• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

"Permanently" upregulated 5-HT2a after using of THC & Psilos on top of an O-PCM binge

I found out that maybe it was the sertraline which caused weird shit. I am now off it, but also off a good part of the morphine, and no more voices. Also cognitively faster.

Now taking just 90mg morphine / day, together with 100-150mg DXM HBr because the docs don't give me a proper SSRI (and, needless to say, I love being dissociated - also makes opate w/d so easy). No more voices, it appears paradoxically but on the first days, taking the DXM felt very good, like turning some switch in my head into the right direction, making me able to utilize more cognitive processing power instead of it working against myself. Ok, and the last days I've added 18mg's of methylphenidate which also seems to offer more good than bad, I'm more in the present with it and less tired.

Just that I have to take a PPI alongside the DXM, don't know whether it's due to the opioid withdrawal or the DXM itself but I had heartburn before from DXM alone, and it's clearly gastric acid cause acid blockers work.

Oh, yesterday I took 2x 25mg of sertraline again, thought it'd be better than doing DXM every day. Wrong. These damn voices reappeared, just briefly but enough for me to stay clear of this med for sure. Today its gone again. So happy about that.

So now I just need to find a good doc willing to prescribe me better meds, sigh.. they finally made DXM Rx-only here as of 2019.... due to robotripping kids showing up in the ER, sigh again.

Crazy shit that if I just listened to the docs, I'd be now on some strong antipsychotics, feeling depressed, anxious, akasthenic and maybe still hearing voices.