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Starting new re4 hc->pro run. Dont really feel like playing my re8 ng++++ vos run. I will complete it sure but re4 feels way more fresh to play. Prolly buying a new game this month just gotta carefully select which that game will be.
League of Legends

I find other games very uneventful compering to those two.

With that said soccer games bring some good player vs player experiences.
Fucking failed my last re4 run at the very fucking end... oofaafoof. Started a new and better one since Im only missing maybe 1-2 treasures anymore (on the whole game) and have learned alot (doing missions is 100% worth it). Still on hardcore 2/3 played by now. This time Im spicing things a little by changing my smg and shotgun to more damage dealing ones. Will be a fun run boys!
Killing it this re4 run. Im 75% done and already have my pistol and shotgun (both best in da game with 50% damage upgrade as the special 100k final one) fully upgraded. Just on chapter 14 so Im gonna buy the magnum next chapter when it gets on sale. Will max upgrade my smg in next few chapters for the 50% final upgrade which my pistol, shotgun and smg all have. The striker/last shotgun is worse than the one Im using which is basically 2nd one you get in the game but has 20% more damage with the final upgrade, therefore its better. Also like 200-250k cheaper to upgrade. Thats why I already have my pistol and shotgun max upgraded.... on the chapter 14! Upgraded my shotgun with the 30 spinel trade item. Fun little run, happy I found better options to the guns I was using before. Still not sold on the assault rifle as I still would need an sniper so it would basically be an novelty weapon and let me just say, thats what the magnum is for, lol :)
Damn I just checked my steam and I already have 125 hours on re4.... Luckily this game is shitload of longer than re8 which makes it very much more replayable. My re8 runs tend to be 3, 1/2 hours long while re4 runs are between 11 and 12 hours long.

Propably buying some new game on few weeks. Any suggestions?
Damn I just checked my steam and I already have 125 hours on re4.... Luckily this game is shitload of longer than re8 which makes it very much more replayable. My re8 runs tend to be 3, 1/2 hours long while re4 runs are between 11 and 12 hours long.

Propably buying some new game on few weeks. Any suggestions?
Are you looking for 3rd Person shooter/horror genre ?
Right now I'm going through Jedi Survivor which is 3rd Person shooter, but not horror based. I've got a lot going on and it's a spare time game, but it can be quite challenging. Some are saying too hard, I like challenge.
Preferably something similar to re4. Maybe an rpg. Which ones are currently hot. Replayability would be a plus.

I played the earlier but didnt finish it. Not really my cup of tea even though I like SW atleast on some level.
I'd look at Deadspace and see if that looks good.
I played through it and would buy it again, if you get what I mean. Challenge is up there, good game mechanics and great graphics. I think it's re-playable but YMMV.
Thanks! I remember when the first one came around 15 years ago. I was on 7th grade and my friend bought it too. My grandparents lived next door to us and they had a laptop with which I could play games like dead space and re5, for example. Fun game. I take it is already out.. I ll check steam.
Just completed new game on re4 on hardcore :) Was able to special upgrade "all 3 of the core 4" weapons; pistol, shotgun and smg as they all have 50% more dmg as their exclusive last 100k gold upgrade. It will be fun to go ng+ on professional :rellyhigh: :pimp:
Ooof, my items and krausers knife were all fully maxed before island so I started a new run. Aiming for max 1 death per village/castle/island etc. 100% all treasures and so on.
Ended my "every weapon has to have 50% more dmg exclusive perk" run on hc ng in 9:35 hours. Boys, I done found my favourite matafucking re4 weapon build! Starting ng+ on professional real soon :)
I finally pledged my alliance to the flag of RESIDENT EVIL 4! Yondu would be proud :)

215 hours played at have finally found my build :peperave: :Mario party: :rellyhigh: :doggo:

On chapter 6 now ng+ pro
I recently got Tiny Tina's Wonderland. It's currently downloading.
I really enjoyed the Borderlands series, and have never played this one.
Doing a professional run on re4 and like the retard I am I wasted my bullets on the mutated doggo before the house defense part. Jfc now Im stuck blasting zombies by the dozen just on pistol in that house.
Doing a professional run on re4 and like the retard I am I wasted my bullets on the mutated doggo before the house defense part. Jfc now Im stuck blasting zombies by the dozen just on pistol in that house.

Made a new run and instead of the starting pistol I bought punisher. Housedefence completed on professional first try. SIT THE FUCK DOWN NIKKA!
so i'm playing sf6 and i'm like how the f are these guys hitting these insane combos !? come to find out the leverless hitbox controller is popular now cause it allows shortcuts. then i see this thing LOL

14 buttons, 4 directional. fkn a

i guess i'll have to rewire my brain now LOL . it makes sense since there isn't any time between moving a stick around. man it's crazy how shit moves forward, never woulda thought i'd play a fighting game without a stick or pad :eek: