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Plugging pills with water-based lube?


Feb 9, 2012
Greetings everyone,
As New Year is fast approaching, I have considered about breaking my 'plugging virginity' and plug one of my pills before heading out to the venue.

I have read about the syrgine method, but as that would be hard to do in a club (not to mention I have to lay on my side for 10 mins before going out!), I was wondering if you could insert the pill (up to the second knuckle) using water-based lube. I know that due to the lack of moisture in the rectum, people say that inserting whole pills doesn't work, but I'm curious if the water-based lube would solve this.

Could anyone who has experience with this please share :) The idea was to just cover the pill in water based lube and then smash it in (I put it so nicely! :p).

what kind of pill? most dissolve in water so just shoot that up your butt - you don't really want to shoot lube up there, it will feel like u shit urself for 1 and for 2 who knows if there's something in it that reacts badly with ur anal cavity.

you don't have to stay on your side that long 1 minute is enough for me and i've plugged more drugs than i care to admit.

IME dissolve, use syringe, lube syringe, insert about 1 inch in (just far enough that nothing spills out) and wait a minute after that and you should be good to go. I've plugged in bathroom stalls plenty of times, not ideal but it still works. IMO it's a bad idea that may work at best; just stick to the tried and true method unless you are taking something that doesn't dissolve in water. AFIAK MDMA and whatever is in dirty pills these days will dissolve in water no problem!

oh yeah lay on ur left side too and make sure no one catches you!!! that's embarrassing as hell to explain lol
It's a tested MDMA only pil (Green PartyFlock). I was just curious if anyone has actually tried plugging using just a pill and lube (I am aware of the syrine method :) )
The only foolproof way to plug is to use a syringe.

If you use any sort of lube, you run the chance of the material getting stuck in the lube and never coming into contact with the lining thus wasting your pill.

I have rolled from just shoving a pill up there before but there is always a risk that it won't work. I didn't use any lube and I've heard that if you do, it definitely won't get absorbed. If you can do the syringe, you should do that. Honestly, depending on the binders in the pill, just a little bit of warm water should make a solution that's suitable for plugging with a syringe and as RobotRipping said, you don't have to lie down for very long. Unless you have a loose sphincter, once its in there, its not coming back out.
Ah right! I thought water baed lube (being non-sticky) would provide some moisture for the pill to be disolved....or am I wrong here? I mean, I suppose, if I try it and It doesn't work, I could always just take an oral dose and be sorted right?
Apparently coco butter works for this, although I've never tried. It seems to me plugging would have no advantages if a syringe was not used, though.
Any time you plug a pill you're taking a risk of it not working - even when you use the syringe if it isn't done right, you can waste it. I got lucky and got it right my first time but not everybody does. I just pushed the whole pill up and when it got where it was supposed to go, it got pretty much sucked into the cavity and I was floored half an hour later.

I've definitely screwed up plugging too though. For example when I tried to use a gelcap... That was a mess.
Well as I would have pills to spare, if it doesn't work, can I simply continue my night by dosing orally?

Folley, explain your reasoning behind coca butter, I'm interested :p From what I understand, I thought the benifit of plugging (syringe or not) was for it to hit you harder than oral dosing. That is the reason I'm doing it :) However, I will also be on piracetam, so I suppose oral would work just as well.....
It's not my reasoning homie, I've never tried it..

but, it should add the moisture you need without inhibiting absorption. Since coco melts at below body temperature, the butter will melt... "inside" you, creating the moisture needed to pass the MDMA along. It's used in medical suppositories IIRC

I really do see no reason so this if it's not dissolved before, though. You'd likely have the same come up time as oral by plugging the whole pill. Try biting the pill in your mouth, that can DRASTICALLY decrease come up time especially if it's a very hard pressed pill

BTW, sublingual (under the tongue) and plugging are nearly identical in terms of effectiveness and speed of come up. The only thing you have to overcome is the taste and that is no small feat lol
Using anything scented as lube (apart from scented lube) could cause irritation and make you feel like you need to use the toilet. If you really want to plug (purely for plugging sake) and don't want to dissolve the pill - stick finger in mouth, stick wet finger up butt to desired depth (do not get these two stages mixed up) - put pill on end of wet finger and again stick finger with pill up your butt.

If you use too much lube your going to feel like your going to shit your pants and will be stressing about clenching your ass or needing to fart etc.
I guess oral is my best bet then....

Wait....I've just read that the urethra can be home to fairly alkaline conditions! I wonder if I shove a pill down my penis, will my roll be more intense? It will give a whole new meaning to "rolling balls!" :D
Out of curiosity, what about a capsule up the bum?

I've done that and capsules tend to like to get stuck going in when they come in contact with the moisture right past the sphincter. The pressure also crushes the capsule, I've had two break on me before.

Its not a very efficient way of doing it and you have to make sure that your caps are vegetable, not animal, or they might not break down.
my gf plugs with capsules. she also use lube. the last two times she have not been coming up properly. even though she claims she get it all up there. could it be the lube she is using that causes problems for optimal uptake?
I cannot speak for the kind of pills that you guys are discussing as I am not familiar with them having never took one. I will say that as a nurse, when I worked Hospice for many years that we frequently (especially morphine tablets) used water based lube and inserted them into a patients rectum with the pill still whole for those who it was no longer feasible to take by mouth and if they didnt have an IV line or other injectable meds ordered at that time (we frequently took care of them at their homes and had to make do sometimes til we were able to get a hold of a doc). They worked just fine. Personally, when plugging any meds myself (morphine), even knowing this info I still dissolved and used a syringe. But it is a legit way of doing it for some pills.