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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

could be an archaic name for n,n-dipentyltryptamine, substituting the old school term "amyl" for pentyl

lmao :3
I got some dabs yesterday, and today I got sunburnt then dabbed out and greened out so bad that I had 38 missed calls when I woke up. THC is a helluva drug. I wonder if it really is okay to dab every day for like a decade.

I decided to spend my friday night playing ogre battle instead of going to this rave party with a nitrous tank. I'm sure going there would have cost me some brain cells lol
Dabbing is pleasant, although I often feel groggy the next day if I over do it on the shatgnar. Its crazy to me that wax and budder are so popular these days. People still smoke that shit thinking they're being "healthy". Co2/Hyperbaric all the way. (Maybe some really nicely winterized wax in a pinch.)

Honestly, I would rather go to Vegas than Burning Man. Having done both a few times, I can say I've had more fun in Vegas by myself than at BM with 7 of my best friends. I know that sounds weird, and maybe I'm anti-social and OCD but sleeping in carcinogenic dust for 7 days in 102 degree weather all while dealing with a bunch of REALLY stupid, dirty, pretentious hippies and yuppies isn't really as cool as video games/gambling, bright lights and comfy beds. Maybe I'm weird...or am I?

Indoor rollercoaster much?
I got some dabs yesterday, and today I got sunburnt then dabbed out and greened out so bad that I had 38 missed calls when I woke up. THC is a helluva drug. I wonder if it really is okay to dab every day for like a decade.

I decided to spend my friday night playing ogre battle instead of going to this rave party with a nitrous tank. I'm sure going there would have cost me some brain cells lol

You're my hero.
could be an archaic name for n,n-dipentyltryptamine, substituting the old school term "amyl" for pentyl

lmao :3

that led me to this page: https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/tihkal/tihkal02.shtml which i have surely read before, but i did not recall as i was reading it.

this Sasha quote from that page made me lul:

"And as to trying to name anything higher, such as the N,N-dioctyltryptamine, forget it. The code would have to be, following all this logic, DOT. That term, at least its use as a code for a psychedelic drug, is already assigned to ALEPH in the phenethylamine series. There it stood for DesOxyThio, the DOM analog with a sulfur atom put in the place of an oxygen atom at a critical substitution position. So that pretty much cools any efforts to get ever longer chains on that nitrogen atom. They simply cannot be named."

I decided to spend my friday night playing ogre battle instead of going to this rave party with a nitrous tank. I'm sure going there would have cost me some brain cells lol

i just downloaded Ogre Battle 64. its pretty awesome.
Had a nice day today helping my parents with the garden and fixing the pond/waterfall/installing the new pump, and also I hung out with a really good friend (and didn't smoke even though he did... so glad now because I feel a lot better than I did this morning). Now I'm about to go out to dinner at a really good place with my mom. I really want to tell her about the ibogaine, I might tonight.

How's everyone doing?

I am good, but very scatterbrained today. Sat around my mates house last night smoking hash from a huge communal hookah, then managed to basically stack peaks of smoked DMT and IM ketamine and proceeded to zoom around the Innerverse. Was great fun actually :)

Gardening is so relaxing, really feels almost primal in its simplicity of intent...

I really never contribute to the delightful banter that is PD Social, but I feel compelled right now because its fucking beautiful. Seriously; seeing people interact with love and respect is truly awesome and this thread never ceases to make me smile while I read it.

(I'm not high by the way, I just appreciate you guys!)

Hey man, glad you can see the positivity and love that arise herein. Stick around, we talk a whole heap of shit in here and always require more...:)

Hmm, I gotta go to bed methinks... Time for several bongs and sleep :)

What does the -2 postfix refer to? Is it different from a-PVT ?

Nice to see you are still swirling, and yeah high quantities of 4-HO-MET are so ftw, I had such a great time with 40 mg in the past that I already prepared a similar dose to take again, but I held off because things were not really going well with me. I quit my run with kratom now and no real w/ds after this particular strain (they seem to vary a lot with side-effects, acute w/d, after-effects, weird stuffs). Can't really walk well (really, I look like I got polio or prison-raped) because I wrecked myself during training... am getting sick all the time, not sure what is up with me.

Also, my PD birthday :D

I'm not sure what the -2 means actually but it is from a highly reputable vendor who seems like a really smart guy. I'm assuming that it is a different form of a-pvt. Haven't tested that one yet so I can't compare them unfortunately.

Got a good nights sleep, I feel fantastic.
i tried my 4-HO-MiPT the other night (first time). probably should have waited a bit -- i ended up just thinking about Nathan for most of the trip.
I am good, but very scatterbrained today. Sat around my mates house last night smoking hash from a huge communal hookah, then managed to basically stack peaks of smoked DMT and IM ketamine and proceeded to zoom around the Innerverse. Was great fun actually :)

fuck I wish my friends were that fun haha

I don't think I could ever get very good effects from snorting K anymore, but nobody I know is a sanitary needle user. I'm probably not going to be having a proper hole until I step it up to IM. I'm almost certain that it would be pretty addicting through that route :\. I miss those vivid dissociative dreamstates though and I honestly feel like they have a definite antidepressant effect for me.
Smoking some Phantom Cookies and watching Seinfeld, solid evening.

Ordered some mushroom spores the other day, pretty stoked to get them going. Amazonians and Golden Teachers, MMmm. Anyone grow mushrooms?
Can anyone tell me the shelf life of shredded mimosa root bark? I have a quarter pound on the way and would like to wait a few months until I can drop $160 on a mini freezer and get it into my room with out my room mates knowing. I had the choice between shredded or powdered and figured that the shredded would be less likely to mold. Also the guy said that shredded is actually better than pre-powdered, that it just needs to soak for a couple more hours, is there any truth to this? Sorry for going off topic, I will direct any further questions toward the extraction sub thread.
Can anyone tell me the shelf life of shredded mimosa root bark? I have a quarter pound on the way and would like to wait a few months until I can drop $160 on a mini freezer and get it into my room with out my room mates knowing. I had the choice between shredded or powdered and figured that the shredded would be less likely to mold. Also the guy said that shredded is actually better than pre-powdered, that it just needs to soak for a couple more hours, is there any truth to this? Sorry for going off topic, I will direct any further questions toward the extraction sub thread.

Keep it in the dark in the coolest place in your room and I'd say you're golden for those few months.
^Thanks, and I believe Solipsis would be the man/woman to talk to about mushroom cultivation. I very much look foward to growing some of my own when I have a place to myself.
Had a long journey on 2 150ug hits of some fine LSD. Tripped so hard, still seeing visuals with these weed bowls from last night, but I got too much xanax in my system for much weed psychedelia, more sedation at this point runnin up for 48 hrs.

My brain is soo tired, wow... haha great fucking start of my summer nights.
^It sure can. It's been gone for awhile now but I just recently came acorss both brazillian and mexican mimosa from two different sources. I've heard mixed things about the mexican so I went with the former.