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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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Wuts up guys, I'm doing well just gonna relax this weekend. Have started to feel much better over the past couple days. My battery for my vape pen just broke though and i just bought this OG Kush cartridge. I mean it holds a charge for like 2-3 hits and then goes dead. After i throw it back on the charger again it will repeat, its a hassle.

So probably gonna have to wait for another one to come in the mail. Have some regular bud to so it's gonna be alright. I got a solid 6 months use and the thing only cost me 15 bucks. So not really a bad deal, picked up a bunch of Etizolam as well but i put them away for awhile until im in better shape. But things are definetly on the up and up.

Hope everyone is well :)<3

Man, I just washed my Rubi pen. I realized like 10 minutes after I started the load, but it was too late. I need another, that thing was awesome for vaping concentrate anywhere no worries.
Already have a new one on the way so it should be here early in the week. Actually just ate this edible that was gifted to my girlfriend. Her friend said that they are very powerful and to only eat half. But considering i am able to consume massive amounts of THC i just ate the whole thing. I love the feeling of high dose oral cannabis, its trippy as fuck and makes my whole day more interesting.

I wanna smoke a bowl but I'll probably wait until i feel where this takes me. Been like 30 mins so I'll probably get first alert around noon.
Heya kids, 'member me?

I've had a hell of a few months between electronics crapping out on me and medical emergencies. I've been without a working phone and computer for a while, just got them both up and running again yesterday. I've spent more time in the hospital and broken more bones this year than the rest of my life put together. Been trying, so far without success, to figure out a way to get back on my ADD meds and maybe start an anxiety med without proper health insurance. I'll probably just have to beg family members to pay out of pocket for me to see a private psychiatrist who has a sliding scale fee. I'm a total mess without stimulants, no executive function to speak of.

But things are starting to look up. No immediate health emergencies at the moment (although my wrist, which I broke in August, still hurts when I move it in certain ways, so I don't think it healed right :/ ). Hopefully I won't have a reason to see the inside of another hospital for a while. I'm finally completely off opioids (well, I'll still pop a few pills now and then when the opportunity presents itself, but no more regular habit or 'hard' opioids like fent). TBH, I probably wouldn't be if I had the money to support a habit, but I suppose it's for the best that I don't. And I'm finally gonna get to spend face to face time with my partner after *10 months* of doing the long distance thing. Video chats are cool and all, but no substitute for being in the same room together. I'm flying to Oklahoma next month to see them. We're going to drop acid and see an of Montreal show (their all-time favorite band) :D With any luck, between the two of us, we'll be able to scrounge up a bit of weed money, too. I'll be out there for a full week. I can't wait!
Hey man, nice to see you. :) It is indeed true that there is no substitute for in-person contact... none at all. 10 months of video only would drive me insane... to be honest I don't think I could do it. Well, if my girlfriend needed to live somewhere else for a year but she was coming back, I'd do it, but because we've been together 4 years and she's the love of my life. She's about to move in with me actually. <3 Next weekend we'll get the rest of her stuff, she's already been here 5 and a half days out of the week for a while now.

So yeah, that's exciting you get to see her. :)

Life has been crazy for me this year. Without going into much detail (because the social thread is already full of long posts by me about it), my dad is nearing the end, I got a DUI and I'm in the middle of a shitty divorce from my shitty ex... hoping I don't lose my house, retirement account and/or cats. It's been mega stressful (the DUI was in reaction to the situation)... plus earlier this year my oldest friend was super psychotic/strung out on meth and got shot and stabbed and was trying to scam me out of money all the time. He went to outpatient and then inpatient rehab and last I talked to him he finally sounded good, but now I haven't been able to get ahold of him for weeks so it concerns me again. :\

But, I'll get through the stuff and life will go on... I've already gotten to a much better place than I was, although I've been using GABAergics (alcohol, phenibut, GHB at different times) too much lately and I am at the point where I need to get a handle on that... I don't need to deal with withdrawals on top of everything (though TBH I fear I'm kinda semi-there already because last night I felt pretty strange and trembly which went away with phenibut this morning... but I also had a pretty big alcohol hangover yesterday. Either way, not good). So yeah, a mix of good and bad. Certainly one of the more intense/rollercoastery times of my life. But my life is still good, it's just challenging right now.

I'm finally completely off opioids (well, I'll still pop a few pills now and then when the opportunity presents itself, but no more regular habit or 'hard' opioids like fent). TBH, I probably wouldn't be if I had the money to support a habit, but I suppose it's for the best that I don't.

Be really fucking careful man. I hardly know anyone who has been able to use opiates responsibly once they've been serious addicted to them. For me, that was an addict trap for me every time, it never once worked no matter how much I tried to believe it would.
Been really sick again in the hospital. Spent the whole day yesterday getting shot up with IV Morphine and it sounds enjoyable. But it definetly wasnt, well maybe the rushes were. Been having issues with Gastritus again, but im back home this morning. Eating some grits and smoking some weed this guy gave me. My girlfriend is hysterical, she was convinced i was gonna die. I'm gonna be alright, this all got triggered me running out of my Protonix for 3 days, my acid reflux is that bad.

FWIW, I used to have really bad acid reflux, to the point that I was still severely suffering despite a daily pantoprazole regimen, and I was actually considering surgery to get some relief. But now, I'm almost 100% symptom-free without any drugs or surgical intervention. Honestly, I think the PPIs were part of the problem. I feel like I made a massive improvement when I kicked those stupid chemicals.
What did you do to improve your symptoms? Diet change? My girlfriend has a hiatial hernia (I think that's how you spell it), basically the bottom of her esophagus allows acid reflex but it doesn't go all the way up. She had to drastically change her diet and it still affects her sometimes. Like removal of most acidic foods, no dairy, no coffee, actually a lot of drugs, iboprofen for example fucks her up for like a week. It was a process of trial and error but it's way better for her now, she was suffering a lot for a while.
Nice to see you around Solistus! I would stay away from opiates indefinitely, what SM says is true. It's not worth actual use to go back to being sick everyday stuck at a stand still trying to make sure your well. My friend of sixteen years OD'd on heroin last night after being clean for two fucking years and died.... The struggles real man.... :( :(Stay safe and have fun with your girl!
Oh man Help, I'm sorry... :( As you know my good friend ODd and died last year, also after being clean for years. So fucked up. Fuck opiates.
One of my cousin's passed away and it was pretty brutal. Literally over 20 people know have
ODed in the last few years, its heart wrenching
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Hey Shadowmeister,

I was just wondering how the hurricaine situation is down there. I see that it's heading your way. I'm up in Massachusettes so hopefully it'll either die down or move out to sea by the time it reaches me.

Fingers crossed for everyone... :)
Hurricanes never do anything here except dump rain and like 20-30mph gusts of wind occasionally. There is flooding in low-lying areas sometimes but never anywhere near me. It's been raining for a day and a half and it's a little breezy right now.
Oh man Help, I'm sorry... :( As you know my good friend ODd and died last year, also after being clean for years. So fucked up. Fuck opiates.
Indeed! Thanks. I agree people will die and die until we legalize/regulate a lot of drugs. If people could survive using pure heroin in the 1800's with little to no supervision or too much knowledge, I'd fucking hope we could do it today. If not there's a serious problem and it's not heroin.
Yeah... funny, I just made a post about that in the CE&P forum as part of a discussion. Some people say they're against legalization, and want decriminalization only, because then the business will stay in the hands of the users, but I think that's nonsense. Drug control in the hands of the black market is what we have now and it's fucked. Not to mention taxation will help society as a whole.
Man, fuck opiates. It has been over 9 months now and I got really unstable getting myself on an etiz tapering schedule and dosing regime with some valium.

Feeling better now. Ever since I stopped I have not had a single serious craving for smack. I resent the shit and studies show like it just doesn't work long term for pain, so why do they prescribe it then unless they want you to have an ever increasing tolerance? It left me so much worse for wear, sometimes I feel twice my age. I have honestly never met a single person who took their opiates as prescribed. Everybody runs out early and complains about not having enough. Well buy some heroin then, or recognize that you probably already have a problem controlling this medication and if you were giving more you would just take more. It's not ever really justifiable. They don't take the time to get to know you my appointments were like 5 minutes long and then 3 months of drugs, next in line. Just glad I didn't die.

That shit fucks you up so much. During the worst pain flare of the summer that lasted 2 weeks I refused to touch over the counter codeine. I don't believe that they are effective for chronic pain either - they are effective for acute pain but make addicts out of way too many people that I feel like they should be reserved for like surgery and hospital stuff only. Unless you are already addicted. Then you should just be given the drug by health care until you are prepared to quit imo.
Man nice job ShroomySatori really stoked for you getting off and staying off the opiates. It's a big tragedy of our time that oxy etc become so widely prescribed and got sooo many people hooked on them. I think it's really true what you said about them not really working in the long term, or even medium turn, for pain. The medical community needs to take a hard look at this giant problem they've unleashed and learn from it. For so many people these prescription opiates have been the gateway to addiction, and often to more deadly drugs like fentanyl. It's taking a big toll. I think the opiate prescriptions have slowed down now, but not really sure. Totally agree with everything you said.

Anyways, it's really cool to see your story unfold Shroomy.
Cool to hear Shroomy. I myself yesterday decided that I want to be sober. So that's a thing. Seems to be going around, I guess.
So apparently last night a tree fell in my yard. A pretty big one, too... my girl and I just went outside and found it. It seemed like a totally healthy tree, too, but it looks like the base was rotting. It narrowly missed the power lines, and a smaller dogwood tree I love, and the neighbor's driveway, and it just bent my pawpaw tree over, rather than breaking it, so it;'s best case scenario. Gotta start cutting it up. It'll be a ton of work to move the sections up to flat ground/shelter but I want to use it as firewood after it seasons.
Pawpaw is what you call papaya in the south of the US right?

Fuck man. I'm feeling really dismal about the state of the world right now.

We have an asshole in the white house in the USA. We have this asshole getting appointed to the supreme court who will be stuck in there until he rots. Brasil is about to elect a total asshole for president. In Canada a 5-star asshole brother of the departed crack smokin' mayor of TO and his buddies are in charge of Ontario and is high-5ing a total racist asshole that will probably be running Alberta soon.

We're melting and burning up the planet, and the regressives are rising to power to scalp the last scraps of mother earth before it's all gone.

We'll live on a bare rock pretty soon, merrily plugged into VR eating McDonalds.

I'm having trouble finding optimism right now. Maybe the 2012 end of the Mayan calendar really was prophetic in that it represented peak civilization. Maybe we're in a waning phase for a good stretch now.

At least France didn't let the assholes in on their last election. Vive la France.
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