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Perth Pills

Tried a Red Chilli on Saturday
Now they are not MDxx, but they are fucking awesome whatever is in them.
Definately a huge does of some kind of amphetimine, absolute mad rushes for 2 - 3 hours then another good 6 hours of pleasent dancy chatty feeling. Personally I think it was meth.
Me and my friends all noticed a trippy edge to the pill - especially in the first hour before the amphetimines really kicked in (and fuck did they kick in). However it is now almost 24 hours (with 4 hours of sleep) later and I feel perfectly fine, only slightly scattered, nowhere near as drained as I usually do off most other pills.
So do NOT buy this pill as an ecstacy pill, I really doubt there was any MDxx in there. But if you want a speedbomb then this one does have a VERY nice hit of ampthetimine. The $50 I spent on the pill did a LOT more to me than any $50 bag of speed I've bought.
Saw Human Traffic tonight. Couldn't help but to pill afterwards.
Due to some delays it was pretty late by the time we decided to pill. Out of 4 of us 2 had lost the urge. So myself and my best mayte both had shit to do monday (today now) so we thought we'd just crush up a half and snort a quarter each. Yeah call me a lightweight, I am one
I didn't want to eat it anyway cos I had nothing but a few chips and a few beers all day.
I'd had a little whipper also. Is this a pill report? Well I didn't get much effects obviously but I can confirm what I'd been told about the comedown being a little trippy. Overall tho a nice pill, hard to tell from a quarter tho, but it was very nice and smooth. Perhaps due to the very nice whipper also...
I guess I just felt like babbling some shit

this was the double domed and stamped ones.
[edit]what a morning. Yes it was HQs. *shakes head* If you only knew half the shit that went on this morn due my paranoia, messiness, scatteredness and trippiness[/edit]
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 18 December 2000).]
'pope, I gather you're refering to the HQs??

Okay, had a big weekend and ended up dropping a Pink HQ on Friday night and backed up with a beige 8-ball later on. The HQ absolutely rocked, as has been said before not a clean MDXX pill but very good value. Was 'having trouble' for probably nearly 2 hours when I was dialling off my tree, lasted 4 hours in the end, did not experience a bad comedown considering how hard this bitch flogged me. HQ was hard as all fuck, and tasted absolutely horrid when I did eventually split it in my mouth! HQ was pink/light red, domed and double stamped with no score.
The 8-ball seemed a bit tame after the HQ but it definately had some of the good stuff in it. 8-ball was beige (had some white ones in the bag too) with a score and beveled edges. "Double stacked man" Very tall pill.
Overall, 8/10 for the HQ and 7/10 for the 8-Ball. HQ, White 8-Ball and Beige 8-Ball all tested quickly to purple/black with EZ-Tester. Will try to get pics to JB to put up.
It seems like the sickness of my friend (above) was more circumstantial than solely due to something in the pill.
Although if this talk continues we will all be convinced that we r going to get sick as soon it goes down; which psychologically is not a good attitude to have.
My guess is that the people saying the 8s r disappointing took them in halves.
And just to reiterate; the quality of the exp was way better than other recent pills. Its just up to the individual to weigh up whether they want a stronger, longer lasting pill; which can be taken in halves; or spend up and get 2 maybe 3 of these.
To give u an idea (sorry had to tell); i had no amphetamines prior; when it began it was intense (it was chewed though); did the sit down in chair thing saying "oh fuck".
Not long after i was compelled to sprint and jump around a deserted carpark; i even threw in a few cartwheels. I havent done that since a dark pink heart

Yellow rolexes from all accounts would be similar to this but more bang for your buck.
i just dont know if there r more than a few; saw one the other night though; and its NOT the same as the orange ones from FEB.
Has anyone heard anything about the Rolls Royce pill? I've just got one and want to know if its any good (I'll be taking it NYE). I thought I'd read some reviews about it on pillreports.com, but must have been half asleep because when I double checked they were the reports for the Yellow Rolex's. The problem is I double checked after I bought them, so I'm just hopping I havent bought a shit pill.
Its a Deep Yellow color with a capitl 'R' in running writing. Its also very thin, maybe half the thickness of a normal pill. Unfortunatley I wasn't able to test it (I know I should have but its a bit hard to do in a car).
So if anyone has taken any of these or knows any reliable people who have I'd appreciate some thoughts.
Smiley: I forgot to mention the Rolls Royce info;
Most of my friends (except some bastard who got hold of MDMA powder) had the yellow Rs that night. I dont like how they r called Rolls Royces, they r not the same as the real ones (double R overlapping).
All r exp pillers; all enjoyed but agreed they were smackey; their words not mine. Certainly not a bad one; possibly similar to the domes but stronger.
They also commented on how i was utterly gone in the best way yet bouncing off the walls and from person to person; whereas they were more content to stay screwed on the spot and enjoy.
What's that thing Jerry Seinfeld said - "Men (Adam) hunt, and women (Eve) nest"
test purple-black too.
So do this mean they are likely to be MDEA?
Sounds like I might have to do some speed, I hate being smacked out
Ok, so the staff party rocked, or it could of been the fact that I was the only person there pilling he he
Well Pink/red HQ's domed on both sides with a doubble print of the logo, this would be a Oh ma gosh sort of pill, popped @ 730 kicked in @ 800-815 smooth gradual peak untill 845 then wham off ya fucking head started to come down @ 1030-1045 but with out a real come down. EZs tested purple to black within secondes, good pill definatly going to bulk up 4 NYE, the only down side was it had a slight tripeee affect and also the only pill that made me clench my jaw the hardest than I eva had, has that got to do with the amount of MDXX in the pill or is it what thay use to binde it with, Oh 1 more thing extreamly hard pill to crush.
Happy popping.
look these Red HQ's arent MDMA, not to say there bad or anything, but the trippy effects is what is caused by other factors whether the pill contains MDA, 2CB, 2C-T-7 etc etc etc
Some caps have been around for a while too. I've been forgetting about them alot. No reports. Could be 400mg mdma, or crushed up blackboard chalk

I've heard of orange HQs around as well as the pinky red ones. Anyone seen/tried/tested?
IMO the red HQs have mdma, but also something else... 2ct2 maybe. I will be trying again. Probably not more than once more tho.
I strongly recommend a bit o whipper with the 'rolls royces' (single r!). had one a couple of weeks back and definitely MDxx but not mdma.....fucking wierd pill.
entropope.. i posted about the caps after having them @ delerious. they are blue and white and about 1/2 full of very fine fluffy whiteish crystals/powder. almost defiently mdma, i was not 'smacked out' at all.. i could do anything on these things.. didnt last too long (about 4.5 hours) but were very fucking intense.. the initial rush was almost as strong as my peak on the yonnex @ ministry.. no comedown, and the afterglow lasted for days (well having 1 1/2 two days later might have helped.. but these were the cleanest shit i have ever taken.. if anyone comes across these get them !
[This message has been edited by [awake] (edited 20 December 2000).]
hmm.. anyone got any updates on those 8 balls or infinity pills as some people are calling them. Still more good reports but the number of bad ones is making me think twice about having then NYE.
anyone else have friends who have had them and gotten sick?
PS: just sent a picture of them to johnboy.
Yay - I just spoke to my friend who said he has some caps for me!!! It should be a good NYE. He believes that they are mdma, he had tried one and felt that they were the real deal and I trust his judgement.
Not sure about EZ test but this guy usually tests everything before buying. I'll keep you posted when I know more. Knowing my luck this will fall through.
Oh yeah other thing... has anyone heard of pink hearts in perth at the moment?
anyone heard anything about grren goblins? name alone sounds dodgy, haven't got any reports yet, just word that they are around