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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Happy birthday everyone. I am spending this night in a daze of sorts combining Radiohead with MXE. It's safe to say I am in a beautiful place. Hello.
^ Radiohead and MXE, sounds like a lovely combination! :) Enjoy! And happy birthday SONN, we are very close in age! ;)
xork said:
My friends rent a 3 bedroom apartment (townhome) for $600 a month.

You couldn't even get a studio apartment for that...in the city I live in I don't think you'll find anything for less than $1100/month, which I believe is meant to keep the undesirables out of our idyllic suburb.

I have a hard time saying happy birthday to adults, because I feel like they aren't happy occasions. So, birthday condolences to you who just aged a year.
Our 3BR townhouse sets us back $440 per WEEK lol (split 3 ways)... And it's not particularly close to the city or any CBD either.

Last place we lived was $650/week...rofl
Thanks for the birthday wishes. <3

I went over to my friends' place this evening to plant things in our community garden, and it turns out our drummer was there so we jammed, I feel really good about these ones. Then we played poker and I won, $5 buy-in so I got $25 (second place gets their money back). No one bought back in so the pot was $30. It felt good to win again, I won my first time and two other times out of all the times we've played... Delsyd's girlfriend usually wins, I blocked her from 5 in a row. :p It's a pretty big adrenaline rush to win big poker hands when you have money in it, even if it's only $5. I came back from being WAY down in chips, and once it was just the two of us I started consistently getting good hands. Then we stayed up and talked about a lot of intense stuff for a couple of hours until I realized it was 2:30 in the morning.

Here are 2 of the jams we did on 6-4... the first is an attempt to recreate the first jam we did together with me on keys, which remains maybe the most cohesive thing we've done and probably all of our favorite one (it's here if you care to listen). The second is a pretty cool blues feel in G# minor.


Damn... $600 / month in total, split between two people? That's insane. Where I'm looking, it's almost impossible to find a single room for less than $700 a month.

Yeah, small towns are awesome. This place is great because it's a small town but it's got a lot of city elements, it's the biggest city actually in the mountains anywhere nearby. Really cool culture and art of all kinds and there are a nice amount of people, it's got a good amount but it feels like a community, people don't seem like strangers.

argh. I'm 27 in 4 days. BAWWWW.

Wait til you hit 30. :) Actually I thought it was awesome to hit 30 but I feared it until I got there for some reason.
^Nice jams I haven't finished the second but so far they're excellent. It would sound amazing on mxe but I'm over 30 days clean(pats self on back) and your music sounds pretty friggin sweet sober which says a a lot as I am still having trouble enjoying music sober. I really dig the bluesy elements
I have a bad ass blues guitar solo I recorded in highschool on an old desktop at my mom's house. I think I'm going to mess around with the MIDI port on fruity loops using my keyboard and compose a bass line and some drums. If it doesn't end up sucking too bad I'll upload here

Oh and happy belated b-day xorkmiester:)
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I was pretty okay to hit 30 this year :)

But I am not so okay being concerned about health shit.. minor stuff I guess, but the feeling that I may not be in such a great condition in a while, for my age..

Used 2C-C today and it really helped me, had a nice day - went to gardening center, made elderflower champagne.. made a CO2 bubbler generator for my coca plants in mini greenhouse..
I was pretty okay to hit 30 this year :)

But I am not so okay being concerned about health shit.. minor stuff I guess, but the feeling that I may not be in such a great condition in a while, for my age..

I feel you man... I'm 32 and whilst I enjoy the freedom of not having to be young and stupid anymore, the physical decline (albeit minor) is bothersome. Aches and pains (especially neck/shoulders) and poor digestion really. Small things adding up. I was born 8 weeks prematurely and had quite a few physical problems as a child- I fear they will snowball as I age and already are. What sort of things are bothering you Soli?

I actually deeply deeply regret how I used to CWE codeine so often. I was really foolish with it, whether ibuprofen or paracetemol, I would really just filter through a t-shirt and squeeze the shit of it, but never re-filtered it. I figure my extractions were laden with paracetemol or ibuprofen, the latter which I think has fucked my stomach. I haven't done this for years though; I have ongoing access to pure codeine phosphate tablets (30mgs) so if I ever do it now, its not a CWE, but sometimes I get very worried about the future of my internal organs.,.:\

I used to eat tablets of 30mg codeine and 500mg paracetemol, I would have maybe 12-16 of them; justing eating 6 grams or more of APAP. I just didn't care :| But I REALLY REALLY do now...

Used 2C-C today and it really helped me, had a nice day - went to gardening center, made elderflower champagne.. made a CO2 bubbler generator for my coca plants in mini greenhouse..

You know how I love hearing about your little acitivities. You have such a full life. :)

I'm really wanting to look into some kin of open source synth creation (hardware). I think I'd really love to make a basic analog synth ala 303. My brother has electrical engineering knowledge and is actually fixing up a Roland Jupiter for us, so I'm going to get his assistance. A positive project :)
I used to eat tablets of 30mg codeine and 500mg paracetemol, I would have maybe 12-16 of them; justing eating 6 grams or more of APAP. I just didn't care :| But I REALLY REALLY do now...

Yeah, I've done some stupid and dangerous things with drugs in my past too, which I now regret... I think it's something that most of us psychonauts fall victim to at some point or other. :\ Oh well. Life ain't perfect.

You know how I love hearing about your little acitivities. You have such a full life. :)

Keeping busy is keeping happy. :)

I'm really wanting to look into some kin of open source synth creation (hardware). I think I'd really love to make a basic analog synth ala 303. My brother has electrical engineering knowledge and is actually fixing up a Roland Jupiter for us, so I'm going to get his assistance. A positive project :)

That sounds like a fun challenge!
soli said:
made elderflower champagne

That sounds interesting.

Um, I ought to wait 'til tomorrow so I could go 24 hours without quetiapine, and so I'm not peaking when I need to be interacting with people, but I bought it today and my NMDA receptors are feeling so un-antagonized. 888mg DXM down the hatch! It's the polistyrex though (I don't feel like upsetting my stomach, and I'm too broke throw in 600mg or so in gels on top of it, so it oughtn't be too impairing. This stuff takes like three hours, so I'll have a tall can of mat liquor to entertain me in the meanwhile. It's unfortunate that I haven't any cannabis at the moment.

I don't really get the health concerns, I despise the physical vessel that my mind (which I'm not overly fond of either) inhabits. The occasional thought that strikes me that I feel like a real person ATM, is probably indicative of a malaise, of a nausea with existence, akin to that of Antoine Roquentin (I also sometimes feel like Jack Kerouac circa Big Sur, well, a junior version of it anyway). Perhaps it is a beautiful thing that there are people like that in the world, I think so anyway. We have an interesting idea-space that may have value to those who take the time to listen. The mad and the miserable can see things that are invisible to those blinded by the complacency of happiness and functionality.

flawedbydesign said:
I'm over 30 days clean

That's really good man, dissociatives are pernicious things. Keep it up.
Ahh Willow, I can attest to the worries that come with a general decline in health :( stroke at 17, crushed vertebra at 23, unknown lower back/SIJ issues....yeah, physically I often feel at least twice my actual age :(
My license should be unsuspended in like a week if penndot actually held to their word, as in 12 months of suspension is 12 months and not 18
Look at that mane. That is like the most perfect representation of what i want, TO THE T, FOR A GOOD PRICE, CLOSE ENOUGH TO MY HOUSE TO BE ABLE TO DRIVE OUT THERE AND BUY IT.
you cant register a car with a suspended license.
This is such bullshit.
i mean dog.
small coupe
electron blue color
Nice wheels
high as fuck revving dohc 4banger, decent little bit of power and probably the most popular platform for modification and shit
Mad practicality
i mean how much better can you do for 45 bro than an em1
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Melting slowly, falling, open to every ripple and touch of the True World as I float down Hendrix avenue. Green leaves happily sliding into gentle grey sidewalks, I remember what it means to be alive. How warm and inviting the colors of the world are tonight, how slow and welcoming are the buildings and plants that amble past my walking feet. This is the world that I love, so warm and open, where the boundaries between objects and thoughts are thrown away, all is content to exist within all. So bright the Earth on a perfect evening in my perfect world. I have so many dimensions that I had forgotten, such a loving heart to unfold into causality.
^ I love that. <3 It's beautiful to be able to feel that way.

I feel you man... I'm 32 and whilst I enjoy the freedom of not having to be young and stupid anymore, the physical decline (albeit minor) is bothersome. Aches and pains (especially neck/shoulders) and poor digestion really. Small things adding up. I was born 8 weeks prematurely and had quite a few physical problems as a child- I fear they will snowball as I age and already are. What sort of things are bothering you Soli?

I actually deeply deeply regret how I used to CWE codeine so often. I was really foolish with it, whether ibuprofen or paracetemol, I would really just filter through a t-shirt and squeeze the shit of it, but never re-filtered it. I figure my extractions were laden with paracetemol or ibuprofen, the latter which I think has fucked my stomach. I haven't done this for years though; I have ongoing access to pure codeine phosphate tablets (30mgs) so if I ever do it now, its not a CWE, but sometimes I get very worried about the future of my internal organs.,.:\

I used to eat tablets of 30mg codeine and 500mg paracetemol, I would have maybe 12-16 of them; justing eating 6 grams or more of APAP. I just didn't care :| But I REALLY REALLY do now...

You know how I love hearing about your little acitivities. You have such a full life. :)

I'm really wanting to look into some kin of open source synth creation (hardware). I think I'd really love to make a basic analog synth ala 303. My brother has electrical engineering knowledge and is actually fixing up a Roland Jupiter for us, so I'm going to get his assistance. A positive project :)

Yeah I notice a bit of physical decline too, though I am the strongest and in the best shape I have ever been, because I work at it (and never used to)... but my knees particularly get much more sore than they did, playing basketball for example makes them hurt for 2 days. River hikes make them hurt for a day or two, anything with knee impact really. It makes me nervous because my dad and his dad both had their knees replaced at about 50, and I fear I'm headed there. That will suck because I love being active and doing fun things that use my knees. Also there's just a general amount of extra stiffness and length of time to recuperate.

That's amazing about the possibility of building a synth instrument. :) I want/need a synth keyboard really bad, but the best I'm going to be able to do is find a good used one. Music equipment is really expensive.
Hello, PD family! Sorry I disappeared on you fine folks yet again for the past few months... I kinda made a right mess of things for a while, but I'm getting back on my feet and reinvesting my time and energy into people and places where I've found love, support, and fulfillment. PD Soc has always been one such place, thanks to all of you <3

So here's what happened in a nutshell: I let opiates and stims get way out of control for a while, as both a response to and a cause of me burning out from law school and my long untreated, un-dealt with pile of anxiety-related symptoms. Isolated from everyone, eventually stopped even communicating with profs and clients about work that I was supposed to be doing. Finally reached a breaking point back in March, and I had to withdraw from the semester to get my shit together (and avoid outright failing some classes). Attended a ~6 week outpatient group therapy thing, finished that about a week and a half ago... I didn't expect much out of it but it wound up being a very helpful experience. Also met someone amazing, inspiring, supportive, beautiful... And we have a first date of sorts scheduled for Monday :)

I'm not sure if she reciprocates my obvious infatuation, but it's pretty much entirely due to her positive influence on me from our time in group that I worked up the nerve to ask her out at all, and instead of trying to predict how she feels based on the tiniest irrelevant 'clues' I'm just going to ask her when I see her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous as hell about what she'll say, but thanks to her I'm actually going to find out rather than just assuming it wouldn't work out and not even trying. And the 'worst case' - that she has no romantic interest, and is "merely" one of the most thoughtful, caring, and all-around wonderful friends I've ever had - doesn't exactly fill me with dread and ennui.

So anyway, for the first time in months, things are truly looking up. I'm mostly back down to just my prescribed daily dose of adderall, and I've tapered down from multiple lines of H multiple times a day to a couple sniffs of fentanyl nasal spray every now and then. Oh, and I might get to visit Rome next month - my first ever trip to the continent - but I scheduled my date pretty shortly after hearing about the Rome trip and it quickly took over my attention. So it hasn't really sunk in yet that I could be touring Europe in a few weeks... Still a bit preoccupied by the fact that I might be spending time with the closest I've ever had to a soul mate in just a few days. Haven't felt this strongly about someone I met this recently in - well, ever. I think the word I'm searching for is 'smitten' ;)

I could be mistaken, but I think I'm... happy. What a weird sensation! It's been quite a while. I think I like it.

TL;DR: I've been gone more than half a year and you're skipping to the TL;DR? :( You're reading PD Social... What are you in such a rush for?

P.S. - oh, and Beats Antique + Thievery Corp on July 2, woo!
Hey man, welcome back! I'm sorry you fell down the opiate hole, wishing you a complete and happy recovery. :) Sounds like a great woman... good luck with that. :)

I'm gonna get to try mephedrone tonight, a friend sent me some to try, I've always wanted to. Gonna share with a couple of friends.
I could be mistaken, but I think I'm... happy. What a weird sensation! It's been quite a while. I think I like it.

Yeah, happiness. Been awhile since I've been acquainted with that myself. Glad you seem to being doing well, Soli, after a bit of a nasty struggle! :) So do you plan on finishing law school?

Melting slowly, falling, open to every ripple and touch of the True World as I float down Hendrix avenue. Green leaves happily sliding into gentle grey sidewalks, I remember what it means to be alive. How warm and inviting the colors of the world are tonight, how slow and welcoming are the buildings and plants that amble past my walking feet. This is the world that I love, so warm and open, where the boundaries between objects and thoughts are thrown away, all is content to exist within all. So bright the Earth on a perfect evening in my perfect world. I have so many dimensions that I had forgotten, such a loving heart to unfold into causality.

Damn. I sure wish I felt like you did when you wrote this. See, Thorns? You can love yourself after all. You've just got to stop them pesky NMDA receptors from being agonized so dang much. :D
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Ahh, smitten. I love that word haha. Actually the name of the album on my phone I putball my pictures of the girlfriend :D heh
tsoli said:
Sorry I disappeared on you fine folks yet again for the past few months.

We always expect you back sooner or later, like with others among the old posters. 'tis good that things are starting to look up for you.

TAC said:
Damn. I sure wish I felt like you did when you wrote this

You once commented that dissociatives have a loneliness about them to you, for me it's always been the opposite, while dissociated I feel connected to people just by thinking about them, connected and secure. For a few hours.
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You once commented that dissociatives have a loneliness about them to you, for me it's always been the opposite, while dissociated I feel connected to people just by thinking about them, connected and secure. For a few hours.

I can see both sides of the coin here. Dissociatives can increase my sense of empathy and love, but they make it difficult to actually socialize, because it's hard to understand and form language on dissociatives.
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