Please Be Careful!!!!!!!!


Dec 20, 1999
Just a reminder to all Bluelighters be careful when dealing. I almost got caught dealing at the Crobar in Chicago. My friend and I where trading pills (his formula one for my white butterfly) and this old man comes us and says "Excuse Me Gentlemen". At that moment I thougt I was fucked, I thought I was spending X-mas(no pun intended) in jail. Then he says "Do you know what time this place is open till". I was so afraid I couldn't answer him. Finally he just walked away. At that moment I had what alcoholics refer to as a "moment of clarity". After a while of rolling and seeing how casual it's done, people forget how severe the consequences are for this stuff. Remember People this is a SCHEDULE 1 Narcotic(as illegal as crackcocaine, heroin(because it's supposedly in E(thats another discussion for another time) and LSD. You will be punished severely. It's not a slap on the wrist or a fine....its jail time and I don't know about you but I have my whole life ahead of me. They (DEA) look at drug dealers like murderers or rapists. After a while we become desenseitized(sp?)and to us 10 or 100 pills is small quantity, but to the DEA it's traffiking, intent to supply and possession. I'm not trying to preach because I deal all the time, but I'm just trying to wake up those who are being sloppy or careless because its routine or casual. I don't know about you but I don't want to be "Bubba's Bitch".
"Support your local DEA (DrugEatingAdvocate)"
That's some good advice from the D.E.A.!!!
I wouldn't want anyone's Holiday ruined by a trip to prison.
:O Roll-On!! Roll-Out!! Roll EVERYWHERE!! ;)