• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Peruvian Flake/Fish Scale

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Mar 23, 2008
I've read many many threads about Peruvian Flake and Fish Scale on a number of forums, and though there have been many opinions on the actual process of purifying cocaine, I'm yet to find the definitive answer as to how and why the Peruvian Flake effect is achieved.
I understand that instead of it being this way because of it's purity it is in fact just a matter of the processing at source.

This still leaves me with two questions on the subject for those of you with a very high level of knowledge...

1) Can this be achieved from regular powder and how?

2) Is there a cut available for this effect for regular powder and what is it?

I ask as when handling Peruvian Flake, once broken down to a fine powder, even if re-pressed without anything being done to it, the same waxy appearance which is prevalent all the way through the block is lost (ie it is no longer Peruvian Flake but just regular).
This would leave me to believe that it's in the final process (ie crystallising) in which this effect is achieved, but how?

I'd love to hear your thoughts either privately or on the forum.

Peace to all
I've been trying to figure this out for a very long time did I find any answers on this
I don't necessarily mean to call you naive, but drug dealers just make up names for their drug products like "Peruvian flake" or "fishscale" to maximize their profit.

These names are meaningless.
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