Parents finding out about my habits

I work at Golden Corral I sort the silverwear and scrape the dishes. I might start being a server or waiter. But I'm really likin the kitchen. I earned a hundred bucks today :)
Sweet :) that is awesome you are enjoying your new gig! Adulthood awaits! :D keep up the great work.
Enjoy your touth! Being an adult is over rated.
Of course it is, but haven't you ever been a teen? It takes a while to realise that adulthood sucks, and words of others won't convinse him. He has a nice time though, he lives his revolution and is excited about working.
Most propably his parrents are ok people and will accept him back if he needs.
Ohhh these ages...I miss being a teen and Im only fucking 21
I would do things so differently if I had the chance. OP be responsible with your money and your drug use. Enjoy yourself, dont get addicted to drugs, dont rely on them for getting through anything in life and don't forget about the other things, especially sex and the opposite sex (or same sex if you're bi/gay).
So they have found out about my habits long ago but thought I quit. They found out I have been smoking in the woods. They found empty bottles of DXM in my bookbag which I was going to throw out this morning. I have to write some stupid essay on cigs by the time they get back. My dad has called the cops on me before. They are thinking about sending me somewhere. I need advice on what I should do. Should I run away? Should I remain calm? I'm in a shit ton of trouble and I'm thinking about getting fucked up on DXM even though they will notice. I use to have an alcoholic dependency and they made me switch schools and threw away all my band tee shirts. They said if I leave or don't do my stupid essay there calling the cops.

I'm planning on getting an emancipation thanks for all the help guys.

Don't run away, or get an emancipation. Everyone I have ever met who did either of these things regretted it and said how it made things 1,000X worse for them both in the short term and long term, and ruined any sort of trust or healthy relationship they had with their family, and made their drug addiction even worse and spiral completely out of control.

Get a handle on your drug use and if you can quit, if you can't quit on your own check into a rehab/detox. You're way too young to be using drugs, and running away or getting an emancipation are not going to help.

Stay in school, or learn a trade. If you get emancipated how will you pay for food, housing, clothing, etc. and go to school at the same time until you're able to drop out and work some minimum wage job full time? No judge or legal person is going to allow you to become emancipated at this young of an age. Your parents are not abusing you either by taking away clothing or making you write an essay on smoking, or threatening to call the police on you, and this would not hold up in a court of law as reasons for emancipation either.

You're a teenager or claim to be one, you're a minor, and your parents do not hate you abuse you, etc. they just love you, care about you, and are worried since you are an alcoholic and use drugs. Get a handle on your drug use before you become addicted to other drugs-as this usually does happen.

addiction is a progressive, chronic, and fatal disease. it usually starts out with alcohol and pot when the addict is young. if they have a propensity to abuse alcohol, in particular, that opens them up to all sorts of other things. alcoholics make bad decisions, like doing cocaine. maybe the addict likes cocaine and starts smoking it when their nose is clogged. then someone turns them on to shooting it. the paranoia is too much though, so they start taking benzos and/or roxis to come down. but sometimes they can't get pills. try some heroin to come down, someone suggests. i can get some, it's cheap....they're already shooting the coke, or using prescription opiates, why not snort the dope. this is somewhat how the story goes for a lot of people. another common storyline is the heroin addict who started out being prescribed opiates for chronic pain, got hooked, got thrown off by his doctor since the doctors are running scared now, and turned to the street. it's not like you just wake up one day out of the blue and start looking for a bag of dope. it's usually a long, slow progression.
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Yea thanks for the reminder of how kids minds work lol

I'd go as far as to say I wish I never took the first hit of pot. Laid the foundation to current terrible health, lonely friendless(because my friends are all dead) existence. And I ain't even 30. My story.

Everyone was right on in this thread. Good read for a sleepless night. Just sit still kid and see the doctor he may just be able to help you.. sounds like you need an outlet to focus your energy. N work could be doing just that for you. Some meds might help tho.. in case of like add or ADHD or other similar things that jump out at me from your few posts.
Guys. This is a Harm Reduction sub-forum. Why are we dealing with topics like parental relationships when we're supposed to be dedicated to helping people use drugs safely. I'm sorry but I cannot keep my big mouth shut and I don't really care who hates me at this point. We are not here to tell people how to deal with their addicted boyfriend or how to deal with their angry parents or what to do when they get your order wrong at McDonalds.

We have social forums dedicated to really, anything that one might want to talk about. Can we please keep these sub-forums dedicated to Harm Reduction and not let them slowly fall into nothing? Am I the only one who feels this way, because right now, I feel really fucking alone in this.
Guys. This is a Harm Reduction sub-forum. Why are we dealing with topics like parental relationships when we're supposed to be dedicated to helping people use drugs safely. I'm sorry but I cannot keep my big mouth shut and I don't really care who hates me at this point. We are not here to tell people how to deal with their addicted boyfriend or how to deal with their angry parents or what to do when they get your order wrong at McDonalds.

We have social forums dedicated to really, anything that one might want to talk about. Can we please keep these sub-forums dedicated to Harm Reduction and not let them slowly fall into nothing? Am I the only one who feels this way, because right now, I feel really fucking alone in this.


To some degree this is a harm reduction issue, as parents can do kids great harm, and kids can do themselves (and their parents) great harm in how they manages their relationships with other people.

I think this would be better suited for TDS. I'm going to move it there.
