Picking your poison when sobriety is not realistic atm.


Dec 21, 2015
Long story Short...

Been outside of normal society kind of for quite some time.
Started studying last year while being in a daily kratom habit.

Quit this summer and somehow tried pulling it off without kratom.
Tried some adhd meds that helped a bit, but i quickly didnt vibe with how it made my personality change.

So i quit cold turkey (didnt take em daily very Long)

Now im stuck in mud and have alot of schoolwork to catch up on.
Need to make it happen to get my check for student loans/support.

But i cant do shit without something that gets me up.
I have been training and eating good for most of my adult life.
But atm i barely eat and train alot less then i want.

Ive basicly just smoked hash and a bit of ket here and there since i got of the amp pills about 6weeks ago.

Ive ordered some kratom that i hope arrives today, ive been of it almost 6monts.
Hopefully it can pull me through doing everything that lags behind..

I also use alot less cannabis and ket when on kratom.
Its like it Feeds all the mouths that crave various drugs etc.

So i will accept that this is the logical approach right now.
In the Summer My School will be finished.
Hopefully i can make a good plan to get some total sober time then.
Try to stay off the weed that shit zaps the energy from people. Ket is fun but fucks your bladder. I know you may know these things but still I want to make them clear.

Perhaps move from k to some other dissociative nitrous maybe? And try to smoke a different strain of weed if not try to cut it out entirely.

Perhaps you could get someone you trust to give you lower doses than you would normally give yourself. Of both weed and ket.
ketamine absolutely does destroy bladder and kidney function. don't abuse it frequently. also -- i get some poor executive functioning from weed. get some CBD/CBG tincture. CBG is a CB1 antagonist and undoes the brain fog of both kratom and weed. Kratom also binds to CB1 and causes long term cognitive inhibition.

^^ CBG is amazing for cutting the brain fog.