Peptides and Skinny guys

I am excited to try Gallon of Milk A Day. I love milk and Ive been putting that whey in my coffee and milk also and its actually really good. I'm 5'6 143lb. 8 years ago an Air Force doctor measured my body fat to be "less than 5%" somehow by submerging me in a tank of water. I'm not sure what the best way for me to measure it now. I want to get up to 180 to see how I look. Frankly, I'd like to be bigger than my wife who is losing weight as I gain. I really want a better chest stomach,obliques and biceps\triceps. I think i have pretty strong legs I'm pretty happy with. My father has a history of back injuries so I've also been working hard on deadlifts to strengthen my core and lower back. I do 20 min of cardio intervals before lifting every time and I work out 1 hour on Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday.
A big way to help put weight on is to limit or completely eliminate cardio.
You could do that but, fuck that. Id rather just get my cardio out of the way as a small 10 min warm up when limiting the cardio. I just don't like the Idea of no cardio specif training.
Well that explains a lot. I used to run cross country back when the original xbox came out. I thought I WAS limiting my cardio by only doing 20 mins. So now I'll cut it to 10min. And it sounds like its best to run it like a gentle warm up rather than a short sprint. Is that right?
^^gh15 says only cardio should be walking your dog and fucking your girl. I still incorporate too much cardio at times ;) and I don't have a dog.
On every cycle, I'll drink a gallon of milk so I can comfortably hit the 6,000 calories range. One aspect I love about drinking a gallon of milk is all the carbs you get. Once your body gets use to drinking a gallon of milk a day, you have so much energy throughout the day. I do moderate cardio (run 3 miles, 5 times a week) and that helps keep off the excess fat I would receive from consuming that much whole milk. I recommend drinking a gallon of milk to anyone who has trouble putting on weight. It'll show you that when you truly eat high amounts of calories, you're going to get bigger, no matter what your genetics are.

I am excited to try Gallon of Milk A Day. I love milk and Ive been putting that whey in my coffee and milk also and its actually really good. I'm 5'6 143lb. 8 years ago an Air Force doctor measured my body fat to be "less than 5%" somehow by submerging me in a tank of water. I'm not sure what the best way for me to measure it now. I want to get up to 180 to see how I look. Frankly, I'd like to be bigger than my wife who is losing weight as I gain. I really want a better chest stomach,obliques and biceps\triceps. I think i have pretty strong legs I'm pretty happy with. My father has a history of back injuries so I've also been working hard on deadlifts to strengthen my core and lower back. I do 20 min of cardio intervals before lifting every time and I work out 1 hour on Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday.

Just by drinking a gallon of milk on top of your current diet, you're going to see a noticeable difference in a month. Key is consistency.
^^It's eeasy as hell to drink all your calories as well. Not as taxing I feel on the gut though im one of those people that gets along well with milk.
Yeah just add the milk on top of the diet don't even add the specifics to the macros. I am the same way milk and me get along great, if you have an issue try goats milk, it is easier on the gut some times, hence the recommendation to pregnant women. You can do almond milk or rice milk as well but they are nowhere near as good for ya.
Go mad is the shit, I normally opt for a litre a day rather than a gallon, simply because I'm a busy guy and when milk gets warm Its fucking rank. Can't drink a gallon in an hour lol
lol yeah when your looking at the big gallon jug its a bitch. And warm milk is just fuckign nasty, id rather drink whats left in the blend after a week of not cleaning it.
lol yeah when your looking at the big gallon jug its a bitch. And warm milk is just fuckign nasty, id rather drink whats left in the blend after a week of not cleaning it.

I actually let the gallon sit out for a little bit so it can warm up. You can drink alot more once it's warmed up. 8o
bollocks to that man. I like milk to be cold ice cold, but i hate cold water figure that one out.
Fuck yeah milk needs to be 1-3 degrees, if it's getting any higher than that I wont drink the shit
^^ goddam Celsius users :p. Cold milk is just so refreshing at times. I'm gonna a pour a glass now actually.
Lol best insult I've ever heard sero... You fucking farenheight metric system asshole
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Isn't the USA one of the only countries to still use the imperial system even though their "official" system is metric?

Just repeating something I heard the other week :p
peptides are mostly a waste of money dude, other than injury healing they wont do much.

establish a proper nutrition program.

here is a helfpful read.

By far, the most important part of your struggle in reaching the set goals you have in mind will be your diet. Diet is everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. Its the deciding factor in whether your body will change or not. Anyone can get into a gym and, with a little help, get some type of basic training routine going on. Over the years in multiple forums I have seen the same thing over and over again. People seem to focus too much on anabolics and their training routines. I see skinny guys jumping on a 5x5 or 5/3/1 workout routine only to find out that they stall in progress in a very short period of time. The simple truth is that 80% of your goals will be met in the kitchen. It won't be met in the gym and it won't be met in the needle that you are filling either. Because of a lack of nutritional experience, a lot of people end up right where they started or worse after a cycle. This brings about the "myth" that you cannot keep your gains from a cycle. It's not that you cannot keep your gains; it's that you have not eaten the correct amount to keep your gains. As you grow, your bodies nutritional needs also grow. Nutrition is by far the most decisive factor in whether or not you really make the change your looking for. Now there are a lot of different types of dieting philosophies out there and it can be extremely confusing. People are using different weight to protein and carbohydrate ratios. There are fad dieting prospects like IIFYM and IF dieting (both of which I dont personally condone). You can run a traditional bulk and cut or you can do more advanced dieting like carb cycling. Remember guys, being on cycle without proper nutrition is like sitting in a Ferrari without gas in the tank. It feels amazing to sit in the car, but you're never going to get anywhere. My advice to those starting out is simple, keep it simple. Here is a basic way to get started with dieting.

You need to figure out your BMR (this is the basal metabolic rate of your body... which means if you were to do nothing all day, your body would burn these many calories)

Once you've figured out your BMR, you need your TDEE (this is your total daily energy expenditure, it's based upon your activity level)

BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

In order to figure out your BMR, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

If you don't know your body fat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please don't use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates on the forum

Total weight x bf in decimal form = total bf weight

Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

For example..

I am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so I would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, I'm a big guy)


Once you have you BMR, you need to calculate your TDEE, this is simply done with some multiplication...

you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

Once you have your TDEE, we can make some simple choices.

If you're going to bulk start by adding 500 calories to your TDEE.

So, if I had a TDEE of 3000 calories, I would start my bulk at 3500 calories

If you're going to cut, you want to reduce your calories by 15 to 20%
So, again if I had a TDEE of 3000 then I would start my cut at about 450 to 600 calories below my TDEE

Here are some simple tips for setting up correct macros:

For bulking, you want to keep two things high, protein and carbs. For example, at a 3000 calories bulk I would personally have my macros look like this

250-300g protein
300-350g carbs
70g fats

Now you have to fill out six meals a day. Divide the protein by 6 and average each meal to that number, at 300g 6 meals would average about 50g per meal.
Divide your carbs into 5 meals; at 300g carbs you would need 60g carbs per meal. The last meal of the day should never have carbs. It reduces natural growth hormone production as you sleep.

When bulking on cycle keep in mind the calorie increase happens quicker.. i like to add about 150 calories (roughly) every other week after my initial 500 calories above my TDEE.. this ensures that your eating at the higher level of your bodies needs.. So that is correct guys, if you start at 3500 calories, expect to end around 4300-4500 calories

If you want to cut the ideal rule of thumb is to follow a PRN or as needed basis on the carbs. Carbs should be focused on breakfast, pre, and post workout

Ideally, your macros at a 2500 calorie cut should look like this
300g protein
150g carbs
80g fat

Again, divide the protein evenly throughout the day. Divide the carbs evenly into breakfast, pre, and post workout. Fill the rest of the meals with fats to get the necessary 80g fats that you need.
You just have to eat, steadily, start learning tricks to get a few extra calories dirty or not into your meals. try to eat smaller meals more frequently if you cant handle large meals. It is a job but, you gotta do it man.

hey Neo,I really took your comment to my heart and added extra 80 grams of carbs daily but I even in small timeframe of one week I noticed I get alarmingly fat... everywhere I reed 500 cals above maintainance,but in my case my instinc tells me I better stick with my old turtle tempo of 100-200calls above... your opinion?
It varies from people to people: if gaining slower is well more controllable, and better for you roll with it. 500 is not really a magical number, its like a rule of thumb sort of the center of the bell curve. My words of advice is drop it to 300calls see who that goes, too much drop again, you will find the number best suited to you. But that being said and all things equal, examine your diet, and training. If your burning enough you should be keeping the fat at bay, try playing with the macros, drop the carbs raise the protein, raise the fat a little if its good. I wish I could lay out a better game plan bro, but its trail and error even at the top, I mean hell look at the greats Arnold really didn't look his best until his final Olimpia, and frankly I though Franco looked better then him the entire time, and Zane hell paint that bastard white and call him a greek statue.