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Piracetam + E experiences (new thread)

Saturday I did what I planned to do in the previous post but took 1600mg in the morning and 3200mg 3 hours before rolling instead of the higher doses. Now, I must say first that I never "lost the magic" and roll just fine on 1 pill normally. This time was just sooo much better though!!! I can't say how much happiness and love, energy etc. I felt because there just aren't words. I still remember the first roll I had 3 years ago, and every one since then has been magical. On piracetam the roll was better than my first time, better than any other. When the club I was at closed I was still rolling beautifully and felt just perfect. I moderate my use of e to once a month max and 2 pills max, so I've never really developed a tolerance but if you can imagine rolling being better than it already is, that is what this combo feels like.
I can't recommend it enough. My friend who tried it also had an excellent experience and our comedowns were non-existant, aside from the afterglow
so Jr, have you continued to take Piracetam on a daily basis then just take more the day of the roll?
should one take Piracetam for a couple of weeks prior to zoomin or can you just pre-load a few days or the day of launch?
I can't wait to try this...
I dont think ivensting in anything now is a good idea!....
Anyways, just to let you all know.
Im down to 1 pill with hydergenie starting this wednesday. and the thursday after that i will have an attack dose before i roll(no hydergenie though as ive read that it aint good with e) and roll on my sacred blue dolphins.
its a house party and by then i would have not rolled in 6 weeks(even my last roll was half a week pill)..
damn im almost scared to eat the full bean...weird feeling.
anto-oxidants, 5htp and hopefully some prozac in hand and im ready.
or maybe ill just quit the e thing(see my other post in med Q&A....werid stuff soin on with me!)
If you think life is really good, wait till you hear the REMIX!
Odd, but last Wednesday I rolled... I had been taking piracetam for only one week beforehand. 4800 mg the first day and 1600 mg each following day. I was also taking 5-htp.
I rolled at Orbital (awesome show) and it was a pill I had saved, so I was already familiar with the effects... I took 1600 mg piracetam about 1.5 hours before the pill. I didn't notice it to be any different to tell the truth, it felt the same as it did the previous time. I haven't lost the magic, but rolling still doesnt campare to the first few times. I was hoping this was, but I ended up just wishing I had another pill heh.
I will give it another in a month or so and see if it works any better. I think I should probably be taking it for a longer period of time than just one week, but as far as taking Piracetam daily, it seems to make me real anxious... Anyone else notice anything like this?
[This message has been edited by Fuselage (edited 16 October 2001).]
I was taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening daily and took the attack dose on the day of the roll, and it definitely does the trick! I still take 2 in the morning and 2 in the eve. daily because I like the clarity it gives me.
Have any of the lucky ones that always throw up on E tried piracetam and if so, does it make the sickness worse ?
I ordered it from QHI, £11.99 for 60 ... still haven't got it, am assured by the company that it WILL arrive by Friday. I'm sceptical to say the least seeing as it has been nearly 5 weeks now.
ok - I got my Piracetam from a company in NJ and it arrived the Monday after I took 2 pills...
I was really hoping to have them for that night but anyhow...
So later on in the week (Thurs.) I was pretty sick w/ a head cold - so I took a nice pill cocktail:
2 Dayquil
2400mg Piracetam
450mg Ginko
600mg Ginsing
1000mg Vitamin C
1 Centrum Multivitamin max.
1 Flintstones Chewable.
I was nicely up, alert, and so clear-headed for nearly 6+ hours. The next day I experimented w/ taking only the 2 Dayquil and I was completely zoned out - space-case+. So, did the Piracetam help me? Yes. I haven't used it w/ any rec. drugs however. What are people's recommendations - should I do a "preload" kind of thing (similar to 5HTP) and what doses/days? Or should I do an attack dosage on the day of followed by a followup attack when I eat a pill? What about day after dosages? OR - is it a supplement that can be taken over a long-period of time?
who do you fly with -
when you break out the day?
Everybody is writing about pre-loading with Piracetam (and 5HTP) weeks and days before dropping the E.
How does it work, if I just start taking some Piracetam the very same day just a few hours before taking E (at night)??
Does it work the same way (amplifying the E)??
Any experiences with that?
[This message has been edited by Oldman2 (edited 19 October 2001).]
I have been taking 2 800s twice a day for two weeks now.
Main thing I noticed, when I get an idea (and you seem to get more of them) I follow through more then I would before.
I decided to paint my bathroom yesterday....
it is done as of 8pm yesterday.
I also think I sleep better, I know other people have had some trouble sleeping, but I am out with no problems.
I take B-complex with them for the choline, otherwise I get a slight headache!
Anyone had ANY bad side effects at all from Piracetam? Somebody in the Medical Q&A mentioned that it can cause liver damage. I did some more searching online, and I did find that the insert that comes with Nootropil (which is not in English) says that people with renal problems should take smaller doseages and use it with caution. Nothing about possible liver problems though.
standard disclaimer on most drugs for people w/hepatic and renal deficiencies.
no hepatotoxicity reported in perused literature (a $%^X lot thereof)
only experienced sideffect - when thoughts start running faster than the ability to express same in conversation.
I was talking to a frind about piracetam and e. and he said he wanted to try that.
so off he goes and munches 5 800mg P's an hour before dropping(he drops once every 2 to 3 weeks and says its not like it used to be).
anyways, to cut a story short, he took em, had a beer chilling out in a bar before going out. and ended up NOT taking it!!!
he said, the Pira just lifted him up and gave him no temptation to use the e, and even admitted to actually not knowing wether he can handle e in that state which last 3-4 hours.
now i tried it with 3 p's and half a week pill, and it was very lovey dovey, and mind rushy..body rush was cut down somewhat. so i kinda understand why he would hesitate to take half or a whole strong one..
anyone else taken both so far?
i also came across this: vassopressin 12ml spray. supposedly replaces something which amphetamines drain from the brain. any info?
If you think life is really good, wait till you hear the REMIX!
I found that taking 800mgs twice a day gave me a horrible headache. I even suplimented with 500mg of choline. I noticed minimal effects with the attack dose(4000mgs) for the first two days, and almost no effects at 800mgs. Maybe it's just not for me.
Maybe it isnt. I've been taking 1600 MG every morning for 3 weeks now. I just started supplementing that with choline this week. I've had no headaches at all and it's working GREAT for me!
[This message has been edited by AfterGlow (edited 24 October 2001).]
I had the headache's for a few days the first week. and i couldnt find any choline yet.
did u try it with anything else or alcohol?
also when do u dose? i found morning dosage sucks. while if i dose it after lunch by 30 minutes i truely feel a difference.
my attack dose was 2400mg.
If you think life is really good, wait till you hear the REMIX!