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passing out on weed


Dec 26, 2011
so yesterday i was with a friend of mine, who doesn't smoke weed, and we were sharin this joint... when the joint ended, my friend suddenly became pale and nearly fainted... he said he couldn't see anything, then i was like shoutin his name and he stopped responding then he started fallin back (we were sittin down), i grabbed his arm and slapped his face and a while later he returned to the real world, and
said his arms were kinda numb...

i have never seen this before and this never happened to me.. wtf?

we had just eaten, also the weed wasnt strong at all... by what he described it seems like he got a massive headrush, but anyone has any idea why?

also how to prevent this?
My first time, i almost passed out too. My vision started getting dark and static-like while i was using my phone and i felt like i was about to pass out so i stood up and ended up with a panic attack. Then when that ended, my whole body was numb and i kept twitching all over. But i also smoked like 3/4ths of a gram of some dank, crystal coated bud, on my first time smoking. Not sure what causes it TBH. But i guess i wouldn't recommend standing up based on my one experience (could be a good cure but not that one time with me).

Man, i've shared that story way too many times on here. Lol.

Sorry i couldn't have been of more help though but at least you now know it isn't just him.

BTW, that was my 111th post. Lol
The best way to prevent it, I have found, is to keep a healthy diet, eat before smoking, and stay hydrated. This has happened to me a number of times and I have seen it happen to a good amount of different people. I'm not sure if it's due to a sudden decrease in blood sugar, blood oxygen, or blood pressure but those are the likely candidates.
For me it usually sets in with a profound sweating, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. As it grows more intense I will lose my vision and bodily functions and be forced to sit or lay down until I regain composure, which takes a minute tops after my vision is gone. It most commonly happens when a person has either not eaten that day, or if it is an unusually hot day, or a combination of the two.
The best way to prevent it, I have found, is to keep a healthy diet, eat before smoking, and stay hydrated. This has happened to me a number of times and I have seen it happen to a good amount of different people. I'm not sure if it's due to a sudden decrease in blood sugar, blood oxygen, or blood pressure but those are the likely candidates.
For me it usually sets in with a profound sweating, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. As it grows more intense I will lose my vision and bodily functions and be forced to sit or lay down until I regain composure, which takes a minute tops after my vision is gone. It most commonly happens when a person has either not eaten that day, or if it is an unusually hot day, or a combination of the two.

Wow. I never thought of that. The reasons you stated might be why it happenned to me. I have diabetes and an anxiety disorder.
I got a headrush from a big ol bong rip today and I wasnt standing up or anything. And tolerance doesnt affect it, because I smoke dank ass Kush all day and night everyday. When we were kids, we would take big hits while standing up rapidly to purposely induce rushes of blood to the head and even pass outs. We would call them elevation hits.

Some people react very strangely to pot. Some people get heart palpitations, some people get so high it sounds more like a shroom trip, even some newcomers arent fazed by pot unless they have a very large amount. Sounds like your buddy is adverse to pot like many other people and should probably not mess with it much anymore.

I echo the previous posters sentiment about staying hydrated, although I was pretty topped up on water this morning when I got the head change. Id like to know what causes it as well. Whenever I feel it coming on I quickly set the bong or pipe down to avoid breaking glass or spilling a lit bowl onto something flammable when I pass out.
I got a headrush from a big ol bong rip today and I wasnt standing up or anything. And tolerance doesnt affect it, because I smoke dank ass Kush all day and night everyday. When we were kids, we would take big hits while standing up rapidly to purposely induce rushes of blood to the head and even pass outs. We would call them elevation hits.

Some people react very strangely to pot. Some people get heart palpitations, some people get so high it sounds more like a shroom trip, even some newcomers arent fazed by pot unless they have a very large amount. Sounds like your buddy is adverse to pot like many other people and should probably not mess with it much anymore.

I echo the previous posters sentiment about staying hydrated, although I was pretty topped up on water this morning when I got the head change. Id like to know what causes it as well. Whenever I feel it coming on I quickly set the bong or pipe down to avoid breaking glass or spilling a lit bowl onto something flammable when I pass out.

Yeah, i don't think i can stop smoking pot. I love it too much. I'd rather get some panic attacks than quit and i'll probably be getting a benzo prescription soon anyways.
If you're not a regular smoker and you smoke a bunch of high quality chron, then stuff like this can happen. I've seen people get sick, pass out, all sorts of wierdness.

Usually fainting or dizziness on cannabis comes from lowered blood pressure leading to a massive "head rush" that makes you pass out. Especially if you stand up quickly from a sitting/reclining position. It's called orthostatic hypotension. It's not really harmful when caused by cannabis, 'cause it will wear off, but you or others can still hurt yourself if you pass out (obviously).

Making sure you're well-hydrated and fed (low blood sugar makes the hypotensive effects of cannabis much stronger), avoiding standing up quickly, and moderating your cannabis intake (don't take huge bong rips in a row or smoke joints quickly if you're not used to it) and getting enough sleep are all ways to avoid this. The other thing that can help is if you build a bit of a tolerance by having a few "low-intensity" sessions a few days to a week before you go all out.
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Yeah, i don't think i can stop smoking pot. I love it too much. I'd rather get some panic attacks than quit and i'll probably be getting a benzo prescription soon anyways.
benzo's mask the psychotic/trippy/euphoric part of weed,
even though it feels good... weed it still better "sober".

And getting a benzo addiction is really against your best interest.
I'm sure you see people talking about benzo's all the time on these forums,
and that gives the impression they're ok.

But even using a standard low dose twice a week can already start creating withdrawal like symptoms between doses as well as rebound anxiety and insomnia.
Benzo's can also cause "benzo withdrawal syndrom", that is when ages after the last ever dose you tapered the benzo's with,
the withdrawal symptoms simply won't stop...

Benzo's: interesting chemicals, but a very bad idea to take it more than once or twice a week 1 low dose per day (for short half life benzos, long half life benzos... dont take more than one low dose once per week),
and that's probably already flirting with the line where your body's GABA's system gets dependent on the benzo's and u can easily cross the line and create more rebound symptoms
A buddy of mine in college had this happen to him. It was a medical issue for him, a pre-existing blood pressure or blood sugar level issue (I can't remember which).

I remember after he went to the doctor for it he swore up and down all he had to do was make sure to eat an hour or two before smoking and he was straight. To my knowledge, that held true.

Beforethebeginning, while I agree that benzo's should be used in extreme moderation, I have to say I don't practice what I preach in that regard.

Also, I prefer my weed high to combine with an alprazolam dose, all day everyday. It's exactly because of that preference that I rarely allow myself the combination anymore. That's a slippery slope for me, and about as steep as the face of a cliff.

If I could practice benzo' moderation I'd be set for life, but the whole attraction, for me, is the anxiolytic properties, the "I don't give a fuck" that the drugs put in my psyche, and not giving a fuck is not how you want to go about self-moderation, lol.
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benzo's mask the psychotic/trippy/euphoric part of weed,
even though it feels good... weed it still better "sober".

And getting a benzo addiction is really against your best interest.
I'm sure you see people talking about benzo's all the time on these forums,
and that gives the impression they're ok.

But even using a standard low dose twice a week can already start creating withdrawal like symptoms between doses as well as rebound anxiety and insomnia.
Benzo's can also cause "benzo withdrawal syndrom", that is when ages after the last ever dose you tapered the benzo's with,
the withdrawal symptoms simply won't stop...

Benzo's: interesting chemicals, but a very bad idea to take it more than once or twice a week 1 low dose per day (for short half life benzos, long half life benzos... dont take more than one low dose once per week),
and that's probably already flirting with the line where your body's GABA's system gets dependent on the benzo's and u can easily cross the line and create more rebound symptoms

I haven't tried the combination yet but i'm pretty sure there's no way it could possibly be worse than the dysphoria already received the moment you hit a panic attack state.

but yeah, i've only tried benzos a few times and really did enjoy them a lot so i see what you mean there but even with a prescription i think i would still keep them mainly just for their real purpose. Maybe enjoy them a few times a month but it definitely wouldn't be an everyday thing. I'd say i'm fairly good at avoiding addictions but Xanax probably will be the hardest one to resist. I won't disagree with that. Even with my three small doses in the past, i still think about it almost every day now (and that was back in December).
I won't disagree with that. Even with my three small doses in the past, i still think about it almost every day now (and that was back in December).

Tread carefully when and if that prescription ever comes through. Weeks at a time end up missing from memory on a proper Xanax binge, and it's stupidly easy to go from a quarter milligram as needed to several bars a day.

I've got benzo' issues, though. Not everybody does.
Yeah, color me anxiety-prone. Doc told me I had generalized anxiety disorder way back in the day but that shit just sounded to me like stuff everybody goes through so I never really bought into it.

As I've gotten older, though, it's gotten worse and a lot harder to just shrug off. One substance as my medication and my recreational drug just doesn't work for me, especially when it's basically a happy pill for me. I know others that feel the same way, at least about it being a retardedly addictive "happy pill."

It's like that magic luck potion in one of the Harry Potter's. Can't shit go wrong on Xanax, because even if it does you (I) can totally handle it with no problem and carry on with the day. It's a nice feeling, but not 24/7. At least not anymore. That shit has consequences, lol.

I hear you on dulling weed highs, some aspects of them at least. I've always preferred a more sedative, heavy-on-the-indica-side kind of high anyways, though, and after two or three times the recommended dose the drowsy benzo' high goes hand-in-hand with the weed high.

...I need to stop talking about this.
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Peoples bodies react in different ways to different things. Ive handled my smoke for 12 or 13 years and I still experience similar symptoms from time to time.

sacredtree, benzos are a bitch to kick even at relatively low doses, Id hope youd keep it to whenever you have occasional panic attacks and not move to daily use. Im naturally anxious but pot drives it through the roof in a lot of social situations. If I know I have some type of social occasion coming up, now that Xanax is out, I just stay sober all day (gasp!) even if it means I dont get to smoke til bed time. For someone like me its pretty tough, but getting all anxious/panicky/uncomfortable and appearing like some kind of case to everyone in social situations is worse after youve done it long enough. Getting high is one of my lifes greatest pleasures but a stone isnt worth it if the anxiety it causes starts to negatively affect your life.
where im from, im often called the vegrin in the group, even though this is far from the truth (i am by no means a drug virgin, just compared to them i am)
i also dont have much experience with regular non-weed based drugs, but i have tried, MANY, and used many many times, over litterally a decade) every time im reguarded as the "man who can hold him self together like no one else" even in my worst, horrible, nightmarish LCD trips, i held myself together, not everyone is like this, when im drunk-piss drunk, i still act and flow very soberly, even in conversation, and i often find myself having to tell people "dude i am seriously fucked up right now im good" "or man im shit faced the fact im standing here riddles my mind".

some people are statues through there highs,
some people are like a 6yr olds birthday part at chucky cheese,
some people pass out.
some people are assholes,
all that matters is that, your not the asshole.
alright thanks for the response guys, this pass out thing happened to him TWICE now, which is a big % considering the few times he smoked weed, so i guess may be he has some low pressure shit going on already.

and about benzos... i'm still young (others advice should be better)... but i'd say use when only when needed, when anxious, and not everyday... take care, recreationally, they're sneaky mofos... you don't feel them... you can take 1, 2, 3 bars and not feel anything until you keep taking more and wake up 3 days later on the couch without your cellphone and plenty of things on the house, including the TV, smashed... whatever, just my 2 cents, i don't know much anyway
Yeah, i'm ussually pretty good with moderations. And i only smoke like one or two times per month (although for some reason i just bought 8 and a half grams today. Still not sure my reasoning. And some of it doesn't even seem real - weird smell, claimed it was bud but looks more like giant shake, has a bunch of stems, and has a weird yellow flower pedal in it. Kinda suspicious i'd say) so trying to benzo that out definitely wouldn't become a habit if it's spaced out a lot.

Although i do enjoy that missing time effect, especially when it comes from a roofie. I find it fun trying to solve the mystery of what happenned the night before. It always makes me feel like i'm in the movie "The Hangover".

Maybe i should just kill two birds with one stone and switch to all indicas. But that wouldn't help my social anxiety as much because;
1. I don't want to be falling asleep in school each day. Or look high for that matter.
2. It would be soooo much more expensive than a simple benzo prescription.

I guess when it comes down to it though, i'd much rather be addicted to Xanax than be addicted to cigarettes like so many of the other people around the world.
I would like to take back part of my previous comment where i called the weed i bought today fake. Lol. I just openned the bag and it turns out he just stuck all the buds together like a puzzle piece making it look like it was just leafs and stems when really they were pretty big buds. And when i was thinking it was K2 because it was full of colors, it turns out it's actually some purp coverred in pistils and trichs. Still has 2 weird flowers in it though (looks like dagga actually). And has no smell.

Just wanted to clear that up before it looked like i was falsely accusing my dealer.
so yesterday i was with a friend of mine, who doesn't smoke weed, and we were sharin this joint... when the joint ended, my friend suddenly became pale and nearly fainted... he said he couldn't see anything, then i was like shoutin his name and he stopped responding then he started fallin back (we were sittin down), i grabbed his arm and slapped his face and a while later he returned to the real world, and
said his arms were kinda numb...

i have never seen this before and this never happened to me.. wtf?

we had just eaten, also the weed wasnt strong at all... by what he described it seems like he got a massive headrush, but anyone has any idea why?

also how to prevent this?

This exact thing happened to me when i first started smoking and hit a gravity bong. He just got super stoned