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Perth Pills 18/2

Thanks for the replies. Yeah I'd like to test them but the enquiry was for a friend and she can't get a new kit until the weekend.
And the Mission is the Mouse...
Do you know if they are the duck bill shaped pills?... or the are round with a bell stamp
Pill is definitely round and has a very obvious raised (more protruding actually) section in the shape of a slim bell or maybe a tulip in profile. Covers a fair percentage of the pills surface area and is raised about 2.5mm at one edge and blends into the pill on the other.
Hope that helps, or maybe I'm the only one that description makes sense to.
She is going to take them and test them when she gets to Perth on Saturday. I'll let you know the results.
And the Mission is the Mouse...
Has anyone heard anything about some green and white caps floating around. I've heard 3 seperate things.
They're not mdxx
They are mdxx
And you can keep taking them and they make you happy

I don't get it at all
have looked at these blue pyramids, ducks bills, whatever (same thing) on saturday... they test orange.
Is it just me or r we in for another drought.
All i can find is isolated patches of genies and red/blue lightning bolts.
Last year the situation was shocking; except until that enormous batch of orange rolexes appeared just 3 days b4 renaissance.
well if they hadn't busted those 19,000 that bloke was carrying we woulda been fine. Wouldn't worry too much though, who ever is running the eastern states - Perth has been getting quality over here quite regularly and I'm sure they'll get some more over here soon
Caps I've heard about yes.
They are supppose to be good but pfffft I'll try grab some to test this weekend.
I wonder if someones stuck with a shitload of these crappy blue pyramids/duck bills and is therefore trying to flog them off as something else.
Or if infact Blue tulips/bells are a different thing alltogether? Prolly not cos there was a lot of those Duck Bills arrround and no one really wants them. Altho I cant see how a Duck bill ccan be described as a tulip a bell maybe but hmmm......
Yeah, i am hoping those pioneers from melbourne get over here;
saying that; the bell isnt like an OMEGA sign is it; or tuning fork?? Hence more like a bell curve in statistics; and not a whole bell. (which i think is similar to a pioneer)
So r the ducks bills a triangular shaped logo, or a triangular shaped pill??
If the latter then bootleggers BELL pill CANNOT be the bill/pyramid pill.
Talk about a tongue-twister.
Sorry, this question has prob been answered above, but i'm too hot and rushed to go through it all.
[This message has been edited by Biscuit (edited 23 February 2001).]
Yeah it does look like things are driying up. Although I wouldn't worry much about that 19000 bust hey. Can you spell D-E-C-O-Y.
Strange that the person caught with them was on a flight from Queensland. Those pills are usaully bought it by some big syndicate and I cant see them all being caught.
Its just economics me thinks. The big boys trying to set the price in the market. I mean fuck, see how expensive it was for those genies last week. I wont say how much Im guesing that would be edited (???).
I fucking hope things dont dry up. We were on such a great roll. Word is MDMA caps are on their way???? Sounds like fun. Bit pricey tho.
pfft. Those damn bells, ducks whatever. Lets just all chip in and buy the guys out then swap them with feds for 19000 genies.
then 19 000 ppl will be safer on the streets
(stupid customs guy!!!!!!!)
I'm considering my plan for Renaissance...
a blue bolt?
or genie?
what would y'all out there recommend? I'm trying out the genies this weekend... but if someone can give me a direct comparison that would be goood.
Hey all in BL land pills just in, has any one herd of pink cherry's, there pinkish red in colour and have a cherry indent print on them, any info asap would be fabbo, in a dellema if ya no what I mean.
I think Australia is a little small to be using that many pills as a decoy
19000 pills would keep Perth supplied for a month.
red cherries in the past have been speed bombs. I wouldn't buy without testing.
I'm sure those blue duck bill pills where shaped like a duck bill. So a round pill with a bell/tulip shaped stamp would be very different.
I don't think I'd go with just Genies at Renaissance if you like to dance heaps. They are apparently pretty stoney and make you want to... sit on your arse. (not due to strength, but you just feel like that) I'm not 100% sure there... I haven't eaten one myself... but that's what I gather.
They are definitely a very nice, clean pill. I just read a pillreport on them that says they're very dancable...
"Excuse me sir, but can you direct me to the location of where I can locate some eggs, for I would like to perchase them so that I can take them home with me and I can eat them today. And maybe tommorrow" - Mojo Jojo
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 23 February 2001).]
yeah 19000 pills is a lot but look now in sydney there are reports of genies going around. think of it as a decoy for the whole country.
Just a paranoid conspiracy theory. Wouldnt put it past them man. a friend had those genies 2 weeks ago before i heard about them on here.
So some has made its way through.
Say we got some here, the rest over to the east. Like the yonnexes and hammers.
Ummm, for me the genies were great. I could dance it just takes some will power. Once you get through the sit down stage they are great.
For me they felt like the yonnex pill from last year
any1 else?
i thought there were only a few pokemons around......but today i have come across a
lot. Are they a new batch??
Are these Genies the same ones floating around the eastern states?
Becuase they all got awesome reviews, but everyone described them as 'chargy'
Yet overhere everyone is saying they put you on your arse. I was just wondering what's with this ??
Getting stuff sorted for Rennaisance..
My DD offering 'Small White Bullets' anyone got any ideas what they are like?