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Please help? What happened. What will happen?


Sep 8, 2015
Hello Hello. Due to the last thread I read about LSD being pushed towards this forum because it grazes the subject of the Devil and God I will now post my personal experience of what happened to a hypothetical version of me at a hypothetical place in Nicigan at D-Forest. Please bare with me even if you do not understand. If you want to skip to a part that might grab your attention skip to Part III OKAY?

It started off really easy going. I arrived late Thursday night and was appaled at the time it took to get there (a whole total of 10 fucking hours from the state of illinois what the fuck). Regardless, after finally setting up camp late at night I then went to sleep merrily while the others went to the rest of the shows. Now friday is when it all gets funky.

The Beginning - A man named K walks past my campsite and we chat for a short while. I then ask if he has the ability to roll a fatty, I am incapable of rolling but had a nice amount of ganj with me and 30 swishers so fuck it why not blaze in the AM, he does and we puff puff pass the beautiful thing until I am blazed as fuck. Now we all know how festivals go, wooks running around looking for the dank and selling the loud etc. I had a nice testing station supplied by Dance safe (hurray) and i allow K to use it. In return for my non greed he happily supplies both me and my bro with some of the most fire L I have ever come across. He happily sticks two in my mouth and I am as merry as can be.

The Come-Up (The start) - As time moves forward the come up occurs but this time the body load is quite uncomfortable. We have yet to make moves towards the other campsites as planned and I am getting increasingly more anxious. My buddy had invited 4 strangers to our campsite who had all burned themselves in the arm as a sign of brotherhood (wtf) and they were not the ones to give off the best of energy ya feel? After getting a bit vibed out I politely ask them to make a move towards the festival grounds and they do so. My trip starts to intensify at this point to where I am having difficulty seeing clearly. Everything seems bright but I just shrug it off do whatever it is I can to get comfortable and run in figure 8's. As we keep moving to our friends campground I accquire, and I truly mean it, all the possible knowledge of the world. I had been stunned by the idea of our brains being incapable of properly visualizing and accustoming to gravity (we see up side down in reality yet our brains flip it due to the fact that we live on a mono-polar source of gravity, the moon doesn't effect us enough, and therefore the idea of everything being ''up'' towards the sky, is just an evolutionary accustomization to survive?) and I was also able to compute quantic and binary encryption as if it was nothing. IT was incredible and a feat that was unparrarel to any other experience. All celestial knowledge was known and it was just absorbed. At this point I laughed and said to my brother, ''Wow this is so easy, why don't all humans use their brains fully like this?'' He responds with, '' Haha good! you like it? you really do? just wait :)''. at this point we come to my aquaintance campsite.

The First Step Into The Downfall- Mr. G sees me (the aquaintance) and merrily smiles at me. I run up to him as he is surrounded by fiends wanting his excellent M/other delightful things. My brother is holding me by my shoulder and runs up with me as I say, '' I don't want to play this game. Why do I have to play?'' to which he responds '' Of course you gotta play, everyone has to. you can't just not play''
me- '' Can I trust you?''
Him '' yeah if you can't trust me you're fucked''
me- '' okay''

This is where it all goes haywire. I take off and run towards my campsite in an attempt to get away. The trip gets stronger and stronger and I decide to mentally slow down time. My pursuers (Brother and Mr.G) start to actually slow down time

-Pause- I know how fucking crazy this sounds. Believe me. I FUCKING SERIOUSLY DO. But please understand that I am not saying it was just the trip. It actually fucking happened. Please take this into consideration.

-Un Pause- In slow motion Mr.G says to me, '' No 'Helptheworld' Don't... do.... that...''

I freak out and sit down and say I don't want to play.
He once again tells me everyone has to play. Faces my brother and says, '' He's ready' - Faces me and says - '' I want you to remember as much of this as you can okay? I need you to remember as much as you fucking can''
I start to play with the world. I slow down time and unpause it. I pause it, cut the music playing at the stage, resume it all and control the fourth dimension. I am freaked out and I take off.

Everyone at this festival knows who I am. Everyone at this festival was there to make sure I didn't go out of bounds. Where ever I ran someone else was there to make sure I was in sight. I mean it.

I look around and my ''brother'' is running after me to keep up. I look at him and say, '' Bring him here. (in my mind I pictured albert einstein)''. He says,'' I can't he's dead. I can't do that but I can do anything else. What do you want? tell me what you want.'' '' I say Everything.''

He tells me,'' no something else. What do you really want?''

I say nothing and run away. This continues for awhile. The questions become darker and darker.

My ''brother'' tells me that my father didn't raise me this way, oh everything is about YOU isn't it? Oh pity helptheworld. Oh my *waaaah wahhh* go cry about it. Isn't this world wonderful? Dancing, drugs, sex, women!!! Don't erase this, LEAVE IT AND STAY WITH US. Love it. Love it all. Don't leave. We can do anything you want.

At this point I face him and say, '' You could go home if you didn't always lie. You're here because you lie, because you cannot stay true. Because you always grasp for more.'' My 'brother' asks me what I want once again. I say You need to have a meeting. Right now. Talk to him face to face right now and I'm sure you could find a solution. I am going to call him here RIGHT NOW! MEET WITH HIM AND LEAVE ME ALONE''

'My brother' tries to hit me. I close my eyes, cover my ears, and drown everything out. No one bothers me. I open my eyes, run towards a tent and close my eyes. I imagine what this tent would be like if you could just walk through it. Everytime I closed my eyes the world became code. All you needed to do was press and command it the correct way and you could dematerialize it. I pushed on the tent, walked straight through it, and ended up on the other side. If I truly didn't believe it existed then it didn't. The entierty of this reality was broken for me. I was at awe yet my brother would not stop. He kept pressing kept running after me. I fell to the ground and he holds my head. At this point Mr.G comes to me and looks at my brother and says '' Is he ready now? - Give him the water damn it.'' They try to force me to drink the water. An image of a gate flashes before me and I am at the gate of heaven or perhaps the gate of hell. I am the embodiment of an angel. I flash back to my body and they still try to give me water. I close my lips tight and try to force them away but I am incapable. I am tripping way too hard. I am being held down to the ground and my surrounding shakes. I feel the cords and the goggles around my actual body. I felt them almost get removed. I felt myself losing control. I felt myself losing to them. I roar back into my body and fight back but they keep trying. They force my perception towards a warm and wonderful light. The warmth and beauty of it was astounding. They push and I plunge back into the darkness. They are all speaking without talking. They all know what they are saying to each other. I stand up. Take a few steps and realize that I am able to judge. That I am able to see the truth in all others around me. I am not like everyone else. I am alone at the moment. I close my eyes and make the judgment call to end myself. To kill myself to stop this world from existing. But one thing holds me back. I loved my brother. I can't end his life because I am incapable of living in this world. I know he's horrid but that doesn't mean he should forever suffer and seize to exist. There had to be another way. I had to find another way. I struggle in a timeless zone. I go back and forth, in and out of the light while others scream at me to let them go home. To let them back into the home. That they surely have changed. I can't make a decision. Do i end it all? I chose not to. But perhaps I should've done it.

It all blurs and I lose 5 hours of my life. I wake up at the other side of the campground - PISSED THE FUCK OFF.

I talk to my brother and ask him what happened. He tells me I had a bad trip. I accept it. Because how could it possibly be real?

The truth is. It was.

Part II

I am now at bassnectar for the second to last day. I am standing there as my friend plops two hits of ''L'' Into my mouth and two the other three individuals standing next to me. The set is a blur and I dance the night away. I open my eyes at the end of the set and my 'brother' tells me to follow him. He asks me if I am happy and okay. I say '' No, I think I'm going to die''

My sense of direction is completely gone and they waddle me through the giant forest. They speak back and forth to each other about how this is the same path I took on Friday and how this is exactly how I walked on Friday etc etc. We walk towards the front entrance to make a pit stop by the portapotties. There was a giant bloodshed on the ground to the left of the fork of portapotties and I walk to the right into them and do my buisness. I walk out and my brother says. Turn around. Take a good look at it.

I do thinking he means the best for me. He herds me away from the portapotties and towards the campsite. 10 police officers are on horses leading our path and making sure we make it safely to my campground. Towards the last 200 feet my legs give out and one of the lads say this '' It must've been the cyclobenzaprine we gave him. Easy peazy right?''. They carry me and I look up into the sky, two helicopters go by and around me police officers are running back and forth. I get to my camp ground and they lay me down on the back of the SUV in the trunk. I am laying there staring at the celling and everytime I lift my head, one of my ''buddies'' points at a light and wants me to look at it. I think it's a game. That this is all a game to know the truth of the world. To help them because they are my friends. They keep going. But what's odd is that, those giant lights that you see at football and soccer games (you know the spotlight ones that are about 40 feet in the air) turn on and off. There are four of them. they turn on in a Z formation and off as soon as I look at them. Other lights are planted (camp lights, lights in the car, light in the car next to me) After the debacle of lights are done , they smile evily at each other and nod. They look at the items we had brought, Sun chips, A david rooster piece, a hundred dollar bill, different colors of different things (red, (I think green, It was brown but i'm slightly color blind) and blue). They smile each time an item is accepted into my head and they try to impliment thoughts in a very round about way. I am still tripping but not as bad. I am in almost full control but my fear and anxiety is THROUGH the roof. The last item was the 100 dollar bill. My 'brother' and E smile and say this, '' Remember waht this is? It's good right? Right 'helptheworld'? At that point I back track through all the items that were presented in my mind and I deny them. I say that they are dog shit and I believe they are worthless. They look at each other and say '' Fucking damn it, what happened?'' Then blame each other for setting me off. They shrug if off after 15 minutes and more people surround the campsite now. They are all 'friends' of mine. One pretends to knife me at least 5 times sending me out of my skin (not literally) and backing off. They all laugh and ridicule me and laugh. One says '' Oh well, you're the one that's going to be here for forever soon. Not me haha. Someone's got to do it right?'' I am scared for my life. I am sad that I trusted these people and I want to run away.

At this point my bro says I need to take a xanax and go to bed. I just need to pass out. Take some dilaudin (valium) take X take Y take Z (all benzos) you're tripping and need to sleep. I go into the tent and my brother lays down across from me. He looks at me with one eye. Holds my hand. And looks at me with pure hatred and jealousy. He smiles and evil smile and I feel my hand get cold and his warmer. I finally get some sense in me and pull my hand away. I walk out of the tent and put my shoes on. He shoo's me to go back into the bed. I do so and grab the car keys at the same time.

Part III

This is the part that justifies it all. If I had just had a bad trip then it should've stayed in my perception, correct? It should not have been able to occur into websites and other individuals BEHAVIOR AND SPEECH (please bare with me)

I walk out of the tent and he follows me. I open all car doors and I, at this point, believe I am going to be killed. E gets out of his car and asks wtf is going on. I am pissed off and I want to stay awake till dawn breaks. They plead for me to go to bed. I refuse - Pissed the fuck off obviously - and try to find a way to get out of the situation. They look at each other and E says to 'my bro' Just knock him the fuck out. My brother says - Not yet. wait.

I pace the car and all of a sudden an opportunity arises. A few security guards of the campgrounds appear (two with knives visible at in their pockets) Grab the last quad of my ganj from the open trunk and say '' Well well, real weed. That's interesting - This is ours''

I bolt for the car, turn it on and PEEL THE FUCK OUT. my brother standing at the back gate jumps into the car. crawls to the front of the car and pulls the tranny from Drive to Park. I swerve and hit a trunk of another car.

This is where shit goes awry for them.

My bro yells at me '' WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU'' I simply respond '' Fuck you.''

The campsite becomes alive. People come out of their tents. Someone popped out of the trunk I just hit and yells that she could've been killed. What kind of fucking retards are we!!! etc.

The police arrive. They run a type A field test on me and conclude that I am indeed not on drugs and that I am free to go. All they need is a 100 dollars cash from each of us (what the fuck I just hit someones car) The other individual didn't press charges and no police report was filed on the crash. (What the fuck) I did not need to give my info to them.

Prior to this my phone had been uncharged. It was now 6 am and I finally got to sit in the passanger side (my bro had taken the keys) and I turn on my phone. I was not locked to normal human internet. What I mean is. I entered Reddit and was allowed to witness something I had never in my life seen before. I browsed 6 topics.

''How do I change this self harm program?''
I click on it to read that this demon had been able to program his human to do a stabbing motion with the knife but was unable to code the program to slit the arm instead (WHAT THE FUCK?) then there were commenters stating how to fix the code that should be run and that THEIR human was able to self harm easily with ''Command X'' Etc. WHAT THE FUCK???)
'' Why have homo sapiens only evolved so little in the last 10,000 years''
This thread talked about how humans have evolved so little because of their lack of order and the different countries involved and their obsession with fighting each other etc
'' Fucking normies, why are they so fucking lame?''
97% of the world are ignorant normal people who do not understand what is going on
''How does 4chan work''
4chan is a website run by a sysadmin. Since time is a mortal thing it just takes posts that were posted earlier and pushes them back later until an algorithm stops them from being visible.
'' How do I make galvanized Iron''
This one is a little vague but basically the thread talked about how to make galvanized iron. Something that stood out to me more than anything was the ease at which they said to JUST TURN UP YOUR HEAT SOURCE TO 1000 DEGREES CELCIUS (OH YEAH RIGHT.. LET ME JUST SET MY OVEN TO THAT AND GET STARTED)

As I am desperately trying to absorb as much information as possible one of the security guards that had just robbed me walks up to the window and says,'' Sorry man, We are family now though. We are blood so don't worry. I'm not gonna harm you anymore''

I play along and say,'' Oh who took care of that?'' '' He says oh your brother''

Then starts talking about how he was gonna go home later and walk his human, laughs and then gives me a weird look when I am stoic. He realizes he fucked up and just walks away yelling '' You're gonna be fine man, btw they crack the code on these bracelets and started selling them 50 a piece, thanks to you though I have a real one hahahahah''

My brother gets in the car and asks me if I am fine. I get out of the car and get ontop of the roof and look around. People were staring at me and a few yelled that they were gonna fucking kill me and take care of me today. I look to my left and see three mexicans with Rifles in their hands but slightly covered by blankets smiling at me and shaking their heads. I turn to the right get off the car and start running. I get tackled from behind by my brother. He punches me a few times and then tells me to get back to the car. I do so not knowing what else to do.

I get in the car and he tells me to face away. to look the other way. I don't know what compelled me but I did so. All of a sudden a flash of heat and light come from the left bumper of the car (where I had hit the other car) a loud cranking and yanking and the left side of the bumper comes off and the tire ( which was blocked by the bumper) was now free.

We get on the road and something clicks in my brothers head. He takes the cord that's attached to my phone (for charging) and yanks on it so it breaks. He snatches the phone outta my hand and says he needs to use it for the GPS. 20% of my battery INSTANTLY drain and he hands it back to me saying he needs to use the second and only other charge for his phone for the GPS and that I should try and sleep and stop using my phone. I am livid but stunned. My life has changed. The trip home consists of 4-5 stops at different gas stations. The car would not start unless I looked in a certain direction. I mean it. He tried and tried and the car did not turn over until a flash of light or a car light or a person or a car caught my attention and pulled my eye sight towards it.

We get home and I am livid and mad. I am not longer affected by drugs. I walk in the door and before I see my mom my brother yells to her that she is my mother and that she has an autoimmune disease and she's very ill so not to forget that. I blow past my brother into the kitchen. I am livid and pissed off since my mother was in on this whole ordeal. He turns to her yet again and all he says was '' I was so close mom. I really really was. I was so close to taking it.'' My mother freaks out and says '' BUT (brothers name) WHY WOULD YOU TRY? WHAT THE HELL DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OVER IT YOU SHOULD JUST LET A WOMAN TAKE IT OUT OF HIM''

There is more to this story but quite honestly I doubt anyone is gonna read even this far

My question is. Who am I? Why was I targetted? Why could I stop time? Why did I not need to breath? Why do they want my soul? Am I here to judge? What happens if I do give the devil/god something that I want? WIll I be eternally damned? And lastly. If you enter the 4th dimension You will enter a battlefield as endless as time. This earth is a battleground for good and evil. It's where they fight it out. Those who have been fated to be evil will never return home but they are trying to change that. Is the world seriously made out of code? Why was I able to change so much and control so much? Who gets to be an engineer of the world? And the earth is purgatory. The choices you make here will effect what happens when you wake up in the room and choose your path.

The closest thing to happen is this experience by another user. What Blackrock says in it makes perfect sense. It's why I am so interested in more info.

Haha, but the thing is. This only happens on psychedelics of the upper variety. Real talk. It's pretty interesting to note that Penis Envy and other mushies do not cause this type of ''enlightment trip'' and It does not happen on other psychs such as peyote and DMT. The only ones it happens with are LSD and other ones that seem to act as agonisms on certain 5htp sites. A mix of E and 2-cb caused the same effect to occur. I'm not sure yet as I haven't been able to look into it well enough.

Are you saying they are not for me for my own mental/physical well being? Right on - I can understand that. I know I sound like a schizo but I can only explain my experiences. Someone on a different part of this forum said it pretty well. '' To say it didn't happen is not quite true, but just like dreams where you can do anything, this happened on a planar where your conscious shifted yet your physical body stayed. Give it time and it will pass.'' Take a break and enter the world later on in life. Also, It's important to note that I had tripped about 8-10 times prior to this and never had any thing of this nature happen. Truly :)

I mean, at the level that the brain functions at when dealing with outside stimuli and the level of perception and thinking one can do while on psyche's I dunno. I wouldn't put it past it.

if you could take a moment to read this thread - http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/561351-(LSD-2-tabs)-Pretty-experienced-In-A-Room-With-The-Devil

Especially the part about BlackRockConquest. You would see that my experience isn't a solo one. What he attempt to say is what I experience truly. He makes so much sense haha.
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*Takes hit off of super wacky weed mega joint, hands it back to OP. Please continue....
If you got in a car and drove through a campsite of tents and crashed into a car with a person inside, you should not do LSD.

Listen, you asked lots of questions. You didn't reflect once on the danger to yourself or others.

You truly should ask the questions to someone who would understand you better, a doctor.

The answers you need are not going to be found in a drug or on Internet forums.

Stay away from drugs until you're back in a healthy mindset, and that may mean never again. Just as some people have a bad reaction to eating a peanut, you have a bad reaction to consuming LSD.

Just stop, I don't want to hear about someone dying at a festival from someone driving angry and high on LSD, be it you or someone else that dies from you choosing to drive on it whilst fucked out your mind.
I wasn't on anything when I drove lmfao. and I only crashed because he pulled the car from drive to park and the parking break made the car swerve. The bitch was IN THE TRUNK (do people normally sleep in the trunk of a standard model honda (non-SUV)? And you assume I drove through somewhere I wasn't supposed to. It was a clear lane. I hit a car. Obviously cars were allowed near by and I obviously didn't pick to DRIVE THROUGH OTHER PEOPLES CAMPSITES. Do you even read?

That reading comprehension. If you can't read properly then I suggest you take it slow yourself and learn to. Fucking twat spitting knowledge about the dumbest shit.

however, you did pose a good point. I genuinely do not care what happens to myself. That's because if I die then so be it. I die. But to say I don't care about others... In that moment of complete fear and anxiety yeah. others took a backseat. But I was never in the mindset of hurting others. I was merely hoping to get MYSELF out of the situation. Shit happens as it did and so be it. Otherwise I am usually, and finally straying away from it, of the variety to put others ALWAYS ahead of myself. In all manners of the word.

I do indeed think I have a 'healthy' mindset and speaking to a doctor isn't going to solve shit. I was in the psyche ward for the ACTUAL minimum alotted time possible (4 days) 1 day to sign the form, 3 days for the form to get processed and approved and here I am. I spoke to a doctor and a psychiatrist in that time and I was deemed to be mentally sound.

I did actually ask for others who have been in this type of situation to respond. You have 0 idea about the topic I am speaking about yet you're trying to spit knowledge. I am being serious when I believe my brother tried to steal my soul or identity. I know EXACTLY how fucking retarded that sounds. I, more than anyone, understand how crazy I sound. But the truth is as the truth is. It's not always palatable especially in a setting like this. Take a large enough dose of L and surround yourself by the wrong individuals and see where it leads. Life will get crazy real quick.

I don't get it. What's your angle? Are you ok? Too high to read properly?
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Truly and only with kindness do I say this, you need to see a doctor.

The behavior and emotional swings you described having, and exhibiting now, are not healthy for you or others. You are not in the right mindset for taking strong psychedelics or hallucinogens.

With the proper help you will find your answers, be happy, and find reason and purpose with your existence. But I echo what I said before, we are not the help you are looking for. A medical doctor is who you should seek.

I'm sorry you didn't want to hear that and hope you the best.
If you got in a car and drove through a campsite of tents and crashed into a car with a person inside, you should not do LSD.

Listen, you asked lots of questions. You didn't reflect once on the danger to yourself or others.

You truly should ask the questions to someone who would understand you better, a doctor.

The answers you need are not going to be found in a drug or on Internet forums.

Stay away from drugs until you're back in a healthy mindset, and that may mean never again. Just as some people have a bad reaction to eating a peanut, you have a bad reaction to consuming LSD.

Just stop, I don't want to hear about someone dying at a festival from someone driving angry and high on LSD, be it you or someone else that dies from you choosing to drive on it whilst fucked out your mind.

Come on now, do we really need to berate somebody for what they did in the midst of a psychotic episode? I know you kind of balanced the tone in your follow up post, but compassion people, compassion.

This is the part that justifies it all. If I had just had a bad trip then it should've stayed in my perception, correct? It should not have been able to occur into websites and other individuals BEHAVIOR AND SPEECH (please bare with me)

Helpmehelptheworld - The thing with a psychotic episode is that a persons sensory input appears to change to fit the narrative being played out in their mind. This could easily lead to people appearing to be saying things that they aren't, or the reddit posts to display as they did. To me it seems like you might have seen some fairly normal reddit threads, but your mind altered them to suit the story that your mind was playing out.

I know that the feelings are very powerful and your intuition is telling you that it is true, but (thankfully) that doesn't mean that it is. I've seen people have psychotic episodes, both strong and mild. I've seen people throwing out the accusations, and I've even been accused myself. It's never pretty, but we can take something from the fact that the things people say in the midst of such an experience evidently are generally false, no matter how convinced they are (which they always are). Walk into a church and you will find scores of people telling you they have the answer, then walk down the road into a mosque and you will find just as many people telling you the same thing.

I've battled with a delusion before. I was totally healthy in mind before the delusion, but when it's just randomly thrown out there in the midst of such a powerfully altered state of mind, it really gets quite a hold. I managed to subdue the thought with logic and sheer will power. I feel that it has ultimately given me more control over my mind, even though it troubled me for a few years.

My main point is that it's clear that a psychotic episode when on a psychedelic substance can easily make it seem like you're the central character in your worst nightmare. Take some refuge in this fact. The alternative isn't pretty. Are you going to take control of your mind, or let a delusion do it for you?

By the way, why did you take LSD again? Were you not adequately scared off the first time?

Take it easy out there.
Of course i'm scared :) haha. I'm positively terrified at whats going. Truly i'm just looking for the truth though. And prior to what happened at e forest i would say that seeking truth or justification through the usage of drugs is completely and utterly mental.

but unfortunately I have yet to find or see evidence that contradicts what i experienced there. The thing is that unless you experienced it first hand I dont think you will understand or see my point. It seems truly unreal and honestly im beginning to doubt i'll find others who are like me. Once again... I know. I really really know how weird that statement sounds but there are others like me. The only person who spoke as if he understood was conquestblackrock but i doubt he'll return. I trip because i started a game that i'll have to play alone. I get how insane it sounds and I wish it wasn't that way but it is. Me vstheworld. How could that possibly be fucking true?? Srs. I was born like everyone else. Nothing special about me and i never asked for this lol.

i dunno though, its odd isnt it? I dont pretend to say that i can hear voices telling me the truth or messages telling me X or Y. I should wear a camera next time i trip and perhaps then i can see right from wrong :) i merely toss myself into the world of L in hopes that i was wrong really. If i can't manipulate time and not have to breath then it's just my mind playing games. I never experienced these effects through out my 3 years of tripping prior. So if it was one set of bad trips at a particular location then so be it.

things are way too weird for it not to be true. After forest i had a massive derealization. I was scared as fuck and refused to eat or drink. I didnt drink water for 4 and a half days and i didnt eat for 6. Yet i still lived. It just made me more paranoid. I tried to kill myself the second day back with a sharp knife to the arm. I stabbed and stabbed but everytime the knife went in it was as if itcouldn't cut. I took a needle instead and stabbed in multiple veins HOPING i would see blood or ANYTHING. But no blood came out.
once again. No i dont THINK i did these things. I very surely attempted these things for real. I got out of the hospital and seeked an enlightmwnt trip so to speak and i took penis envy shrooms. 2 grams worth. I tripped but none of the delusions happened. It was just a normal trip. I was happy for that :) perhaps i was nuts after all. 3 weeks later i took 2 1/2 tabs. I went back to that weird world. The gameof life so to speak. I'm a normal human being who stumbled upon the truth i should have never seen. Now I wonder where i am :)

Since then i have left the US with no plans to return. I've cut ties with my family unfortunately. I have a job, i have friends, i lift, i game, I go out to the bars etc. I'm pretty mentally sane so to speak and i am two and a half into a Chemistry degree. Icompletely understand how I sound. And perhaps i am waiting for confirmation bias. For someone to tell me im right etc. But honestly i'm just looking for someone to bring up those key points without me even having to say them. Once again, i've only read one post out of countless that shares some pretty indepth view into the real reality of life. And that was 3 years prior to me even experiencing it. Theres gotta be some truth to it. Even if it's not what i think it is... I can't be completely wrong. That doesnt make sense.

Honestly you're a breath of fresh air :) you're right though. It truly can seem like its all fit to follow a story around one ego centric character. Thats why i'm looking for shit that contradicts me thought process. In a logical fashion :)

i'll just have to keep looking and eventually i'll find my answer i hope.
Alright Helpmehelptheworld, in all my time on bluelight I refrained from talking this way, but I think you need it. Experiences like yours are uncommon but not rare. I think they'll start to become more common unfortunately as the times change. I'll echo the advice everyone is saying that you absolutely gotta stop using any kind of psychedelic for a while. Once you've broken into that realm it's easier to go back. I know this from my own experience. It'll likely take years before it is safe to trip, so move on with your life and don't look back. In the mean time, make sure to get plenty of sun light during the day and lots of sleep. Change your eating habits to more wholesome foods. Take this as an opportunity and a wake up call to walk the straight and narrow for a while. That means taking drugs only if absolutely needed for legitimate reasons. Take naps, do whatever it takes to get rested and back to baseline. The alternative is the psych ward and I don't think you want to go there. Not kidding, this is serious stuff and I hope you treat it that way. You lifted the veil premature. Don't forget, you got an ego and your ego needs to be kept in line. A mature ego can handle this sort of thing for the most part without creating danger to the host. One that isn't literally puts its hosts life in danger when the veil lifts. You literally can hallucinate things and be fucked with in the worst kind of way. There is a maturity and there are boundaries that are required to travel these realms safely, and even then, the best of us expose ourselves to some real existential confusion. You opened a door man and you are more vulnerable now. It'll heal and you'll be better off than when you started if you listen to the wake-up call, but please man, spare yourself the soul-wrenching grief of not learning your lesson. I've been there too man if it makes you feel better.

I really don't want to scare you here, because fear is exactly what feeds this sort of thing. Deeply and truly there is no battle between good and evil. There is no guilt, no sin and there are too many illusions to name that we accept as reality even though they suck the life force right out of us. It's polarity consciousness talking. Right-wrong, good-bad. That's what got you in this whole mess in the first place. There is light and it's absence, which is very different from saying the opposite of light is darkness. Ok, but in polarity consciousness there is darkness. It is tangible in a way and other people and other entities use that to manipulate people and feed off of other peoples energies. It's energetic vampirism 101. Your experience is unmistakably clear when you are choosing in error, but because we believe the polarities more than Reality itself we can be easy prey, especially in a weakened state.

Let me ask you a question. Do you feel dark spots in your energy field? Do this simple exercise. Imagine a white light permeating your body. Just use your imagination. Now notice any spots where the light cannot penetrate despite your best efforts. Focus on these spots and imagine them permeated with light. If you can't penetrate those spots there is something that needs to be addressed. Notice dense or slimy feeling in your energy field. If the answer is yes, what you need is light! You need it to permeate you and all the dark spots. This is a state you achieve in meditation. It is a state you achieve with breathwork. This is a state that a good Shaman or lightworker can help you with. You might not like this but you have likely been infected with an entity of sorts. Yes, now it's my turn to sound crazy. I was a very frequent tripper and I think it is a reality that when you travel these realms and don't know what you are doing yet you pick up stuff along the way. Most of it is relatively minor if we are well adjusted people. I know how to clean my energy field for the most part, and what I couldn't clean myself I had help from trusted people. A clean energy field makes a real palpable difference. Not kidding, your life is better in literally every way you can imagine. That's the barometer. Still, there were areas that took me a while to reach and lots of unnecessary suffering. Just recently I had an experience that involved removing a very dark and slimy energy from the left side of my head. That's why I do all the practices I do. In a sense, these experiences not unlike yours (except less dramatic) changed my life for the better, but only because I chose to listen to my experience. It was violent too, more so than I would ever wish on a person. You've experienced it now. You gonna listen to your experience? Please don't listen to me, I'm just some dude on the internet. See for yourself what is real and what is illusion. You'll get unmistakable clarity when you chose truth over illusion. See it happen. You opened the door now, things will get interesting for a while
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Aight, you got me. But one thing. When I was laying on the ground and my 'brother' was speaking to me the one thing he tried to push me towards was the light. Why is the light 'good' and why is darkness 'bad'?

As far as meditation... what do I do lol. Anything I should read up on?

Honestly I'm iffy to seek the light because one thing that was at it's core of my trip was that the light, however bright and wonderful, was indeed... not good.

Door man - I wish I could read more about it.

Just one last question. What do you suggest I do. Srs. haha I don't know any shamans nor any like lightworkers. Will it work even though I don't believe in it? I dunno. hmm. Interesting to read though.

This straight up seems nuts but fuck. Everything lately does so fuck it. Might as well try!

also, when or why does the veil lift? o_O
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Sorry to leave you hanging, but if anything at all I said resonates it's that you need to return to baseline. I know it isn't as sexy as stopping time and having powers, but if you don't do it yourself others will for you. Down play the importance of this experience rather than up play the importance of it. Don't talk about it to others more than need be. Pour this experience in a container and hold it. It'll grow along with you and will be waiting for you when you are ready. Nothing can undo it. You tell a doctor and they'll want to medicate you to kingdom come. Assuming you aren't in acute distress I don't recommend that route, but it's your choice. Seek medical help if you need it, otherwise focus on being grounded and not letting it happen again. Just focus on living a normal life. This won't entirely go away most likely but you gotta stop rubbing your finger in it. You're not gonna learn meditation or breathwork overnight. All the information in the world will come at you little by little and you'll know if it's important or relevant by how it feels. This is a new paradigm for you, you can't easily undo it: better to learn to digest it in small doses so it is stable, lasting, sustaining and integrated. For now, just focus on getting better. Just had to get your attention cause I've been there and yours is a case where you are literally putting yourself in danger. I'm not your teacher on this stuff, just a concerned former shaman who has been around the block but isn't ready to teach it yet. Best wishes.

This was posted on 6/25/15 when something similar happened to me.

It wasn't nearly as intense as what happened to you but that was on weed, since then I've had some others. I've cut all drugs from my life including psychedelics, weed, cigarettes and became a vegan. This after my latest experience. I'm telling you man, it's been awesome, these experiences didn't go away like I feared they would, just balance out. Not saying you need to do what I did, but you are being a danger to yourself and that isn't cool with gifts like that. Throw too much fuel on the fire and you'll burn up. Talk about it too much without integrating the experience and you'll become a weirdo. Live in the present moment with the right level of maturity, heart and grounded-ness and you'll be truly amazing in everything you do. It'll be awesome, enjoy the ride, but please be responsible. I'm looking forward to you teaching me a thing or two. In the mean time I hope you can reign this in before it spirals out of control. You can PM me if you need to.
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Hey man, I appreciate it. Imma do just that. Just hide it all and see where I land. I guess I got a plan somewhere right?

Honestly I'd love more responses. Bad or good just wishing someone can spit more knowledge on a lonely nigga. I just pretended to buy into the whole psychosis deal and all those people that were assholes too me ate it up real good :). I just said I was nuts and it was just a shitty trip and those people who had been there and put me through it jumped at the chance to agree haha.

as for the dimensions thing. I seriously think I'm on the wrong side. When I was speaking to a lot of people after the trip. Their understanding of left and right were all goofy and people would tell me to take a right when I got to the end of a street instead of a left. One time little kids were riding past and they yelled repeatedly take a left take a left take a left (one kid was yelling it to a group of kids on bikes) and one of the older girls looked at me, turned around and yelled, '' you mean take a right stupid.''

I dunno. :/

If ya could PM me where to start meditation I'd be greatful. When I was in the psyche the other patients there kept mentioning the fact that I should take on meditation... but also what's weird is that some of the patients said that I should take LSD again and open the door for them so they could go home.

My mind is fucked but oh well. What to do?

Another thing is that the first day of the trip... I lived the life of buddah, muhammed, jesus, and all others. It was as if In an instant it all played back to me in hyper speed. Imagine pressing fast forward on a VCR from the beginning of time where all the celestial knowledge started. I felt the dripping of water as buddah, i felt the wind burning as muhammed, I felt the heat of the sun as jesus. I read these stories of people being pressed into a living hell. That's not what it was. I was literally fighting on a different plane.

But imma stop now because typing that shit out makes me feel so fucking nuts. No thanks jeff.
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I felt the dripping of water as buddah, i felt the wind burning as muhammed, I felt the heat of the sun as jesus.

That's beautiful man! Never made that connection. Told you you had a thing or two to teach me. Right now you need to bring earth into it. Gaia they call it. Ground yourself. Earth, fire, water and air. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Those are the tools of the Shaman. I resonate with Christ a lot, maybe that's my emphasis on light. I'm more of a practicer or breathwork-meditation. "The Presence Process" by Michael Brown was my bible. See if that is the one for you. Relax man, you're gonna love the new you.
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Bump BUmp BUMp. :) I hope someone with some E.C.C.O knowledge will maybe put some input on this shit.

I was able to stop time after all :3

Bump BUmP bUMP.

Any input really. I just want more info.

Also, anyone with theories of duality dimensions. One being opposite of the other but the physics practically remaining the same. All that's different are directions and ability to speak and a few more things hmm.
Any input really. I just want more info.

more info on what? how to interpret patterns of electrical noise that crop up in your cortical circuits when they are overstimulated?

lsd does not alter Reality, it just alters the narrative that You are experiencing. time stopped for You? good stuff. would you also believe You could fly if You dreamt you were capable of it?

just 'cause your brain is telling You that You're perceiving these things does not mean they can be held to be objective truths. it may break your heart to hear, but ECCO/CCCC is nothing more than a good bed time story for psychonauts. not many of Lily's musings have held water upon examination.

as for people mangling directions being proof that you're in the wrong reality... I did crack a smile there. it's awfully flimsy proof though.