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Bupe Plugging suboxone films that have naloxone in it


Jul 15, 2020
Hi! I’ve searched through many old posts on here in regards to how to plug suboxone. But it all seems to be referring to the Subutex tablets that have no naloxone in it.
Will I be able to plug the suboxone films with the naloxone in it without any undesirable effects? It won’t give me PWD will it?

How many ML of water should I use to dissolve a 4mg strip?

and is it generally safe to Plug 4 to 8 mg of suboxone films? My tolerance to bupe is quite high. I’ve been taking 16-32 mg a day.
And does it matter if the water is cold or warm? Much thanks In advance.
I used to do it to try and extend how long my stash lasted. At the time I was trying like hell to stay off roxies. This was years ago, so before fent presses were a thing. And I damn sure dodged that bullet. So anyway, I didn't have health insurance and the only couple doctors that prescribed subs charges prices that were just plain out of my budget. I ended up finding another former pill addict through a using buddy who had gotten himself a unnecessarily large Suboxone script. 16mg a day, I think. He quickly realized he could easily get by with 8mg a day and started selling my his extras.

It's been my experience that after the initial acclimation period it is really easy to taper subs down to a pretty small dose. I also know quite well that opiate addicts have a high rate of relapse. So the plan was to buy as many subs as this dude would sell me, taper myself down to the lowest manageable dose and hopefully make them last as long as I could. And of course this fuckin guy stops going to the sub doc and gets back on roxies after like 3 or 4 months.

By then I was down to 2mg a day and if I was going to lower it again to conserve the stash of subs I'd saved over the previous months I needed a plan. I'd never plugged any drug before, but I was aware of the concept because I had friends that plugged ecstasy back in our raving days if the early 2000's. So here's the pertinent information...

You can get an oral syringe for free at almost any pharmacy. If I ever felt like I was getting a funny look I'd tell the person that my cat had kittens and the runt of the litter isn't nursing, so I need the oral syringe to feed it kitty formula. I usually asking for a 5ml size, since it's not too big, but still can hold more than enough liquid. It was also a bit easier to hold onto compared to the smaller sizes. With the Suboxone films, each time I opened one I'd use tweezers and little scissors to cut it into 8 equal squares. Those would be my 1mg doses. I'd wrap each dose in a tiny square of aluminum foil. That's to keep it safe and also because I have mild ocd. What you want to do is pull the plunger out of the back of the syringe. Make sure it's dry in there so the little piece of sub doesn't stick to the side right at the top. Drop in the sub, seeing that it reaches pretty close to the bottom, near the tip. Put the plunger back in. You don't have to press it all the way in, I usually left a tiny bit of room so I didn't squish the sub and have it stuck to the inside. Use warm water. The warmer the better, in my experience. You're gonna have to hold your finger over the tip and shake the damn thing to get that sub to dissolve. Warm water makes this a bit easier. However, be warned that water that's too hot will be quite a surprise once it's in you. I used a dab of Vaseline to get her ready, then in the chute about 2 inches and press the plunger.

My overall thoughts? If you are absolutely desperate to make a small supply of subs stretch further, it's.....a somewhat helpful option. All in all though, Lotta work for not much improvement. I ended up tapering down to 0.5mg a day while just using them sublingually. Then for the last little bit I made an alcohol tincture by dissolving subs in vodka and putting it into a little bottle with an eyedropper. I had it worked out so that each drop of the infused vodka should contain 0.2mg. I applied those drops either under my tongue or between my lower lip and gums.

Anyway man, good luck. Hopefully you got some kind of useful info from this long ass post.
You asked about PWD... you only get preciptated withdrawal if you're physically dependent on other opiates, and you take suboxone before you're fully in withdrawal. The reason it happens is that the binding affinity for buprenorphine is so high that it kicks most any other opioid out of the receptors, and being only a partial agonist itself, you will sudden;y find your receptors not being tickled like they're expecting to be. Plugging it won't change that behavior. If you ate it and were addicted to other opiates and not in full withdrawal, you'd get PWD, and you would if you plugged it, too. But if you wouldn't expect to get PWD from eating it, then you shouldn't expect to from plugging it.
Do not plug it, there is no BA% increase

Dissolve it in 1ml water and put under tongue at least 5 minutes and you will get at or close to 50% BA, without the risk of First pass metabolism,because part of the dose is always subject to hepatic First - Pass when yo Plug it.

Sublingual and plugging are very similar?, you just need your Buprenorphine in liquid form

You do not need ethanol, just water shall rause the BA%, Zubsolv proves that
And go with 4mg - you will feel much better, 2-3x per diem

Hope that helps