Pec injury - What supplements (HGH, Steroids, etc.) To help speed recovery


Aug 13, 2021
Hey guys,

First post here. Long story short, I hurt my pec lifting, rehabbed it for 8 weeks, and just now reinjured it again. I feel like I was building a house of cards, got to the top, and it all fell down again.

It's not so bad to where I need surgery. But it definitely is weaker and sore sometimes. For example, I was typically using 65lbs dumbells + for chest presses. When I first started rehab, just pressing 5lbs (on the left) was awkward. I worked up to 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, and today I got to 30lbs. That's what did it obviously, cuz I definitely tweaked it again.

I dont want to start all over again. I've never done a cycle of any kind, so I DEFINATELY need guidance here. Should I use HGH, steroids, deer antler spray, etc?

How much, where should I get it, whats the regimine, what excercises should I do while on it, how hard should I go etc.

What do I need to come off of it, what should I look out for, basically anything and everything I should know about using supplements for a tendon/muscle/ligament injury.

Thank you to whoever responds, it will help me from not drinking this disappointment away.
Rest and proper rehabilitation. Anything else isn't gonna provide much provided the cost of hgh is high.
As for exercise selection, that would be up to your health care provider based on the injury, the severity, and your limitations
Any type of steroid will compromise tendon collagen matrix (weaken)..
BPC-157, alternate days TB-500 microdose may work, if you can obtain genuine product.
3 months rest minimum is needed for optimal tendon repair, before you introduce moderate weights..
Sounds like you went too heavy too soon..
Diet should be optimal..
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Hey guys,

First post here. Long story short, I hurt my pec lifting, rehabbed it for 8 weeks, and just now reinjured it again. I feel like I was building a house of cards, got to the top, and it all fell down again.

It's not so bad to where I need surgery. But it definitely is weaker and sore sometimes. For example, I was typically using 65lbs dumbells + for chest presses. When I first started rehab, just pressing 5lbs (on the left) was awkward. I worked up to 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, and today I got to 30lbs. That's what did it obviously, cuz I definitely tweaked it again.

I dont want to start all over again. I've never done a cycle of any kind, so I DEFINATELY need guidance here. Should I use HGH, steroids, deer antler spray, etc?

How much, where should I get it, whats the regimine, what excercises should I do while on it, how hard should I go etc.

What do I need to come off of it, what should I look out for, basically anything and everything I should know about using supplements for a tendon/muscle/ligament injury.

Thank you to whoever responds, it will help me from not drinking this disappointment away.
There is a useful site where everything is described in detail about Growth hormone. Read it if you're interested.
Sleep is essential for recovery, especially in your case. I think you know that eight hours is the lowest you should go in terms of sleep duration.
Sleep is essential for recovery, especially in your case. I think you know that eight hours is the lowest you should go in terms of sleep duration. It's no secret that sleep is crucial, and it should be of quality for your body to feel good the next day. You can try some supplements for recovery and sleep from: If you find that you are having a hard time falling asleep or not having a good sleep quality, no matter how much you try, you will not see the results you are looking for, as sleep is vital for healing.
Have you ever heard of sarms OP? I’d have to look to remember for sure what the right compound is, but from my understanding there’s a certain sarm that works very well for recovering from injuries, and aids with muscle gains as well. If you haven’t heard of them I recommend doing a good amount of research on them before actually committing to starting a cycle. If I remember right it was ostarine (I could be wrong though) that was particularly good for recovering from injuries, and once again I could be wrong but if I remember correctly ostarine is one of the sarms with the mildest side effects where as rad has more, and is one of the closest to actual juice. Most people will recommend getting blood tests done before starting a cycle to make sure your hormone levels are at safe levels prior to starting a cycle. There’s a fair amount to read up on before I’d recommend you making a decision on starting a cycle, even if it’s a mild sarm as it could have some lasting effects on your body, and as always there’s possibilities of some nasty side effects that you should know about before making an informed decision with starting a cycle.