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Physicians Face Moral Dilemma in Conscription on War on Drugs


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Physicians Face Moral Dilemma in Conscription on War on Drugs
By Jeffrey A. Singer
This article appeared in the Reason.com on March 23, 2016.

America’s physicians have been conscripted as law enforcement agents in the never-ending War on Drugs, and it puts us in a moral dilemma.

As media attention has turned to the recent national surge in prescription-opioid and heroin abuse, politicians feel compelled to be ready with “solutions.” The Obama Administration last summer announced $100 million in new funding for drug-addiction centers, and has recently announced new opioid training programs for federal government physicians. In a recent debate, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, exclaiming, “Lives are being lost,” proposed a $10 billion criminal justice initiative including increased grants to states for drug treatment centers, as well as training and equipping first responders to administer heroin overdose antidotes. As a doctor, I react to these reports with great apprehension, because public policy will inevitably impact my profession and me.

Lessons From the First Drug War

With the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914, opiates and cocaine for the first time were prohibited to the general public without a doctor’s prescription. The Surgeon General reassured doctors that this was intended only as a means for the government to gather information. But when doctors began writing morphine prescriptions for patients (many of whom were affluent middle aged women at the time) as a means of helping them cope with their chronic addiction, they suddenly found themselves in violation of the fine print of the law: the doctor may prescribe “in the course of his professional practice only.” This was interpreted by law enforcement to mean that these drugs could not be prescribed simply to help the patients avoid the pains of withdrawal from their addiction, and doctors risked indictment if they prescribed narcotics for this reason. The first War on Drugs was underway, and physicians found themselves caught in the crossfire.

Six weeks after the Harrison Narcotics Act’s passage, the New York Medical Journal warned in an editorial that the new law will have ominous consequences, including “the failure of promising careers, the disrupting of happy families, the commission of crimes that will never be traced to their real cause, and the influx into hospitals for the mentally disordered of many who would otherwise live socially competent lives.”

Critics of the War on Drugs like to use alcohol’s prohibition and its subsequent re-legalization as a teaching tool for making their case. Alcohol is an extremely dangerous drug. Overdosing on alcohol can lead to coma and respiratory arrest. Long-term addiction can cause liver failure, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, cardiomyopathy and heart failure, pancreatitis, cancer of the stomach and esophagus, cognitive disorders, encephalopathy, and dementia. It didn’t take long for the public to learn, however, that the destruction to society wrought by alcohol prohibition far outweighed the harmful effects of alcohol on the segment of society who could not use this drug in a safe and healthy way.

In the government’s new war on opiates, physicians and their patients find themselves caught in the crossfire.
Fortunately, a doctor’s prescription was never required for people to obtain alcohol. Such a requirement would have created a real moral dilemma for the physician: should he help the patient avoid the pains of alcohol withdrawal by writing the prescription? Is prescribing alcohol for that reason an appropriate one in the eyes of law enforcement? Furthermore, will prescribing the drug contribute to the patient’s harm over the long term and thus violate professional ethics?

Opiates, by comparison, are much safer than alcohol. Long-term addiction can contribute to gastrointestinal motility and digestive problems, and research suggests it might slightly impair the immune system and promote mild hormonal dysfunction. Some studies have shown chronic use increases the risk of clinical depression, and might make users withdraw socially. There is no conclusive evidence that it can cause dementia or cognitive disorders. There is an honest disagreement among health care practitioners over just how harmful long-term opiate use can be.

So it would appear that prescribing opiates to an addict to help him avoid withdrawal would present less of a professional ethical dilemma than with alcohol. And the practitioner who doesn’t feel it is ethical to subject the patient to the risks of long-term opiate use—even with the patient’s informed consent—can always refer the patient to a doctor who doesn’t see an ethical problem. Alas, that’s not how things worked out.

Doctors began to cut their patients off from narcotics, fearing federal prosecution. Patients would “doctor shop,” feigning painful illnesses, and when that didn’t work, would turn to the streets to buy their opiates in the burgeoning illegal market. At first they purchased morphine on the street. But after heroin (diacetyl-morphine) was outlawed entirely in America in 1924 (it remains legal and is used in hospitals in Britain and other European countries under the name “diamorphine”), drug dealers pushed heroin over morphine. By the close of the 1920s, the great majority of opium addicts were now heroin addicts.

Opiophobia Onset

As the drug war intensified in the 1970s and onward, doctors became ever more leery of prescribing narcotics. And patients in pain became more fearful of taking them as they heard more horror stories about addiction. By the late 1990s, a new term was coined, opiophobia, to describe an irrational fear of opiate prescription and use by doctors and patients.

As professional and patient advocacy groups became more enlightened on the topic, however, patients were encouraged to overcome their fear of addiction, and doctors were exhorted to show more compassion and prescribe more liberally. By the dawn of the 21st century, narcotic prescription—and narcotic addiction—began to rise again.

In the past few years, a surge in opioid prescription use and opioid addiction has been noted with alarm by public health authorities. In response, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has partnered with state medical and pharmacy licensing boards and state health authorities in an effort to curb opioid prescription and root out “pill mill” practices.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) now track the prescribing patterns of health care practitioners as well as monitor the frequency and amounts of prescriptions filled by patients. Doctors are provided with periodic “report cards,” comparing their prescribing patterns with their peers. In some states legislation is being considered to require prescribers to check on their patient through the PDMP before writing any opioid prescription. And law enforcement, often using undercover agents, have severely cracked down on providers they believe are over-prescribing.

This has chilled the behavior of many prescribers, who are beginning to revert to the old practice of cutting patients off.

History Repeating

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heroin use in the U.S. has increased 63 percent over the past decade, while prescription-opioid abuse has also risen. In fact, 45 percent of heroin addicts are also prescription opioid addicts, the report claimed.

Addiction rates are up among both the affluent and people with health insurance. The CDC found that people in these groups tend to move on to heroin after being cut off from prescription opioids. (Sound familiar?)

Bree Watzak of the Texas A&M College of Pharmacy states in a 2015 report: ”We see that people tend to move on to street drugs after they’ve lost access to prescription opioids. It’s a progression.”

Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, said in a July 2015 interview with NPR that people who abuse prescription opioids are 40 times more likely to abuse or become dependent on heroin. He also lamented that heroin is more available than ever on the streets, and often far cheaper than prescription narcotics. In fact he estimates heroin to be one-fifth the cost of prescription drugs. This more than 50 years since President Nixon declared the second “War on Drugs.”

So 102 years after the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Act, and 92 years after the banning of heroin in the U.S., here we are.

Short of ending the War on Drugs, there are steps that can be taken in the right direction. One is called ”harm reduction.” If a heroin addict is unwilling or unable to detox and undergo rehab, then at least provide clean needles with pharmaceutical grade heroin so as to avoid the spread of disease and enable the person to lead a more productive life. Programs like this in Switzerland, the U.K.,and other countries have been successful, and many addicts have been thus able to resume their occupations and a relatively conventional lifestyle. They no longer have to spend their days looking for the drug and they take just enough to be able to perform their jobs without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Many, after returning to a conventional lifestyle, gradually taper themselves off the drug and voluntarily detox.

Another smart move would be to “decommission” doctors as agents of law enforcement. Allow doctors to prescribe opioids without fear of prosecution. A physician who encounters a patient with a dependency problem should have a frank discussion with that patient, inform the patient of the potential long-term health consequences of the addiction, and encourage treatment of the addiction. If the patient refuses treatment, then the physician can continue to write the opioid prescriptions in the interest of harm reduction—it certainly is preferable to patients going to the street for heroin and dirty needles.

Cont http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/physicians-face-moral-dilemma-conscription-war-drugs

Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer practices general surgery in metropolitan Phoenix and is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.
I understand doctors fear in writing for opioids and other controlled drugs, but in reality many still do not use the tools given to them to check on each patient. They write the script without checking PDMP and leave it up to the pharmacy to do the policing. It needs to be checked before handing out scripts so the bad can be separated from the good and a discussion can be started between patient and prescriber about abuse, addiction etc. if things are getting out of hand.
At my practice, we check the PDMP every time a patient on a long term scheduled substance comes in for a visit. Every such patient has a controlled substances contract with us too, stating that they will get their medications from one prescriber and one pharmacy, will not call for early refills, and will submit to a urine drug screen randomly at least once a year. We have a nurse hired whose only job is to vet controlled substance refill requests, and look for patterns, good or bad, in patients' patterns of requesting, filling, taking, and following up on controlled medications.

In my experience, if prescribers take these necessary steps to weed out people trying to game the system, and have every step well documented (including that they've tried the patient on every therapy besides a controlled substance), then they have little to fear from the government.

As a family physician, I feel this problem acutely. Opioid painkillers and benzos, in particular, really put a fulcrum on the principle of "do no harm". There are some patients for whom scripting these drugs is the antithesis of "do no harm", but then again there are some for whom withholding a prescription for these drugs harms them very much. Making this determination is difficult but absolutely key to doing my job right.

The problem I see with deeming a patient hopelessly addicted and providing their substance of choice, is that what's to stop someone who is not hopelessly addicted from feigning hopeless addiction, to have access to pharmaceutical grade substance of choice? Certainly this is not "do no harm", and is absolutely incompatible with the moral higher standard that doctors are held to. I'd be very interested to hear more from Swiss doctors, regarding how they make this determination and act in the patient's best interest.
I'm all for the tracking system. When I was on chronic opiate therapy I saw a very positive transition with the system. Physicians are very paranoid and obsessed with "drug seekers." My condition caused me to vomit continuously for days once or twice a month. This required me to go to the ER for IV fluids.

I was always pegged as a drug seeker when the system was not in place. This caused me to be treated poorly. They would often make me wait for hours to get my fluids. I actually took to shaking my pill bottles above my head like baby rattles or war gourds to try and indicate to these obsessed ER personnel that I was here for saline and not opiates. That shit did not work as well as it should.

After the system was put in place and they could look up and see I was only seeing one pain doctor and all was good.. much of the hassle went away.

I believe that these systems are certainly an advantage to both the patients and the Docs.
Exactly, NSA. I feel it should encourage prescribers to write scripts for legit patients, not prevent. It just needs to be used. And good job MDAO. In your opinion, though, do you feel you are the exception?
^ No, I feel this is the direction primary care medicine in this country is headed. This vetting and screening process will only get more automated, and as it does, more expected of providers. Both the doctor shopper and the pill mill prescriber are dying breeds in this new system.
That is refreshing to hear. I only ask because at least once a day, I check PMP and ask myself, why did the prescriber not do so to nip this problem in the bud. I guess it just will take more time until every prescriber gets in the habit of checking every patient.
Both the doctor shopper and the pill mill prescriber are dying breeds in this new system.

This is a good thing imo, but they also need to address the current situation. If they just lay down a flat all encompassing law that includes current patients caught up in this mess then the corner dope man wins. With the prevalence of fent heroin then patients will die.
How so NSA? Legitimate patients who arent early, take their drugs, keep their appointments etc. should not be lost in this system.
I was wondering about what you meant when you said a flat encompassing law and how patients would be caught up in it if they are seeing pain management for valid reasons. It seems that perhaps you mean that a poorly crafted law would push these patients to seek out the dope guy but I am not sure how the system in place now does that.
Thanks cat.

If they enact a all encompassing law that tries to reign in the opiate epidemic then people who tolerance is accustomed to current practices will be forced down to the dope man.

I believe if they want to address the entire issue they will need to take a multi pronged approach. Something like enacting positive guidelines for new patients, while grandfathering in old patients for a period.

They also need to have possible solutions for current opiate addicts who are running around dr shopping. Just cutting off their ability to do this will also send them down to the dope man.

By setting up new guidelines we hope that the amount of people negatively affected by opiate therapy in the future will greatly diminish. By not cutting current patients off or making their lives so miserable by enacting idealistic legislation that they are forced or just say fuck this and go down to get street opiates.

So some of the new laws just signed in in one US state allows only one opiate narcotic to be prescribed and they are forcing people back to the dr every week or at least back to the pharmacy every week. How is that going to work for people who are accustomed to being on methadone or er opana and then roxie for break through? Its not going to work out well.

I think they need to adopt new practices for new patients and also consider the needs of established patients.

The current system certainly kicks the very people in need of help down to the dope man. As soon as an addiction is recognized most drs cut the patient off completely. Then they may try their luck at a ER where we run into the strange as hell conundrum. Where the admins push pain treatment on the docs through patient surveys, But the docs know its such the wrong approach.

Its the profit versus medicine phenomenon.. or greed vs health. Drs bitching about drug seekers is like dogs bitching about shit piles in the park?
Very good points. Let me add a few comments. As MDAO said the so-called pill mills are going extinct quite rapidly. Unfortunately patients who visit these establishments are the most likely to have to turn to illegal drugs and are offered the least help. As I said, the PMP is a necessary tool for the prescribe to check before writing out the script. The pill mills wont care what is on there, they will simply justify handing out a script everytime. And this is the worst case scenario because the physician, upon learning of a patients habits, can open up a dialogue and steer the patients to the help they need which obviously the shady prescribers will never do. I dont have a good answer to this problem. Most pharmacists wont talk to patients like this, they just wont fill the script. And while I think my profession could and should take on this role, I dont see it happening. The only answer I can come up with is these patients get a grace period of a few months. If they cannot seek treatment on their own, then some part of the medical team must get them into a program. This worries me though, as even getting someone forcibly committed to rehab probably can do as much harm as good. I have a few other ideas, but would take some major changes in the federal and state laws and regulations governing medicine, nursing, and pharmacy.

But for most patients, I dont see this as the problem. You have your perfectly compliant and well managed patients. As long as they arent jumping from doctor to doctor, pharmacy to pharmacy, they should be good to go. This is the largest population of PM patients and no one should give them grief for living pain free.

Then you have a second tier of patients. They generally use one doctor and pharmacy but put up a few red flags that make us worry. These are the patients who seem to come up early rather regularly, tend to always have a reason why, and may have a chart filled with various controlled drugs because this one didnt work or that one gave me side effect. But these are not addicts for the most part, but rather pseudoaddicts, whose treament is not relieving their pain. And the PMP can help identify this group. Once identified, the physican can then physically assess the patient, order labs and imaging studies to get to the cause and then prescribe both appropriate nonpharmacologic and chemotherapeutic modalities to relieve the suffering and hence ending their pseudoaddictive behaviors.

The last tier of patients are both the most difficult to deal with but have the most potential in many ways. These are patients with real pain management needs, who also are actually addicts. Their daily goal is to get their fix and the lying, stealing and conning all are there. They may cross state lines to obtain meds and may sell or trade their meds for money or different drug. And while all this is a headache for the medical staff, these extremely vulnerable people are the ones the laws we have right now can help the most. Again, while addicts, they are not getting adequate treatment and allow the demon of addiction to be their guide in getting relief come hell or highwater. Identifying and treating these patients will save more PM people from having to use the dope man.

Overall, I think the PMP has been a huge plus in discerning the tendencies of patients with controlled drugs. But do agree that too many are simply cut off with no option other than going to the street. This is, again, why it must be accessed by the prescriber before writing. It doesnt take long to spot patterns and anomalies. It is there and then, further investigation needs to be done and not simply cutting the patient off. This would be the first step in winning the battle against the patients pain and addictions.

Doctors must be committed to working with patients. If all is documented (searched PMP, discussed patients use, re-evaluated pain scale, ordered new tests, etc) there should be zero fear in writing out narcs. Yes, some of these new laws compound the issue, but it starts with using the tool, changing your mind on both concerns of writing narcotic scripts and cutting off patients, and seeing this as a new way to get better results. When all this finally sinks in, everyone wins.
I think the only way to help those that are using opiate prescriptions is to talk to them and review their file on a case by case basis. Give the power to decide to the doctor, not the DEA. Pharmacists also need to be given the ability to discuss options with patients. Not letting them dispense meds when needed just ties their hands and makes the customer less likely to talk about addiction treatment. This has to be done in concert with viable addiction treatment options that will not bankrupt the patient. More options need to be available to help get the people that are addicted to pills scooped up and into treatment, whether it be ORT, or IOP, or longterm inpatient rehab. As NSA said just blanket banning all these people will make the corner boys rich and turn patients into criminals.

Obama just wrote into law an additional $1bn into the budget for addiction management and raised the amount of patients that doctors can take on for ORT. This is what needs to be done, but on a much higher level. Considering that $1bn is only a small drop in the ocean we spend on the War on Drugs.