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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

PCP, ?mg / first time / Approaching PCP with caution and curiosity


Jan 22, 2009
Approaching PCP with caution and curiosity

I have been fascinated with dissociative drugs for many years, I have been lucky enough to be able to experience DXM, Ketamine, Methoxetamine, Nitrous oxide, 3-meo-pcp, 3-meo-pce and 4-meo-pcp but the demonized and legendary PCP remained elusive until just recently. Unfortunately the only form I could find it in was dipped cigarettes, and I really don't enjoy smoking tobacco of any form. I would really prefer a pure powder or liquid with a known amount of milligrams, but hey beggars can't be choosers.

When I received the "sherm sticks" they smelled very strongly, like airplane glue with a strange sweet aftertaste. You could smell it from across the room. I now know that 99% of people who say the "accidentally got weed laced with PCP" really just got too high on weed. Anyone who has ever smoked weed before would know that any weed smelling like this very obviously is adulterated. It REEKS!

Anyways, here is my method for calculating dosage. I cut off the dipped part of the cigarette, ground it up including the paper to evenly distribute the PCP in the tobacco. I weighted this mixture and it came out to 470mg.

For the first dose I tried 65mg, about one eighth of one sherm stick. I rolled a tiny joint of very low quality weed and put the tobacco in the end of it. This enambled me to inhale the tobacco easily, but I avoided using good weed because it would cloud the experience. The weed I used is so low quality it had pretty much no effect, brown + seeds kind of stuff.

6:10 pm Smoked this 65mg joint and played some music. My body felt heavy in a pleasant way, similar to other dissociatives, most notably 4-meo-pcp. My mind felt slightly stimulated but not too confused or trippy. I was able to play music fine and the drug seemed to enhance the experience, I felt very enthusiastic about what I was playing.

This first doe was nice but subtle, did some chores around the house to test how intoxicated i was and i seemed to be functioning just fine so I decided to add more.

7:50 pm Added 110mg of the tobacco in another mini-joint. This time I got a bit more spaced out with a nice body high and rush. The first 15 or 20 minutes after smoking I went into a contemplative state of mind, experiencing interesting perspectives on my life. As this faded I became exited and felt a need to talk about the thoughts I was having with the people around me. I did feel more confident but I didn't feel violent or angry at all, it felt almost empathogenic as the bounderies of my ego were becoming vague. This stimulating phase was accompanied by increased heart rate, nothing concerning but deifnitely increased. The stimulation is nice though as it lacks
the twitching and clenching of amphetamines, more of a smoothe ride.

9:16 pm added 95mg to keep the high going. Listening to a DJ mix and the rhythms and extremely pleasing. The patterns of sound cause waves of physical and mental euphoria. Still fairly clear headed, much less confusing than ketamine or methoxetamine. I noticed a strange effect as I attempted to write a sentence though. When I would write a word I would write the last letter, the the first one, then the middle ones in totally non linear order but was still able to write.

10:17 Added 80mg and smoked a bowl of high quality weed with some friends. The THC really amplifies the experience. Heart rate increased. That feeling of trembling or shaking when your "too high" starts to take effect. I start to tremble and shake, realize that I am cold and get a jacket, the shaking is all psychological and if I calm my mind my body also calms down. I smoked a pretty small amount of weed considering I do smoke it every day. I could see a good bong rip or some hash throwing the PCP trip into a panic attack, so beware smoke with caution. For some reason I feel like a low dose psychedelic would be a better addative than pot, maybe one hit of LSD or something. I'll try that in the future but can''t decide which psychedelic would be best for this.

Hung out and listened to music till around 3:00 am. The main effects of the PCP smoked at these small dosages seem to last for about four hours with a lingering stimulation. To sleep I took 5mg ambien and some valarian root. Fell asleep without issue but as I was laying in bed had some CEV's that were more characteristic of PCP's grotesque and insane reputation. I saw daffy duck and goofy from Disney cartoons with contoured faces and their eyeballs bloodshot and slithering out of their eyes like snakes. A bit creepy, mostly hilarious though.

The next morning woke up at 10:00 am feeling good. Still feel a slight stimulation and mood lift and a mild headache behind my eyes. Hydration and green tea fixed the headache. So in conclusion I think that PCP can be used safely to great effect if measured carefully. I'm curious about the stronger dissociative effects and will investigate further in a couple weeks.
So I'm about 36 hours after the last dose and I still feel some lingering. Some of the lingering effects are nice and some annoying, I feel more tired and spaced out than normal, nothing too intense though. When I smoke pot I get extra high with a little dissociative flavor to it. This is not a drug to do if you're going to be busy the days following, making it pretty inconvenient which for me is really a good thing in dissociative drugs.
Thanks for taking this seriously and reporting on it so clearly. That's great, much appreciated.
That trip report was a good read. I would love to try pcp some day I know I'd like it allot concidering I find nitrouse, ketamine, and methoxetamine very interesting. I can imagine how the weed must of made the experience. It really kicks things up a notch with ketamine and methoxetamine for me.
I really enjoy the after glow dissasociatives give.
nice report, I'd like to try PCP some day. Damn you Big Lurch, for giving it possibly the worst repuation out of any psychedelic drug ever!
Delightfully methodical report. I look forward to hearing about higher dose experiences (if you choose to report them).
Another update:
Seems to me this stuff is very psychologically addictive! Around the same as ketamine which is super addictive for me. Although with this stuff you have it lingering and building up in your body, not the convenient 40 minutes to an hour of ketamine. Another factor is that its pretty stimulating at lower doses, I ended up taking a little smoke of it before going in to volunteer somewhere! I have been measuring and keeping track of my doses so I haven't done anything stupid on it but I could see how it could get out of hand fast with regular use and not keeping track of dosing. I've read in the 3-meo-pcp thread people describing it as feeling seemingly sober while being very altered. Normal PCP seems to be similar, no crazy visual or auditory effects, it seems to be pretty transparent and also has the dopamine induced certainty feeling, I could see getting really high and paying no mind to what you're actually doing. Had to give the rest of my PCP to a friend to save for me.
Good read.

I'm a dissociatophile(sp?) myself but have limited myself to dxm, k and mxe, and should I need to try something different I'll try some of the pcp analogs, but pcp sounded too much like a physical and neural hazard to be handled in place of those I mentioned. I could see if you coudn't find those 3, but impossible seeing as dxm being the last legal (loophole) psychedelic.

I've tried it once but was young and was on too many other compounds at the time, though remember feeling numb but not the ketamine like revelations that come with mxe and dxm as well. Maybe I didn't do enough, but personally I've gained more combining 2c-p with MXE to the point where I doubt I'll surpass it. It beat ketamine and 2ct-2 and a four point suspension (hanging from hooks) easily. It was as poignant and important as the other paramount experience I've had being that which resulted in combining 400ug blotter lsd with smoked dmt over and over. Each paradoxical, but equally profound and "rough" as ego death is always that way. The MXE experience was very much like being a part of all I could perceive that was organic being born and dying simultaneously and all I could do was put on guided meditation with Thich Nhat Hahn and take it in, I believe truly that it prepared me for death when it should arise and I no longer see it as a negative part of life, simply essential, like dark forces in drama.

The DMT experience was tempered with valium, but I don't attribute too much to it (the mxe experience of which I just spoke included klonopin, still mattered very little as I take these daily). Experiencing a language so similar to ours and through different registers, tones, senses, very forgiving and positive, but definitely human, but almost too fast to decipher. Tricksters these beings appeared to me, very impressive but far too advanced for me to match their intensity and take it all in. The mxe/2cp peak "hole" if you will was much more visceral and meditative, no entities, reminding me of what it once was like to see existence through the eyes of a newborn, or even as a newborn species unlike my own. It was dawn and the birds were chirping, and that is one of my more intense memories I own to date.

Thanks for the report.
Another update:
Seems to me this stuff is very psychologically addictive! Around the same as ketamine which is super addictive for me. Although with this stuff you have it lingering and building up in your body, not the convenient 40 minutes to an hour of ketamine. Another factor is that its pretty stimulating at lower doses, I ended up taking a little smoke of it before going in to volunteer somewhere! I have been measuring and keeping track of my doses so I haven't done anything stupid on it but I could see how it could get out of hand fast with regular use and not keeping track of dosing. I've read in the 3-meo-pcp thread people describing it as feeling seemingly sober while being very altered. Normal PCP seems to be similar, no crazy visual or auditory effects, it seems to be pretty transparent and also has the dopamine induced certainty feeling, I could see getting really high and paying no mind to what you're actually doing. Had to give the rest of my PCP to a friend to save for me.

3meo pcp is very addictive and i had to flush the last of my stash as i have a medical coming up soon and need clean piss possibly. probably my favourite drug at the moment based on its practical use and the fact the high seems different every time, also no comedown which is great
Yea the PCP is awesome but its true it is like the crack of dissociatives. With smoking it it's an immediate euphoric rush and mood lift, I get a big grin on my face and get all exited about everything. Also you can smoke it and go do something and actually be able to do it for the most part, unlike K where you might intend to go do something and then stumble around and just end up distracted or just sitting and spacing out. And the tolerance builds fast and redosing is very compulsive so it can be a chasing the dragon kind of thing. But then again I guess that's the case with all dissociatives, great drugs when used on occasion but very dangerous to get into a habit with.
Yea the PCP is awesome but its true it is like the crack of dissociatives. With smoking it it's an immediate euphoric rush and mood lift, I get a big grin on my face and get all exited about everything. Also you can smoke it and go do something and actually be able to do it for the most part, unlike K where you might intend to go do something and then stumble around and just end up distracted or just sitting and spacing out. And the tolerance builds fast and redosing is very compulsive so it can be a chasing the dragon kind of thing. But then again I guess that's the case with all dissociatives, great drugs when used on occasion but very dangerous to get into a habit with.

well 3 meo-pcp is great for work, going swimming, driving your car, going to choir, having anal sex, cooking dinner, getting drunk on- you name it everything goes well with it apart from anxiety inducing situations which it will exacerbate. i was snorting bumps, smoking sounds really delicious