Paranoid Schizophrenia or psychosis? heavy coke and amp use.

Update- I am almost positive I was going through benzos withdrawals as I lost all my liquid after the psyche ward Oct 22. I know I was near or over the double digits on bromazolam and half that of fLam. Long story short, I lost November 11-14 til I was found seizing; it was a weird presumably NDE running away from the light with my eyes as that was all I could move. I got Shanghai'd into going into a treatment program 1000mi away in TX where I've been for just under 8wks. Thanks with all of my heart to everyone that tried to help.
I vaguely remember the post you made a few months ago. What happened?

Let's stop talking about drugs for a minute, are you still under hospitalization or supervised treatment?

By choice and frugality I'm living in a halfway house; any lingering side effects are just GABAergic PAWS. As for what happened, I don't think I left my apartment until I was found convulsing, and when I awoke in the ER I quickly ripped off all the EKG stickers and unhooked my IV port and left against AMA advice; Besides the obvious fear from disorientation/DTs I had a lot of weed and old rigs at my place and was unsure why I was not in the detainment psych ward (guarded/locked sector) of that particular hospital. My listed emergency contact urged me to go into treatment and I wanted to leave the state for a while as it was.

I honestly can't imagine this thread comes up in anyone's (re)search, but did not want to leave it hanging. I had been binging for 6+mo on sometimes up to 7g coke/day and was probably toeing the psychotic line in September. Certainly stepped into it whenever I started shooting aphp.

Regarding any questions about my health, I am still waiting on blood work I finally got drawn this past Friday, this state is notorious for lack of public assistance. In any case I have gained much needed weight back and am hopefully starting work next week as a banquet chef again. As long as I don't have hep c I'm sure I only really damaged myself psychologically.
I am someone who has independently been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but also a chronic alcoholic who currently deals with alcohol related hallucinations.

Stop blaming your illness on drugs like benzo withdrawal man.

Fuck man, if you're in involuntary treatment it's time to realize what the fuck is happening and not blame it on coke and benzo comedowns.

Wake up. Your brain isn't normal. Time to adjust to this fact.
In the dsm, if you have psychotic symptoms past 6 months with no drug use, it's schizophrenia. There's such thing as drug induced schizophrenia. I have a few schizphrenic friends from drugs taken in huge quantities in their teenage hood and early adulthood.
. They're well while on medicating like invega or Risperdal. But when they go off them and especially when they use uppers they go down a rabbit hole of insanity.

Its sad to watch, because they just we m want to get high moderately, but even in moderation, it seems the psychotic symptoms come back either way.

I love them but they got to give it up. On medication they're symptom free. If they're high, they suffer from delusion of persecution. (Someone is out to get them specifically(and they have auditory hallucinations that make the whole portrait seem real) )

I've heard it's really scary. They'll yawn and instead of hearing the yawn they'll hear a voice, or if they cough they hear a voice that's like blocking the sound of the yawning and coughing and being translated into a voice or like the ticking of the clock sounds like it saying "hello" each time it ticks.

I would imagine this would be absolutely terrifying!
@Matticusloveswhiskey indeed I was diagnosed with drug induced schizophrenia. My symptoms have always been rather atypical, and both relatively mild unfortunately persist.

Schizophrenia symptoms are difficult to judge or stereotype, they're different for everyone.
@Matticusloveswhiskey indeed I was diagnosed with drug induced schizophrenia. My symptoms have always been rather atypical, and both relatively mild unfortunately persist.

Schizophrenia symptoms are difficult to judge or stereotype, they're different for everyone.
Yeah they are hard to stereotype or judge and people shouldn't pass any kind of discrimination on the illness. It's hard enough for those dealing with it. Most of my friends have mild symptoms but if they use uppers like i think i said in the other post, they can become very paranoid about persecution. Like (x) is trying to avenge (y) which correlates with my one friend. So he'll think people are breaking into his house and tampering with things and they mess with him in the middle of the night. From what I've heard, it can be some very scary stuff!

But best of luck to you buddy!
It takes a lot of courage to seek help and commit to a treatment program, so kudos to you for taking that step! I hope that you're finding the support and resources you need to recover and heal.

In case you haven't already come across it, I wanted to share a link to a helpful article about acute psychosis. It may be helpful in understanding some of the symptoms and challenges you may have experienced.
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thank you. things are going very well for me; i have an increased persisting perpetual fear compared to prior, but i am still going to chalk that up to the PAWS and other damage done from prolonged heavy benzo use and an improper/insufficient taper