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Paranormal mdpv experiences thread

Last time I got MDPV, I'd bought half a gram, was snorting it, and within 48 hours was in mental hospital. It just keeps getting worse and worse each time after a point, if you keep doing it. Within 2 years MDPV took me to rock bottom and I nearly died.

The good news is, if you just stop doing it, there's a reasonable chance you might regain your sanity.

Ok thanks... I will stick by my desicion of not ever trying mdpv no matter how well I now handle other materials I've had trouble with in the past my dark pasanger can go fuck himself;)

And rick.. No I am not interested in the usual:? psychosis stuff just wondering if from a psychic point of view there is something there as I have had some abillities activated or enhanced with certain substances, 2cb springs to mind I could create specific bodily sensations in others. A comparable example is for instance Amazon Ayahuasca healers.

If you dont believe in anything like that, just ignore this tread, but I will make a seperate tread for most memorable psychotic experiences just to separate the two
I once thought my house was an Arsenal youth hostel, where there were lots of travellers who also happened to be Arsenal fans, fuck knows what was going on in my brain, I was interacting with these people, who obviously weren't there for days.

Another time I thought Romenian home invaders were setting a siege to my house, I could hear them talking outside and trying to get in, I got a gun out(stupid when fucked) and spent two consecutive nights on the stairs, to get high ground as from there I could control both the front door and the upstair floor. Just stayed locked and loaded sitting on the stairs all paranoid. Felt really bad afterwards as I'm usually extremely responsible with firearms.

Another time I thought my neighbours had jumped the fence, I was house sitting for my parents who were away, and I could hear convos between my neighbours and my parents on the phone, with my neighbour going like "yeah he's been locked in doing drugs for the past four days", mental stuff

Ha ha, sounds all to familiar (minus the gun), but all SO REAL at the time.
sorry, but big lulz at the title of this thread =d

Yeah I get ya lol, like getting paranormal out of your mind;)
Reminds me of a good time i had being at a really good level for a few days, proper fear n loathing style and saying to my buddy: You know I really feel like getting fucked up right now.. =D
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Reading through this... lol bloody hell, sounds nuts. keeping myself away from that i think
Hey how are you Nicklazz?

Ha yeah you out of body view of three selves fighting is a rather extreme experience;) but being pulled on my legs would seriously freak me out.

They both where crazy yea, Oh I freaked out too while im getting pulled + being gassed, paranoia psychosis full blown baby.

New stuff to add just a few days old from my 1g A-pvp session:

Hunted in my city of people who would fuck me up, oh damn did I run, they where fuckin many. snipers on every roof, vision totally electric/really special.
Im really interested in voices having outside knowledge, suddon smells accompanied by eyesight ussues vision pulling to right under. Stuff along these lines, getting slapped by an entity,I have hasd simmilar experience before thingd woud get moved the colthes rack would move like a big hand sweeped through the clohes wasunableto touchthem from my position..

I found a freak on youtube he is into occult stuff he says he has an mpdv ritual check this out:

He also talks about these weird electrical event happening.reminded me of the Night Of the Many Cats... May e psychosis aside this stuff activates some kind if sixt sence or is the use and ki a kind of catalist for some of these cases?

Anyway very interesting treading guys
Stuffmonger, u aint gonna fool us this time.
And rick.. No I am not interested in the usual:? psychosis stuff just wondering if from a psychic point of view there is something there as I have had some abillities activated or enhanced with certain substances, 2cb springs to mind I could create specific bodily sensations in others. A comparable example is for instance Amazon Ayahuasca healers.

OK.. change my post so that it says when i was high on speed it allowed me to see orbs.. :p

Paranormal experiences are only paranormal if you believe in the paranormal.
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that film paranormal activity is one of the most shite and boring films i have ever seen. Is waiting fro godot better?
REC is the original of a film called Quarantine..

But yeah REC is alright.. 2 wasn't bad i guess.