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Phantom limb pain


Bluelight Crew
Jul 29, 2004
I know this is very niche area to deal with, but as it impacts on me, I feel it's worth mentioning.

Now, phantom limb pain, from a traumatic amputation is a bastard to treat (I personally believe it's due to white noise from sensory homunclus being misinterpreted as pain). I speak from personal experience. After searching far and wide, for a drug that would treat that pain, I believe I may have a candidate, but it is a case of grabbing a tiger by it's tail: 3-acetoxyPCP. It is a mu opiate agonist that is also a dissociative. 3-hydroxyPCP fills that gap, but because aromatic hydroxy drugs don't cross the blood brain barrier that well (why diacetylmorphine - heroin - is much more effective than morphine), the acetyl ester seems to be a good candidate. PCP has a bad reputation with a lot of people, requiring really careful dosing, but every cloud has a silver lining. I just want there to be a treatment for pain a lot of people have no concept of.

Any input from people who have used 3-hydroxyPCP, to treat neuropathic pain, would be greatly appreciated (by all means, move this to a more appropriate forum, if it works). After being wrong about methoxetamine (hey, trial & error is the birth of pharmacology. That it is a fucking amazing antidepressant is pure serendipity!), I want to progress with a bit more certainty 😁
Might I suggest that you edit the title to include a reference that you're looking for experiences with 3-hydroxyPCP?

I think it might increase the chances of the right people coming across your post :)

Personally I have no insight I can add about these specific substances, but I am interested in what you figure out about this!
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I too am very interested in this topic!! I've been intrigued by the phantom limb phenomenon for many, many years. So, following.
Not familiar with that one f&b but I find LSD and a few capsules of edible sativa do wonders for any lingering pain I have. I assume you've experimented with this combo my old pal?
Bothtopics prick my ears up. Phantom limb pain is an amazing (maybe not for you, f&b, sorry) phenomenon. I don't know if you've described previously, but how does is present itself for you?

Also all these PCP analogues interest me. I wouldn't like to jump in with a high dose, but I hear ~5mg of most of them give a pleasant glow, but still allow you to function.
I was only just thinking about this earlier..serendipity. My good friend Tao who sadly died a couple of years ago had an arm amputated due to gangrene and was scripted x6 oxy 80's a day - which seemed to work, unsurprisingly. Came in useful for us both as he liked to trade for my phyceptone tabs and I rather liked Oxy's.
I read that LSD is more effective than morphine for pain in terminal cancer cases
I know this is very niche area to deal with, but as it impacts on me, I feel it's worth mentioning.

Now, phantom limb pain, from a traumatic amputation is a bastard to treat (I personally believe it's due to white noise from sensory homunclus being misinterpreted as pain). I speak from personal experience. After searching far and wide, for a drug that would treat that pain, I believe I may have a candidate, but it is a case of grabbing a tiger by it's tail: 3-acetoxyPCP. It is a mu opiate agonist that is also a dissociative. 3-hydroxyPCP fills that gap, but because aromatic hydroxy drugs don't cross the blood brain barrier that well (why diacetylmorphine - heroin - is much more effective than morphine), the acetyl ester seems to be a good candidate. PCP has a bad reputation with a lot of people, requiring really careful dosing, but every cloud has a silver lining. I just want there to be a treatment for pain a lot of people have no concept of.

Any input from people who have used 3-hydroxyPCP, to treat neuropathic pain, would be greatly appreciated (by all means, move this to a more appropriate forum, if it works). After being wrong about methoxetamine (hey, trial & error is the birth of pharmacology. That it is a fucking amazing antidepressant is pure serendipity!), I want to progress with a bit more certainty 😁
Are you who I think you are sir?
If I am right I want to shake your hand, you did well my brother in the kitchen ;)
i found 3ho-pce to absolutely useless. slight dissociation with a bad opioid high, dont know what people like in these 3ho-achs. id take o-dmt over it all the time, its slightly dissociating, too, contrary to tramadol.
i found 3ho-pce to absolutely useless. slight dissociation with a bad opioid high, dont know what people like in these 3ho-achs. id take o-dmt over it all the time, its slightly dissociating, too, contrary to tramadol.
3-hydroxyPCP is bloody good, if you need an all round painkiller. It has prevented me going into withdrawal, when I've used up my prescribed dihydrocodeine a bit faster than expected. Only watchword is max 10-12.5mg, as beyond that, serious dissociation takes place (like scary dissociation). That's from someone who has LOTS of experience with dissociative drugs...
Did you know that the 3',4'-Dichloro-phencyclidine is still not in the pubchem database.
I read that LSD is more effective than morphine for pain in terminal cancer cases
The thought of acid is a bit unnerving, when my phantom pain is through the roof (not a good headspace and in my experience, Leary's comments about set & setting are spot on). Wish I had the balls, for the sake of science, but...
I've actually found that anything that can cause somatic hallucinations (changes in body image/perception) can be useful. When I discovered ketamine, many moons ago, I actually experienced a state of 'no pain' (first time since I lost my hand). That destroyed my relationship with my ex (you can have an affair with a chemical, with equally disasterous results, for your relationship). One I have found, that is effective, doesn't pin me to the bed (and is quite pleasant), is 3-MeOPCE.
Did you know that the 3',4'-Dichloro-phencyclidine is still not in the pubchem database.

These open databases like chemspider and even pubchem are crap, the simplest analogs of so many small molecules that are known for ages aren’t indexed. Why? Knowledge is power my friend.
Hi F&B, I sent you a pm regarding Phantom Pain as I suffer too and my bladder gave out from dissos over the years. I didn't want to pollute this thread and figured some of the information was a bit personal. Glad to see this post however which inspired me to just shoot you that message (conservation their called these days I guess??)