are in)
I do think while our situations are similar in the end your's and mine's individual body is going to react to any "helper meds" BPC Amanita etc. differently. I definitely agree with you on the PTSD gaba/glutamate axis and benzos. It's unreal. Amanita I had less success with for example as well as micro dosing shrooms, haven't tried those in months. It sounds like both of us put a lot of time to trying to find things to help, anything lol.
of for sure. highly personal, just throwing out what was helpful out of the vast array of crap i tried. in the end, i checked into ER again and a nurse looked at my chart. took me aside and was like "you're taking too much shit. we're never going to be able to figure this out, and neither are you" ... he was right. I've gotten down from alpha/beta blockers, baclofen, oxycodone, nsaids, nalt, bpc, weed, kratom, gabapentin, flexeril, clonidine, ethanol, ketamine, diazepam, nicotine (wow, it looks even worse when i write it out) - at one point all of that daily to

now at : 15mg prop, 10mg hydrocodone, nicotine, weed.
I will be doing the final jump off that 10mg of hydro and then the beta blockers, then the nicotine and be left with: weed. :) taken me 5 years since burn injuries/PTSD diagnosis to shed it all. phew.

my experience with amanita has been hit or miss, and IMO really depends on how well decarbed/the alkaloids in a specific specimen. I have had some amazing experiences with it. and it was most useful on days i would drop an entire milligram in the last few milligrams of taper.1-3g of amanita over the day would make that doable vs pulling teeth without (that was the best use i found of it. to this day i only eat about a gram at a time)
My starting to take Remeron while not wanting to go on an antidepressant and having been on them previously has enabled me to eat and sleep, 2 things that I have not had and was pushing me to the brink of insanity. The Remeron has also greatly reduced my tremors, slurred stuttering speech, and ability to walk where before I was falling down even going to the bathroom.
this also might be a function of time/stablization at the current diazepam dose and the timing just lined up w the rem. not saying it is, just a possibility. after the pandemic, i personally am getting off anything that requires a non-local supply line as soon as it's not life or death, but that's a personal matter.
Right now I am holding my Valium dose because I ended up having an extremely traumatizing experience a few weeks ago with my family at a loss driving me to Tennessee to take me to a detox center only to find out they were an ultra rapid detox center after being lead to believe it was a PTSD dual diagnosis longer term inpatient facility. Despite that and partly because we had already driven there my family began pressuring me to go in triggering Psychosis and panic attacks where I was literally dying. I collapsed on the ground resigned that this was my end until at the last minute my brother and mom said "we can't do it, you are coming home."
thank goodness. this process is really not understood in America -- doubly for people with PTSD. I'm honestly glad i found this account because I thought the withdrawals i was experiencing were bonkers and eventually figured out that it was the ptsd that was the threshold. this is confirming my suspicions - thanks for helping me feel less crazy!
I also practice zen meditation! twice a day can't survive without it.
hmm. need to up my sits. only been doing 1.
I use baclofyn and all the other meds my psychiatrist and neurologist have given only "as needed", I find baclofyn to help with depersonalization spells, gabapentin 100mg works then I feel like shit so I only take it if I'm having severe suicidal ideation.

other than Remeron and buspar (buspar was prescribed at the same time as the Valium but it literally does nothing so I am phasing that out). Was taking 45mg Buspar now at 30mg and will soon be off it no problem.

Right now I am taking daily just the Remeron, Buspar (tapering off), and Valium (down to 18.8875 mg from 22.5 mg).

I do take supplements Omega 3, Tumeric, Magnesium, Ashwhaghanda, Multivitamin, and B-vitamin but I have taken those supplements for years and don't really want to make changes to those as they have served me well and before the Vallium I was living medication free only taking herbs vitamins meditating and doing yoga. I miss those days.

I think everyone has a breaking point, my mom actually gave me the Remeron in the midst of psychotic breakdown in Tennessee where I was dry heaving in a trash can and screaming to die. I guess what I mean to say is I am trying not to create more layers of anxiety or guilt on myself for taking something because I am already so hard on myself and feel constant guilt and shame.
to be clear - i am/was not suggesting dropping anything to say "you're bad" "you're weak" or anything like that. I only suggest it because it's literally what has made me feel better as i stabilized after the taper. I had all those pills etc as a security blanket from the trauma of the taper, but after it was actually done(and possibly during) and especially after coming off, it's apparent that a lot of weird side effects/effects were if not from, then brought out by the other meds all interacting. There's a lot happening w the BP/endocrine system that is really hard to regulate, sometimes things work, sometimes they don't. good example -coming off opes this time is totally different! after so much titration, but still w the PTSD i get no real physical effects, just reinstatement of PTSD symptoms and WILD blood pressure swings from brady -> tachy. it's crazy ;/
I am also in trauma therapy and Reiki healing though the talk therapy seems to just make me feel exhausted so I am considering holding off on the therapy for a bit because I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and not be gentle or loving towards myself (childhood abuse).
EMDR with a licensed trauma therapist was priceless. TMS is good when your brain electrics work properly. I plan to do Wim Hoff cold immersion stuff as well. that is reported to have good help w trauma response. martial arts and meditation as well.
Thanks again for reaching out with a response, both of us have a bond in a way that no one on the outside looking in can ever truly understand.

One question I was going to ask was I am at the point now where I've lost everything in my life and feel like I need something to look forward to in the future. I have an Master's degree and want to get a PhD and there are open applications for next fall 2022. I would need to fill out the application by January 2022 but I was thinking that maybe if I had something in my life to aim for it could help accelerate my healing? Or do you think it would be too soon?

I've been out of work living with my family for 10 months and my savings is quickly being drained to nothing so I also feel this immense pressure at 39 about to turn 40 to have some kind of outlook on the future to give me hope.
wow that hits home. I've been struggling to get back to work for 5 years after burns/PTSD first hit, was mostly together/successful until the friend death and this diaz/ethanol fiasco. Now it's back to square 1. also 39 going on 40 wondering wtf happened to the last 10 years of my life... BUT. I have more empathy, more insight and more wisdom than I ever did. some great job offers and awesome projects on the table, and people really respond to how real i can talk to them on a number of subjects. and as we know from zen - whether the thought is positive or negative, it will pass. The benzo wd after cessation took about 8/9 months for me to start feeling human again. that was just me, universe willing you will heal more quickly. you don't have (i hope) the ethanol/ket history i do. but here's the other thing -- pressure to what?? does buddha feel pressure under the bodhi tree? does a frog feel pressure to sit on a pad?? buddha did not achieve enlightenment til 36, and we have much longer life spans now. I think there is a lot to achieve, and i have seen first hand how plastic/repairable the brain is. the main thing it needs is rest, freedom from stress, good nutrition, exercise, and (IMO from coming off everything) a chance at homeostasis, or as close to it as possible.

i agree, it's a very difficult thing to understand. until someone has had BP 180/110 165+ HR with walls melting, hearing voices shaking so badly you can't open a doorknob while blackness and spots creep into the eyes / tunnel vision and every cell/fiber screams
someone is coming to kill you while you swear you have your fingers in a 110v socket... for months.. I feel like after this year i have a much better understanding of hellraiser/the cenobites.. I don't think they are catholic demons. I think they appear that way because that's who
they are appearing to. they are completely dispassionate in delivery. It's just their job. I think they are tibetan buddhist end of cycle deities/demons whose job it is to flay karmic attachment from the newly dead to help them our of samsara. lol. this all occurred to me in a panic state recently ;) but yeah. unbelievable really. and a huge humbling/learning experience. I'm just glad it's mostly over and i did not completely burn my brain to cinders.
Thanks so much again for taking the time to talk, it means a lot.
likewise man. stronger with shared experience. that's what bluelight is all about. i hope some of this is helpful, dm me if you'd like to chat more.
Pregabalin is the one I am considering, do you think the relief is worth the physical dependence? I just feel like I can't go on without a pain "bridge" to get me through. I feel like if I can just get off the benzo then I can wean off the Remeron and Pregabalin after.

I cold Turkeyed off Paxil and other stuff no prob but this... with the PTSD, it's just not bearable and I feel ashamed to admit that.
ive seen some friends wd from high dose pentanoids and had equally bad/worse experience than the bzds. one that was on an absurd diaz and pregab dose daily that would fully flip out about his pregab before the val, though the pregab does wear off faster. Just saying, i'd be REAAAAALLLY careful. the few times I've taken it it has it's own body squirmy/terrible anxiety rebound.
Hello everyone, thanks in advance for reading this and offering any help/suggestions are so greatly appreciated.

So I was prescribed Vallium 3x daily for PTSD in 2019 which I have taken every day, 15mg for a year (psychiatrist bumped to 30mg after a year but I only went up to 22.5mg 7.5 x3 daily).

In December of 2020 I was hit with tolerance withdrawal and every benzo symptom you can imagine.

After going up to the 22.5mg it had no effect I knew I was is in trouble. What began was a nightmare beyond comprehension that I am still living today.

I began using the Ashton Method and cut 2.5mg and kept a journal and pain 1-10 scale and logging how many days I've been on each taper. The following 55 days on just the first 2.5 cut were filled with hallucinations, depersonalizations, certainty of my own death, constant sweating from the palms, heart palpitations, psychosis, suicidal ideation, the works.

Around day 50 I was living alone (I'm 39) at the time I called and told my dad I needed to stay with him for fear of taking my life. I was with him for about a month and began tapering again this time 1 mg but had similarly horrific symptoms (bedridden, tremoring, hiding under my bed and feeling pain that words will never be able to describe) Another couple months passed and I got a liquid version of my cut dose and proceeded to cut .125 mg as I thought maybe I could just do mini cuts. Once again the same cycle of unbearable symptoms followed.

It has been a total of 10 months since the beginning of my taper journey, I have lost my apartment, my job, my father essentially said "you can't stay here this is too much for me" and I now live with my brother's wife.

Below is a list of medications/drugs I have tried or been prescribed, I have seen multiple psychiatrists as well as a neurologist, homeopathic doctor, and reiki healer.

Gabapentin: (seems to make me feel better than worse at even 100mg. My psychiatrist wants me to take a high dosage.)
Baclofyn: A few hours of relief at 15 mg doses but nothing great and I don't want to become dependent on another pharmaceutical but that might be unavoidable?
Clonidine: Shit.
Propanolol: Heart palpitations reduced but that's it and again don't want to polydrug
Prazosin: lowered blood pressure but not much else
Buspar: Currently taking 30mg daily as I was also prescribed that at the time of Vallium. Never seems to do anything
Phenobarbital: Neurologist suggested this and I took one 30mg pill and hallucinated and tremor symptoms worse they have ever been for about 5 days. Have not taken again since
Remeron: I am currently taking this 7.5mg morning and 7.5 night. Has helped sleep and appetite (I have lost 40 pounds in the last 10 months)
BCP-157: Peptide that has been shown to effect Diazapam tolerance, ordered and have taken for about 3 weeks now and have not noticed any differences
Micro dosing shrooms: Mild relief but only lasts a couple hours, I think Vallium minimizes the effects
Microdosing Amanita: The mushroom for which benzos are derived, have taken a micro dose a few times but have not felt any great relief compared to others on forums

I am now sitting at 18.8875 mg of V a day 10 months later only having been able to go down 3.whatever mg and am only now somewhat stable due to holding the taper and the Remeron but I am still suffering greatly and am in tolerance still but I can walk around and eat food and talk.

The past couple months I was stuttering and unable to formulate coherent sentences.

So here I am now in the present utterly traumatized by how long this has gone on, I consider myself to be able to have high willpower but the amount of unbearable suffering that I have gone through has left me utterly shattered and hopeless. I had considered going to a detox facility but the horror stories and length of time in Ohio is absurdly short (like 2 weeks max) and my symptoms don't usually start becoming "unbearable" until about 14 days probably due to the drug's half life.

I keep reading over and over about V being the magical taper benzo and everyone slowly weaning off of it but my body must be different. I have had genetic testing and other tests, I know I have a hyper rapid metabolism which I think might be why V has never lasted long for me at all. I tried switching over to Klonopin and that was a train wreck.

Lyrica is the only other option I haven't tried, I have an appointment with a Psychiatrist tomorrow and am debating whether to suggest this or any other med. He claimed he could taper me off in 10 months. Do you guys think that is possible? Is there something uniquely wrong with me? Does my PTSD and childhood trauma factor in to why this benzo taper is so horrific? One psychiatrist said I should address the trauma first but I have already completed CBT, EMDR, eat healthy, but out all alcohol, and meditate twice a day. What am I missing or doing wrong?

I feel ashamed, weak, so psychologically fragile and at a loss.

Thank you from he bottom of my heart for reading this and taking the time to respond. All the best,

Sweet Jesus!!!! And I was actually going to ask my Doc today to bump up my xanax through the holidays and then slooooooooooowly taper off completely. I am at day 10 off heroin. One vice at a time. I have also been at day 10 a couple times in the past 4 months, with 12 days being my max before I break down and make the call.

DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER THIS! What you have managed to accomplish already, and frankly the most frightening story yet I've read on tapering benzos, is Herculean at the very least.

But I do wonder about the severity of your symptoms? Like an allergy possibly? I'm gunning for you. You've got guts, mate. I would have crumbled at day 5!

I sincerely hope you get some better answers or advice and I want to believe there is relief coming soon for you. Take care.

p.s. NOT bumping up my dose. I've been at 1mg for over a year. Kinda small, I guess. But I know what playing with fire is like. Unfortunately I like to get burned.
Sweet Jesus!!!! And I was actually going to ask my Doc today to bump up my xanax through the holidays and then slooooooooooowly taper off completely. I am at day 10 off heroin. One vice at a time. I have also been at day 10 a couple times in the past 4 months, with 12 days being my max before I break down and make the call.

DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER THIS! What you have managed to accomplish already, and frankly the most frightening story yet I've read on tapering benzos, is Herculean at the very least.

But I do wonder about the severity of your symptoms? Like an allergy possibly? I'm gunning for you. You've got guts, mate. I would have crumbled at day 5!

I sincerely hope you get some better answers or advice and I want to believe there is relief coming soon for you. Take care.

p.s. NOT bumping up my dose. I've been at 1mg for over a year. Kinda small, I guess. But I know what playing with fire is like. Unfortunately I like to get burned.
Good for you with 12 days ,your over the hump and the worst is behind you , for me once I passed the 7 day mark I felt slightly better everyday,
I like Xanax more than Valium but for tapering your dose down Valium will work better ,maybe look into that before approaching the doc for a dosage change with xanax
EMDR with a licensed trauma therapist was priceless. TMS is good when your brain electrics work properly. I plan to do Wim Hoff cold immersion stuff as well. that is reported to have good help w trauma response. martial arts and meditation as well.
Thanks for all your responses man, it really means a lot. Did you do EMDR after you finished getting off the benzos?

I just don't know where to go starting today. Sweat is pouring out of my hands as I write this and like I said I've only been able to taper down 3.5ish mg in 10 months. That leaves me with 4-5 years of this level of hell tapering, that is ludicrous.

I can't take helper meds, I can't just stop taking Valium C/T, I can't taper any faster without having complete psychosis and suicidal ideation unbearable bedridden torture pain.

I mean today all of my symptoms are just punishing. I live with brother's family and I have to put on a smile but I really don't how much longer I can hang on man. I'm in serious trouble.
Everybody on benzos should be taking at least 4,000 IU's of vitamin D as well as C and a B-complex
Thanks for all your responses man, it really means a lot. Did you do EMDR after you finished getting off the benzos?

I just don't know where to go starting today. Sweat is pouring out of my hands as I write this and like I said I've only been able to taper down 3.5ish mg in 10 months. That leaves me with 4-5 years of this level of hell tapering, that is ludicrous.

I can't take helper meds, I can't just stop taking Valium C/T, I can't taper any faster without having complete psychosis and suicidal ideation unbearable bedridden torture pain.

I mean today all of my symptoms are just punishing. I live with brother's family and I have to put on a smile but I really don't how much longer I can hang on man. I'm in serious trouble.
I was doing the EMDR before and after, I was too fucked up during the taper to continue with my therapist and i stopped for a while, then picked back up. --- So, couple of questions -- do you ever stabilize/get used to a dose after a length of time on it? .... Have you spoken to a neurologist? I have found multiple people on the benzobuddies site that just... well, they destroyed their seizure threshold w benzos, get grand mals any time off of them and have to take daily phenobarb or something similarly heavy to deal w managing their gaba signalling. not saying this is the case, but i am saying speaking to a neurologist would help rule it out.
I was doing the EMDR before and after, I was too fucked up during the taper to continue with my therapist and i stopped for a while, then picked back up. --- So, couple of questions -- do you ever stabilize/get used to a dose after a length of time on it? .... Have you spoken to a neurologist? I have found multiple people on the benzobuddies site that just... well, they destroyed their seizure threshold w benzos, get grand mals any time off of them and have to take daily phenobarb or something similarly heavy to deal w managing their gaba signalling. not saying this is the case, but i am saying speaking to a neurologist would help rule it out.
thanks for continuing to reply. I saw a neurologist who gave me a script for phenobarb and only took it once had a horrible reaction to it. I guess I could see another neurologist? I don’t know my whole family is here today because of how bad I am. They want me to reach out to this psychiatrist who wants me to take the gabapentin and other stuff. He thinks he could get me off the Valium in 10 months using other meds..Of all the people I’ve reached out to he’s the only one confidently saying he can help me but then I read about the whole polydrug dangers so I don’t take stuff and try to taper and it’s always a 50+ day cycle of pain, i can’t take this, suicidal ideation, psychosis, pain continues for each cut and even when I “stabilize” it’s still a matter of the 4th dimension of hell rather than the 11th.
thanks for continuing to reply. I saw a neurologist who gave me a script for phenobarb and only took it once had a horrible reaction to it. I guess I could see another neurologist? I don’t know my whole family is here today because of how bad I am. They want me to reach out to this psychiatrist who wants me to take the gabapentin and other stuff. He thinks he could get me off the Valium in 10 months using other meds..Of all the people I’ve reached out to he’s the only one confidently saying he can help me but then I read about the whole polydrug dangers so I don’t take stuff and try to taper and it’s always a 50+ day cycle of pain, i can’t take this, suicidal ideation, psychosis, pain continues for each cut and even when I “stabilize” it’s still a matter of the 4th dimension of hell rather than the 11th.
I feel you 100%. I just had to push through, but i had impending runout of pills and a runaway global pandemic driving me to do that. As I said, i was fully out of my mind for a good four months gradually returning to earth around 9. I managed, and functioned/fed myself but under a constant barrage of bodily symptoms punctuated by bouts of severe suicidal ideations/intrusive thoughts/straight up out of control parts of my brain screaming/making noise all the time. most likely I was only able to deal from prior experience with psychedelics, and the fact life was essentially shut down. if the doc thinks they can stabilize you its worth a shot, I was not under any medical care and did not want to arrive at hospital in middle of covid admitting to being on non-rxed materials.. if i had had that option, i almost certainly would have taken it.
Good for you with 12 days ,your over the hump and the worst is behind you , for me once I passed the 7 day mark I felt slightly better everyday,
I like Xanax more than Valium but for tapering your dose down Valium will work better ,maybe look into that before approaching the doc for a dosage change with xanax
Well...update. Spent about 30 hours in a kinda hellish benzo withdrawal. I guess I had no idea how swiftly xanax turns on you. I've been at 1mg for over a year and had one too many panic attacks this past week. So, ran out early. Had to have an emergency dose called in, which I was extremely grateful for, especially since dickwad pharmacist wasn't going to do it. I still don't feel right and I've got til
tomorrow to pick up my regular script. Its only 8pm and I know I'm close but...So, I def want off the benzos. Had a long talk with my PCP and she said we will progress and titrate down and off sloooowly.

Fuck. Worse to me than 72 hours of dope withdrawal, which is its own very special kind of hell.

And: just as I had counted on happening....my dealer calls today to ask what I need. I have not made up my mind yet. Not gonna lie, its always so fucking tempting. And I have already "played the tape to the end", so I know how defeated and shitty I will feel if I cave. I haven't had 12 days in over 8 years.
Why isn't your dealer switching you from Alprazolam to a longer acting but not quick acting benzodiazepine? She sounds like she's one of those idiots who work for the NHS. The ones that do those dances in the Halls late at night real sickos...
And why isn't your doctor respecting your desire to avoid his wares? Sounds like he hasn't taken a Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm. Call him up and say that he's fired and ask him to please not call you. However if you call him that's different. You own your responsibility to yourself and he respects the fact that you're trying to get your life straightened out.