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Pictures of lovers <3

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IP you and your missus are looking damn good :D you're a sexy couple, there's no denying that! I LOVE her hair....she looks fucking gorgeous with it!
You know I though I thought be single was nice.
After seeing this thread, I am proven mistaken.
Me wants a partner. 8(

Beautiful people, btw :)
IP: That first picture is awesome!
Sorry for picture overload.
I have about a million good pictures from the beach vacation and want to share them with the whole world! Haha.

Lovers and pictures of lovers make me happy. BeckyLee you and your boy look very happy together :]





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Picwhore away, DL - your pics are always adorable :)

Easter long weekend, camping down the south coast.





^ your last picture is so sweet, naaaaaaaawwwwwwww...

this thread makes a warm buzz in me.
^ Go aw yourself.

P.S. Fancy fresh is looking very fancy. And fresh. Nice work.

^ His wang is ginormous. Or at least it used to be when we sexed in the fire escape at work all those years ago.
Awesome shot!! Did you know I grew up like 5 minutes away from there? My parents still live out there :) <3

Fascinating area. An urban/citybloke like me wondered what living there would be like. Last time i went there, i was in a pram. :D <3

LOVE this pic of both of you :)

She sets it OFF, aye! <3xsie<3

ya seriously! how did L2R get such a stone cold fox!? :D

i have no idea how the economy works =D

^ His wang is ginormous. Or at least it used to be when we sexed in the fire escape at work all those years ago.

well that takes it. back to the rapey.... the..rapey i mean there apey, therapy for me.

we really set those stairs ablaze did we not? <3

clue: the answer is "yes":p
oh yeah, wigga and his man are pretty awesome!

a.) you two look so happy!
b.) you two look so awesome!
c.) you two have complimentary styles!
d.) i may go gay for either of you!

oh... and your pictures look surreal because they're too perfect. :D
^ That's the nicest thing ever, thank you so much! Come over here and get your gay on ;) Hahaha

And thanks XC :)

Less than 3s all around!
^ Thanks amigo :)

I'll let y'all in on a little secret - Hipstermatic app for iPhones makes ANY shot look great ha ha
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