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Benzos Permanent benzo tolerance?

I was a benzo addict (among other things) for about 6 years. Just got out of prison after doing a 22 month bit where I didn't ingest any benzo the entire time. Before I went in I was able to sometimes take up to 50-60mg Xanax day. After getting out I tried taking like 5mg, figuring I would be bent off of that. I felt literally nothing, no head change, drowsiness, nothing. I added another 2mg after two hours and felt slight effects, but nothing like i expected. It is precisely this reason that I chose to no longer abuse benzo's. If the damage done by them remained after almost two years, I felt that it was time to hang up the ol' spurs in the world of benzo's. To this day, every now and then I'll attempt to take some and I have never been satisfied or able to achieve anything close to before.