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Paracetamol and ibuprofen the secret opiate enhancer


Apr 13, 2013
I have felt enhancement when taking these in the past maybe a placebo maybe not I shrugged but today I took 2 ibuprofen and 5 paracetamol which is my standard max in one dose to take when in pain which my grandma knows I was tryna score some of her dhc so said I had bad toothache I got some but only if I promised not to take them until at least 3 hours after I took the para and ibuprofen anyway I defo noticed some enhancement this time after smoking the same batch as the last 2 days I had a tiny line 10 minutes ago, after the tablets kicked in and now I feel amazing I know I'm gonna get called an idiot if you feel that way you are more than welcome to post as long as you are polite and constructive

The sun is out my skin is the texture of diamond and my smile is bigger than the sun herself have a great day everyone don't lay in bed all day and waste this beautiful weather 1 love
I dunno man drugs are different for different people. But I've never heard of it doing that anywhere and I battled opiates like crazy for about 7 years and took a lot of ibeprufen and paracetamol and never noticed anything. Maybe someone else might be able to shed some light? But I did find out about to much ibeprofun over a long period and I got stomach ulcers(bleeding) severely bad and was stupid aneamic, nearly died and was in hospital for months! No shit... So it's not a good thing to take heaps of. Paracetamol will be worse for you in high doses or over long term. Even 5 which you said you took is alot. It won't kill you but if you keep doing that your liver will shit itself. Not preaching at all.. just some things I've learnt that you can read and make up your own mind. :) Sometimes opiates seem to have more of a kick then others, lots of people this happens with for whatever reason so it could be that?? Just be safe man :)
Na man I’ve always felt paracetamol potentiated opiates, and call me an idiot too but ibuprofen has mild effects just by itself. I believe it.

When I was using BZM (benzoylmorphine) over the winter I’d take with these two as well for the ultimate in relaxation and pain relief. I actually had mild withdrawal symptoms from the ibuprofen when I stopped after 2 months daily use.

It does mild the effect from weed or any other opiates but it doesn't lift you, lol. You may experience placebo but that's it, it's all in your brain. It's a non-narcotic drug.
Yeah mate I'm not saying it doesn't. It just doesn't for me, but if it's making yours kick in more then that's a bonus for you man!! A few on-top I'm sure won't do any real harm but like I said when I went wayyy over board I was lucky I didn't die lol. I like alot of others learned a hard way that the thought of: ah fuck it! I'll be right, it'll get me more smashed rah rah.... When you get the shit news tho that you actually did go to far and could die or best case like me have severly shortened life cos of me pill poppen. It just hits ya like fuck! What was I thinking just for a buzz! But I apose that's addiction man. It's madness... Not being preachy or know it all cunt at all bro. Apart from all the shit I said if it helps fuck you up man then I'd say that's good and go hard!!! lol I did! I'm sure someone on here has some actual helpful answers instead of this dribble haha :). And I kicked my biggest devil in my life (opiates) but this ramble is indeed written by someone who is extremely fucken hiiiiggghhh.... Flyen bro! :)
The reason that paracetamol is often combined with codeine (aside from trying to kill junkies) is that there is a synergistic effect upon analgesia. This also seems to include its recreational effects as well.
Well, it makes sense that taking them would improve the actual, literal painkilling effect.

But as for making the high better? I've never noticed that.
I've noticed that taking 4 x 30/500 cocodamol tablets provides a better 'buzz' than 4 x 30mg straight codeine. This is purely anecdotal though...
I've noticed that taking 4 x 30/500 cocodamol tablets provides a better 'buzz' than 4 x 30mg straight codeine. This is purely anecdotal though...

I wonder if perhaps it's a dose dependent relationship...

As in, paracetamol + ibuprofen can potentiate it, but does so most effectively on fairly weak opioid doses.

Might explain why some people experience it and some done.
It does mild the effect from weed or any other opiates but it doesn't lift you, lol. You may experience placebo but that's it, it's all in your brain. It's a non-narcotic drug.
Acetominophen is reported to not only work physically but also mentally. They found that when the psychelogical pain asssociated with social exclusion was lessened by it.

Mental is not narcotic by any means, but it is interesting.

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I've noticed that taking 4 x 30/500 cocodamol tablets provides a better 'buzz' than 4 x 30mg straight codeine. This is purely anecdotal though...
omg thanks for saying this I thought I was going crazy 5 coco s used to get me smashed..
Yeah bro, and apparently acetaminophen helps with depression and mood. Maybe that's why it helps boost opioids. Well what @F.U.B.A.R. says is also TRUE (the synergia thing). About Ibuprofen I don't know much.

Isn't it that many say that Percocet is much better than regular oxycodone?
Theres a much more effective and safer way to potentiate opioids like combining fresh Grapefruit Juice and Diphenhydramine. Those two aforementioned substances have a direct effect on the metabolism of Oxycodone and taking them together will give u 'enhanced inhibition'.
Theres a much more effective and safer way to potentiate opioids like combining fresh Grapefruit Juice and Diphenhydramine. Those two aforementioned substances have a direct effect on the metabolism of Oxycodone and taking them together will give u 'enhanced inhibition'.

But isn't grapefruit inhibiting the enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2D6? In charge of metabolizing various opioids. Or am I talking pure shit? :ROFLMAO: I'm not a science-guy so it's very probably.

I think I read once that it must be White Grapefruit, right? And how should it be taken? Before the opioid? Together with it? The day before?


Great info @evo4ever 👏
Less pain you will feel more relaxed.

Opiate high with pain is a buzzkill.

It's weird, because when I took tramadol for my low back pain that kept me from sleeping (200 mg) I felt one of the best euphoria I have ever felt with this drug. It felt like I was floating, with a tremendous happiness and carefree, because the damn drug it end up with the pain. And thanks to the fact that it was at 6 am and the day before I was fasting, I was on my stomach with only water :ROFLMAO: and the effects came to me in about 5-15 minutes.

Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos to whom tramadol works fine as a painkiller.
But isn't grapefruit inhibiting the enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2D6? In charge of metabolizing various opioids. Or am I talking pure shit? :ROFLMAO: I'm not a science-guy so it's very probably.

I think I read once that it must be White Grapefruit, right? And how should it be taken? Before the opioid? Together with it? The day before?


Great info @evo4ever 👏

You're right on the liver stuff

White grapefruit is generally better, but regular red works fine too.

It can be taken 1-2hrs before to make the whole high stronger (be fucking careful), during to make it last longer, or after it has ended to revive it. Certain opioids are much more prone to this effect than others. In certain people it can be the equivalent of doubling the dose, so again, be fucking careful

This effect does have tolerance, so dont think you have found the ultimate junkie secret. If you do it regularly you'll never get high without it.
You're right on the liver stuff

White grapefruit is generally better, but regular red works fine too.

It can be taken 1-2hrs before to make the whole high stronger (be fucking careful), during to make it last longer, or after it has ended to revive it. Certain opioids are much more prone to this effect than others. In certain people it can be the equivalent of doubling the dose, so again, be fucking careful

This effect does have tolerance, so dont think you have found the ultimate junkie secret. If you do it regularly you'll never get high without it.

Great info my friend @RedRum OG 👏

I have done it so few times (about 3-4 times), that I definitely have no tolerance for it. I think I'll try again, but carefully, just like you say.
Imagine how powerful your yellow fire will be @supersonic89. Now ts even more concentrated. (with a grapefruit refreshment for the taste). That shit might OD people for real.


Yeah I'm still looking for a way to crystallize this shit But I don't live alone and I don't want to leave the house smelling that nasty stuff. :ROFLMAO: