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"Peaches brown was 61% pure"

I've only ever tried them orally. The problem with Palfium is that you take 5 one day and feel fine, the next day you take 3 and end up slumped in the corner turning blue. Now I'm not into pins but I SAW what Diconal did to people and how people would crush up Physeptine, mix with crushed up Valoid (cyclizine) tablets and shoot the lot using 5ml works.

Spectacular, but after the second time I swore I wouldn't hang around with people using that mix. I mean, people would just shoot up cyclizine until they had a seizure. Not for me.
Have read about users losing their limbs injecting diconal, but also that it was something else.
If had to be, when people rate it even above Palfium.
People lose limbs crushing and shooting all kinds of pills. Diconal isn't special, it's just particularly popular with those who do dumb things.
Sure, you should not inject pills. That said, it seems that there are more harmful and more forgiving pills. Dilaudid brand being probably the easiest example. Before suboxone or subutex existed, we used to inject a lot of little 0,2mgs bupe pills, so we needed a ton of them. While it surely didn't make us healthier, I can't remember people losing limbs.
I was under the impression that diconal was somehow worse. Also, I have read (but don't know) that pharma industry, trying to make it harder to shoot, ended up making things much worse, just like they did when they introduced temazepam jellies for the same reason.
Now, I get your point about something as regarding being special among dumb things doers
There was a myth that Diconal tablets contained talc and which was repeated verbatim by Peter McDermott. I checked, they do not and have never contained talc. In fact, it's because the pills contain cyclizine hydrochloride which isn't too water soluble so people would cook and shoot only for the cyclizine to fall out of solution.

So in this case I was in the lucky position to rewrite the relevant booklet and correct the error. Of course, I only got to do that 11 years after the original and even 20 years later people STILL seem to think it's talc even when a provable alternative is given.

I mean, people cooked up plain crushed up Valoid (cyclizine) tablets and mixed them with crushed up Physeptone (methadone) tablets which combined have the same bulk and have the same issue BUT by then people had learnt that they had to use a 2 or even a 5ml barrel.

Oh - why mix the 2? Because the rush is exactly the same. It's amazingly destructive because the duration of the rush is short and so people will bang up more cyclizine (with it's attendant risks) every 15 minutes. The UK has seen cases of people on methadone maintainence buying cyclizine tablets for £1 each and whacking them up all day long until very bad things happen.
Shit, that sounds nasty. Have read from other old school English folks about that IV molotov coktail. It must be a british thing?, never have heard about that from other people, not even gringos or aussies
x212 morphine in potency (i.e. x424 methadone)
I find methadone to be much stronger than morphine without tolerance. Not better in any way, just stronger, and that is mostly pronounced without any tolerance. Where I can feel 5mg of methadone without tolerance I need 10 – 20mg of snorted morphine to really feel anything. Aiming for a really strong high without tolerance I would increase methadone dose a few times but morphine a lot more than that. But when I had morphine habit and got a box of methadone pills as a help, it ain’t do shit beside stopping WDs. Well I’m odd so that might be only my experience.
I find methadone to be much stronger than morphine without tolerance. Not better in any way, just stronger, and that is mostly pronounced without any tolerance. Where I can feel 5mg of methadone without tolerance I need 10 – 20mg of snorted morphine to really feel anything. Aiming for a really strong high without tolerance I would increase methadone dose a few times but morphine a lot more than that. But when I had morphine habit and got a box of methadone pills as a help, it ain’t do shit beside stopping WDs. Well I’m odd so that might be only my experience.

Morphine has absolutely shit bioavailability unless IV’ed. He might be talking IV/%100 bioavailability.

I agree though, I could snort 50mg and feel less than 10mg methadone.

So peaches brown wasn't really brown, it was white...like her "privilege". That doesn't mean she didn't struggle tho.
The only thing she struggled was deciding whether to buy an ounce or 2 of that Peaches brown for some thousands after gobblin down 27 methadone bottless in 2-3 days.
Shit, that sounds nasty. Have read from other old school English folks about that IV molotov coktail. It must be a british thing?, never have heard about that from other people, not even gringos or aussies

If you are old enough to remember the opioid scene in the early 1970s you will know people mixed Diconal and Ritalin crushed and banged up at the same time. Better than a speedball was the word from the rapidly expiring users.

I do not understand WHY she plumped for H. Someone with her money could have had something MUCH nicer made. And don't say rich people do not, I know David Bowie experimented with drugs in the 1970s and had PMA made just to try it. Although now I say it, at least Bowie was a smart dude. He actually READ Shulgin's early papers when they were... paper.

Poor little rich girl could have got scripted in the US making Levo-Dromoran accessible but then I don't credit her with much in the way of brains, sadly. Not thick, but not special.
The only thing she struggled was deciding whether to buy an ounce or 2 of that Peaches brown for some thousands after gobblin down 27 methadone bottless in 2-3 days.
Some ppl say she was suicided... 🤔
Nobody in it's own mind takes that much methadone...
Some ppl say she was suicided... 🤔
Nobody in it's own mind takes that much methadone...
Idk about the case really. Her father seems creepy though. Propably gave her kids h when they were teens.

Was just messing around the consept of a rich kids "white privilege"
If you are old enough to remember the opioid scene in the early 1970s you will know people mixed Diconal and Ritalin crushed and banged up at the same time. Better than a speedball was the word from the rapidly expiring users.

I do not understand WHY she plumped for H. Someone with her money could have had something MUCH nicer made. And don't say rich people do not, I know David Bowie experimented with drugs in the 1970s and had PMA made just to try it. Although now I say it, at least Bowie was a smart dude. He actually READ Shulgin's early papers when they were... paper.

Poor little rich girl could have got scripted in the US making Levo-Dromoran accessible but then I don't credit her with much in the way of brains, sadly. Not thick, but not special.
I would imagine that it must be a pretty unusual thing, even for wealthy celebrity drug fiends, to have drugs made for them. Not everyone has access to a psycho-pharmacologist. Bowie was definitely special in the real sense of the word though.

I don't know if it was just me projecting my own issues at the time, but Peaches seemed to have that annoying blend of really bad insecurity combined with thinking she was special at the same time, although likely she was only a 'name' due to who her parents were / are. Bob Geldof is a smart man, even if he is deluded about the status and greatness of The Boomtown Rats, and Paula couldn't have been no dumb ass either. And intelligence is mostly genetic.

Peaches' death was a sad waste of a budding journalist and teenage pin up girl, who might have gone on to sort her self out, and carve out her own niche somewhere in the popular culture media, or she may have had a tragic and ongoing train wreck of a life. She might have had a genetic pre-disposition to be drawn to heroin, passed down by her mother.
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Idk about the case really. Her father seems creepy though. Propably gave her kids h when they were teens.
No way. Bob Geldof is pretty morally upright. His autobiography "Is That It?" released in the late 80s, at the height of his post Live Aid fame was a great read at the time. I was in awe of Geldof for some time after reading that book.
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Some ppl say she was suicided... 🤔
Nobody in it's own mind takes that much methadone...

Errr... I know of one NYC client who was prescribed 1000mg of methadone a day i.e. 1l of green. I do not know HOW they ended up there but I know that in the early 70s they did follow the PROPER protocol in which enough methadone (0.5x M potency) is given so that H will not have any subjective effect and so I can only presume the person was doing in an eighth or more per day.

God alone knows HOW they stood up.

Such a dangerous option when bezitramide is safer, x40 more potent (so cheaper) and substitutes for fentanyl. ANY US based HR company would do so well to introduce bezitramide - it's off patent so an SR formulation so that it lasts 24 hours (IR is 12 hours) would be MORE profitable than bup.