• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Random People Who Sleep All The Time - Please Get Up And Moving In Any Way!


Dec 22, 2015
This thread is inspired by my roommate. He is 22 years old, and he does nothing but sleep ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I mean nothing but, except the ODD time he may get up for an hour or two to smoke weed.

I’m actually concerned for this kid. We live in a group home, and there are about 40 of us living here. The vast majority of the residents here are up and mobile during the day. Even if it’s just to watch TV, or if it’s to hang out and smoke cigarettes during the day. Chat and talk shit. It’s a happy time.

I’m concerned for his complete and utter lack of engagement in the world. The level of interaction and of possessing a life shown by everyone else here is leaps and bounds ahead of this young man, who’s example as set is to do nothing but sleep all day. It’s actually becoming annoying to me. I want to play guitar and make noise and stuff without worrying about awaking his eternal slumber. I’m actually losing my edge on my guitaring, my singing, my songwriting, and recording my demos. I want him up so that I can have a few minutes alone from time to time as well.

i am actually thinking about requesting I change rooms because of this. I’d rather have a screaming noise box who’s at least active. Or someone ‘normal’. This situation has me concerned for this guy all the time and unable to behave as I’d like to be able to. I’m trying to help for now in a non-invasive way. We will see how it goes..

I know that a lot of people here are suffering some depression, and with that comes the chance that you’re sleeping all the time your self. There are people with reduced energy levels for all sorts of reasons that could have grounds in your substance use - or it could be based on something totally different. People have autoimmune disorders and metabolic diseases as well. There’s lots of reasons to need your sleep.

I don’t want this thread littered with what ifs to his or your health, or justifications on frameworks of disease and disorder. We all know that an effort put in is the one and only solution for someone who is purposefully making no movement at all in life - whatever the underlying framework is.

If you’re down in the dumps for any number of reasons, its easy to feel that there’s just nothing to do! Or to not want to move! People get paralyzed, but I find that a total lack of movement is more an issue of self-esteem than any true lack of ability to get things done.No matter how severe or valid the reasoning, people fall Into their own traps on top of their situations all the time. It’s not a good thing, and I truly believe that there is so much more meaning to be found in a life lived awake. Could you try and do something so you don’t fall into greater health issues, life progress lost, and eventually regret for ‘missing the boat’?

How will you even find out what step A is if you’re always stuck in your last end zone at step ZzZ?

I’m going to continue this writeup from the perspective where I’m concerned for my 22 year old roommate who is physically otherwise healthy, and the issue truly is a lazy, aimless depression. He is originally from another country, and once told me his want in life is to go there and be homeless there, because he wouldn’t have to worry about anything. To be honest, aside from having the turbulent and transient life story we all have here which led him here, he really doesn’t have anything to worry about here which would get im the way of reaching those goals.

His other aspiration in life is to get an XBOX. Well, I’ve already got a sWeet 55” TV I found diving in a electronics recycling,and I’ll pitch in on an Xbox when I make some scratch. We’re halfway there!

But what has he done? I’m not going to harp on this about money or the Xbox, because I want one too and I want to help and people who are helping shouldn’t be assholes about it. I’m truly concerned for this guys health. You know, every day that he’s spent sleeping he could have been doing something to get some part time work or a hustle happening. Residents here can make a few bucks here and there, 20 bucks for mowing the lawn or helping clean the house or something. I just had a chat with him (he’s awake!) and I discussed this with him. I’m gonna ask for work for both of us.

I got some part time work helping a friend out on his barn one day a week as well. If we do that, next cheque day we will be able to afford an Xbox!

See what being awake and learning what’s going on and making plans does! Progress! If he wasn’t sleeping all the time he could get his passport renewed sooner than later and maybe talk to his family about going to his home country! I haven’t said this, but I want to try and do things to inspire him into some more action.

It’s so important to be alive if you’re alive! For the sake of not succumbing to an avoidable muscular atrophy and obesity, move!

People with busier personal, social, and work lives do in fact survey as having greater life satisfaction. If you’re down and out and not doing much, try doing just one thing more than you usually do.

The solution to an aimless life is to do anything - then do that again!
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