Mental Health Please help me understand...


Jun 18, 2017
Okay so in my years of drug use and being around others who also used hard drugs such as meth, ive came across like basically two different types of people when it comes to having a sex drive...The ones that get high and totally cant stand be touched or basically feel like they are wasting too much time having sex most of the time they are high, and the ones that every single time they do dope, they have a strong urge to try and fuck all night and etc... But the ones I know that want to just have sex all the time, typically basically "grow out of it" so to speak... But the guy ive been with for the last almost two years hasnt... We got sober cause of our child... But unfortunately he fell off the wagon... And when he jumped back in to the whole banging dope shit, he thought it would be perfectly okay to "pick up where he left off at"when he quit... So the intensity of needing to get off and fuck all night was a billion times worse than prior.... Like unable to control himself at all... Needless to say I just had a baby not too long proir and was not interested in any of it at all... Sex yes to a point... But yeah.... Anyways fights started quick... And then came along extreme paranoia and anger... And horribly extreme hallucinations... Like seein a human and hearing them talk but constantly muffled and not able to understand them.... Bad situation all the way around... So that was like seven months ago ish... He ended up in jail for like 5 or 6 months after i left cause of the uncontrollable anger and some other terrible shit... So now hes out and we are together again... And he falls off the wagon again.. And right back to the hearing shit and starting to flip out and accuse me of the same exact things he did prior... And I dont know what to do or help him. At all.... He is amazing person and father and significant other, soberly, even not sober he tries to be an amazing father and significant other but.... Theres obviously major concerns and not okay situation again... But basically I just wanna understand why this occurred if anyone else ever experienced anything like before or has any advice.... I'd appreciate any info....
Sending good vibes your way and hope you find a solution. Unfortunately i feel there isnt much you can do. If a person is going to change their ways or direction-it must to be themselves who do it. Idk how you can help him see the situation for what it is, but maybe if you let him know how much he means to you and how yalls childs future hangs in the balance-he can understand. A good father will do anything for his child. Maybe he needs to see that his actions while using are detrimental to his childs life. Im no expert by any means, just giving you what i can. Good vibes to you and your family. ✌️