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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Euphoric Rambles for Swirling Souls

Don't all drugs get eliminated more slowly by the elderly? (for example: klonopin has blood tests for people of certain ages or with certain issues)

So with psychedelics already being powerful, wouldn't it be possible that it just happens more rapidly?
Sure, maybe. I can say that the long-lasting ones last longer for me now, I took AMT the other day and 16 hours after dosing my pupils were still saucers and I finally had to take etizolam to sleep. In my early/mid twenties I would take AMT and 12 hours later I'd be down. DOC messes with my sleep for 2 whole days now. Even something like 5-MeO-MiPT will keep me feeling it a bit for a long time, like 8 hours.

I'm hardly elderly but I am approaching the mid-point of my thirties and I've been taking psychedelics for 15 years, 11 of those regularly.
One has to wonder what it takes to "fry" veterans, but also how the "elderly" don't tolerate certain drugs so well. Maybe it's some of the secondary effects that take their toll, but the pure 5-HT2A agonism is just a matter of keeping your higher brain functions in check by just keeping your mind in order whatever that means.
Maybe its cos old people have holes in their brain where all their memories used to be and the drugs are filling their brain holes too rapidly because time slows down when you're old?
I shouldn't make fun of the elderly. They can't help it.

I wonder who the oldest bluelighter is/was? I'd love to be talking drugs with an octogenarian.
I think this is a common phenomenon that people need less of a substance to get effects when they get older.

I would speculate that this happens on multiple levels. One is slower metabolism, which would lead to a longer duration of the effects. The increased effect size might be due the fact that the brain is less able to compensate for the distortions caused by the drugs. The brain might have lost some redundant connections etc. an other explanation would be derived from the predictive coding framework: the older we get, the more specialized and independent parts of the brain become. Drugs disturb this and as the brain got more unflexibel the disturbance with the same dose gets bigger
My theory is that the older you get, the more aware you become.
Indeed, at the same moment you wrote that I was taking a bump. That is synchronicity bro.
It seriously came smiling thru via your post but I'll be honest, I'm on it too :)
Solipsis, if you're in here, do you IM 3meopcp?
Maybe its cos old people have holes in their brain where all their memories used to be and the drugs are filling their brain holes too rapidly because time slows down when you're old?

LOL... Time dilation becomes synergistic with your age.

I can't wait to be an octogenarian taking drugs.

Edit: actually, I'll take that back. I'll gladly wait.
Maybe its cos old people have holes in their brain where all their memories used to be and the drugs are filling their brain holes too rapidly because time slows down when you're old?

Heh, so far time has been speeding up consistently. Almost frighteningly so.

My theory is that the older you get, the more aware you become.

I think this is true as long as you keep seeking to become more aware. It seems like sometimes people become less aware as they get older.

I have officially been doing too many drugs. And not psychedelics. Gotta chill. I've been taking some sort of stimulant a few times a week (often propylhexedrine but also including ethyl-hexedrone and dex-amphetamine), alcohol many nights, and as a result of morning afters, phenibut many days, far more than I should be. Plus etizolam for sleep but not too often with that. I feel pretty worn out, and I certainly notice that on phenibut off-days I'm feeling quite flat and even somewhat anxious. Well, here's my moment of deciding to chill out and dry out for a bit. At least these days I notice and catch myself. I'm going for not doing it at all though. I can certainly say that it's stimulants/empathogens these days that get me really compulsive and that I develop bad patterns with.
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Solipsis, if you're in here, do you IM 3meopcp?

I'm fairly sure I have IMed 3-MeO-PCP and certainly 3-MeO-PCP, but no I don't do that now. No fucking about with needles for me unless I would somehow really "have to", I don't have craving, obsessive, self-destructive or serious addictive tendencies either so not really interested in paying a shitload on micron filters, buddy. :)

Most things are better IM in my experience although oxy was very disappointing back then.

That's interesting @ the specifics / your ideas there drseltsam! In any case it does make sense heuristically..

Awareness seems very hard to measure if we are just guys making comparisons, I do think grown old you have just learned more from things that only come somewhat reliably from life experience. On the other hand some people never learn or change. I doubt that if some fat old Republican senator would live to see 200 he would likely become a Buddhist monk.
People who don't stay playful are IMO also more at risk of rusting into their mold... As you grow older you don't quite learn as easily so if you don't stay brisk, even more awareness might not do you any good cause you may just become utterly convergent in your thinking. It's nice to have so many pieces of the puzzle so to speak, but it's tricky and inflexible to just interpret everything by placing it in the same old limited perspective.

There are steps like awareness - realization - actualization, or knowledge vs wisdom that make the matter more complex and it seems like it's a two-edged sword anyway growing old. It would be great to have the insight you have later in life but the energy and innocent naievety that is mostly found in the young. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, although that expression always mindfucks me... well in any case, cosmic irony aye?... I sometimes can't help but feel like a joke is played on me or some fucked up alien sociological experiment.
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Heh, so far time has been speeding up consistently. Almost frighteningly so.

I think this is true as long as you keep seeking to become more aware. It seems like sometimes people become less aware as they get older.

I have officially been doing too many drugs. And not psychedelics. Gotta chill. I've been taking some sort of stimulant a few times a week (often propylhexedrine but also including ethyl-hexedrone and dex-amphetamine), alcohol many nights, and as a result of morning afters, phenibut many days, far more than I should be. Plus etizolam for sleep but not too often with that. I feel pretty worn out, and I certainly notice that on phenibut off-days I'm feeling quite flat and even somewhat anxious. Well, here's my moment of deciding to chill out and dry out for a bit. At least these days I notice and catch myself. I'm going for not doing it at all though. I can certainly say that it's stimulants/empathogens these days that get me really compulsive and that I develop bad patterns with.

3-MeO-PCP is the reason I wanted to pretty much stop doing all drugs except it, especially stimulants make me feel horrible for the next day or two. Well the real reason is falling in love and finding a reason to live for something else than yourself.
Yeah I forgot I've been doing low-dose 3-MeO a lot of days too. It doesn't really have that effect on me I guess. Kinda makes me compulsive actually.

But yeah, stimulants are probably the least healthy class for you, excepting things like inhalants of course. I shall desist forthwith.
I think this is true as long as you keep seeking to become more aware. It seems like sometimes people become less aware as they get older.

The last girl I dated had a saying, "People are either grow into's or grow out of's" The former meaning solidifying more and more unhealthy and negative patterns learned during childhood, adolescence, and the like - imagine petty office spaces with co-workers that seem to be straight out of high school emotionally, mentally, etc. - and the latter growing out of those, expanding into more well rounded and healthy individuals, etc. Grow intos or grow out ofs. I really like it.
^Indeed, that's the process that is happening to me and my girlfriend and it's the biggest change I've ever experienced or thought could be possible
Yep! I'm doing it alone right now, hoping to find someone to grow with soon. I've evolved so much in the past year it's insane. Now to find a lover to break even more boundaries with <3
Not really a psych question but, does anyone know if using 4-FA after repeated days of O-DSMT use is safe? I know that O-DSMT has NRI properties, and that 4-FA has serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine releasing potential. Would it be too dangerous to use 4-FA tomorrow night if I've had O-DSMT today?

I'm going to a rave and I really want a stimulant I can use.