Please someone help me !!!! almost 4 weeks clean from H and still BAD RLS& anxiety!


Mar 25, 2018
Please someone help me !!!! almost 4 weeks clean from H and still BAD RLS& anxiety!

I have used large quantities of H for 7 years, the last 3 years ive spent near 800-1000 a day on the shit so im no rookie, But its been almost a damn month! my feet are killing me hurts so bad, My anxiety is giving me restless leg syndrome, and My cravings are fluctuating but really im craving the most when my legs are in pain and my anxiety is bad and i cant get comfortable . OH and i cannot sleep normally(duh) which is causing all of this to be worse, also still sick yawns and still sneeze attacks. This anxiety and RLS and painful legs and feet is driving me to use.!

CAN ANYBODY PLEASE, tell me why im still experiencing this, how long is this supposed to last, and any tips on RLS/ anxiety relief other than a hot bath????

pleaase and thank you!
You are still experiencing this because as you mentioned, you are no rookie. I had a habit for around the same time, and I still don't feel right after 3 months. I still get RLS often but that symptom doesn't bother me so much. The muscle aches / burnt alive from the bones outwards feeling does for me. You were high for a long time, I'd give this a year at least. My buddy getting off fent still wakes up being reminded of residual withdrawals nearly a year clean. I'm trying to hang in there because after 3 months of sheer hell followed by waking up to a nightmare of a life, one begins to become impatient about not having enough energy.

But do you really want to start the process over because when I use again I will be back at square one very quickly every time. And it gets harder physically every time because you are depleting nutritional resources to recover and all the stress of it.

I am only starting to get cravings now at 3 months. It's supposed to last how long it lasts for you. The way I see it is if I started using again, then 3 months from now I'd be really curious about how I would have felt at that milestone. And I know where I'd be if I went back. I don't know where I am now, so I may as well take it day to day.

I still get RLS and I think that potassium helps with that. I also practice hot yoga daily, not sure if you are exercising but it makes all the difference in the world. Really does, maybe not at first but long term for sure. Will help exhaust your body so you can sleep a little and make sure to keep really hydrated watch the caffeine.