Please Help - Need advice about starting the W/D process


Oct 14, 2014
Hello. I am looking to start the process of getting off opiates and am looking for any support I can get. Here is my situation:

I have been taking just over 60mg of oxycodone every day for the last 7 months. It started at 50mg and has worked its way up to currently 60mg.

I kicked oxy's back at the beginning of January after taking what had grown to 50 mg a day over roughly a year, but unfortunately I relapsed a couple months later and got back into the routine, thus the situation I am in now.

So I have been through withdrawl before. I guess my concern is that this time the dosage is a bit higher. I've had a script of suboxen in my possesion for almost a year but have never used it, I have it almost as a precautionary measure. I also have a script for Clonidine, which my doctor gave me for the withdrawl after I came clean to him the first time I went through this.

I have 60mg of oxy left and then I will not be able to get any for a week, so I figure now is as good a time to quit as any. I've wanted to quit for a while but have had trouble as oxy's have been easily accessible to me.

Should I just go cold turkey starting tonight and see what happens? I figure if it is unbearable I can maybe take 30mg over a couple days and go cold from there.

I know a lot of you have taken much higher doses and gotten through quitting. Just looking for general advice and support as to what my best plan of attack is here.

Thanks in advance.
Do a search and check out the opiate withdrawal megathread. There are some taper schedules too. Maybe ask the mods to move this from the dark side to other drugs? You might get more responses. Good luck!
That script for subutex/suboxone is your lifeline. Fill it and do what is called a "rapid taper". I swear by it - it's what I consider the "gold standard" for opiate detox for most people. Your clonidine script will also go a long way.

If you can source some benzos (mostly for nights 1 and 2 when insomnia is at its worst) that will also help. Cannabis helps too.

You can also go cold turkey, but why suffer if you have that script for subs?

I've done this a million times (and am on day 7 of my taper as I type) so if you decide to go that route and need any help, feel free to PM me.

The BL population here is also very knowledgeable and helpful.
Thanks Phil - could you share a taper schedule with me that has worked for you?
if you have 60 mg left.... just do that... and then wait a full day until you are in withdrawals, dose 4mgs of suboxone, wait one hour (4mgs should be plenty, but if after an hour you still are in withdrawal take the other 4mgs) ....

I would say 4 mgs every other day should keep you from getting dopesick.... basically you want to take the least amount of suboxone you can, to start and bring your tolerance down.... For me dosing every other day was more effective because suboxone has such a long half life..... even with as few as 5-6 strips/subs you can do a relatively painless taper by dividing each strip/sub into 3 pieces... use each piece every other day.
^I'd honestly only dose 1mg max at a time if you choose to go the buprenorphine route (which is really the easiest route if you taper off in ~a week and have access).
I'm coming up on day 4 withdrawing cold turkey from 60 mg Oxy.

I didn't have the discipline to do a long taper and seeing the road ahead I knew if I didn't jump now it would get worse and worse.

What has helped me medication wise, is starting loperamide on the first day before diarrhea started, and gabapentin. Loperamide at a normal dose, some recommend high doses but I just took enough to prevent diarrhea. And about 500 mg daily of the gab is a lifesaver. I've withdrew from 10 mg of Oxy and suffered much worse than this time.

My main issues have been insomnia and some nausea. Been emotional. And of course the physical pain the meds were barely helping with.

The biggest help overall though in giving me the strength to stop? Prayer and meditation. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual and that is everything for me.

Today I was hurting pretty bad in my back, legs, and feet, and I laid down and meditated and just fully went into the pain, accepted it fully. Being human, feeling...a strange thing happened and I began to feel a gratitude for that, for all the beautiful things I've been able to experience bc of my ability to feel period. Something seriously numbed for quite awhile.

And then my pain just went away. I've never had that happen. Anyway, I just wanted to share and wish you luck and light.