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Panic Attacks + Mints?


Nov 9, 2013
So I'm going to a rave tonight and I'm going to take a mint. I've taken molly/rolls about 10 times before and rolled 5 out the 10. I've had a mint before and felt nothing so obviously it was bunk but my friend got a mint from the person we're buying it of off and said she rolled hard so I'm excited. Anyways last night I started having a panic attack (you wouldn't be able to tell I'm having one by looking at me but I just feel kinda nervous and it makes me kinda shitty but I'm able to function find) and it hasn't gone away, I was only able to sleep for like 2/3 hours. I'm not nervous about the rave or rolling because neither are new to me. Panic attacks aren't new to me either and there's nothing emotionally that causes em. They just happen and I'll be completely fine and sometimes it'll last 4 days straight. anyways my question is if I'm still having a panic attack is it okay to roll?

Thank you, light & love <3
I wouldn't recommend it. If you get something that is MDMA only then it might help but if there is the normal mixture of caffeine and piperazines, your anxiety attack will actually become a panic attack.

Since you've already gotten bunk pills before I would highly recommend investing in a pill test kit before rolling again. Everyone should be testing all of their pills. You never know what you are getting otherwise.
You can get them from DanceSafe.


That's the most complete one.

You can get the EZ Test kits but they don't sell the EZ Test Complete anymore that I can see so I wouldn't recommend it.

If you decide to get the EZ Test kits, these are the ones I'd recommend:

Ecstasy (Marquis - this at a minimum) http://www.eztest.com/product/ez-test-for-ecstasy-amphetamine-2c-b-and-more-2/
Ketamine (Mandelin reagent, the only way to identify PMA which has started showing up again) - http://www.eztest.com/product/ez-test-for-ketamine-pmapmma-amphetamine-and-ecstasy-2/
Opiates (Mecke, tests for DXM, opiates, and 2C-T series) - http://www.eztest.com/product/ez-test-for-opiates-dxm-and-ecstasy-2/

They have a piperazine test as well but I have no experience with it. Those 3 should be more than enough.
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I wouldn't recommend it. If you get something that is MDMA only then it might help but if there is the normal mixture of caffeine and piperazines, your anxiety attack will actually become a panic attack.

Since you've already gotten bunk pills before I would highly recommend investing in a pill test kit before rolling again. Everyone should be testing all of their pills. You never know what you are getting otherwise.

What is wrong with mints...? They're often called the best press in the US, certainly one of the most consistent as they've been pumping out nothing but MDxx for the past 2 or 3 years. Obviously he still needs to test it to make sure it's not a fake or just a smartie or something, but if someone told me they had legitimate mints I would be quite excited.... as well as skeptical.

It's not like you have any better chances with the molly if you aren't testing it, in fact your chances are probably a lowered quite a bit for finding MDMA.
Folley said:
What is wrong with mints...? They're often called the best press in the US, certainly one of the most consistent as they've been pumping out nothing but MDxx for the past 2 or 3 years. Obviously he still needs to test it to make sure it's not a fake or just a smartie or something, but if someone told me they had legitimate mints I would be quite excited.... as well as skeptical.

It's not like you have any better chances with the molly if you aren't testing it, in fact your chances are probably a lowered quite a bit for finding MDMA.

The OP already stated that they have gotten a bunk mint as quoted below, that is what my point was. My suggestion regarding MDMA only was not to look for molly but rather pointing out that caffeine and piperazines alone or in combination are terrible for anxiety and could lead to a full-blown panic attack.

I've had a mint before and felt nothing so obviously it was bunk but my friend got a mint from the person we're buying it of off and said she rolled hard so I'm excited.
Well then it wasn't a "mint", lol. It was fake. If you get sold a donkey instead of a horse you don't ride it into battle calling it your trusty steed :p

As long as he can verify that these pills are legit there's no reason he should write them off... but it would seem that he can't, so probably best to wait until there is a testing kit around to make sure either way. It's not like it really makes a difference anyway.. If the mints and "molly" are both MDMA they should be nearly identical in effect.

Oh, and that "piperazine" test is pretty much garbage. It won't even identify BZP and MDMA reacts almost exactly the same as TFMPP
It wouldn't be the first time that a well-known legit pressie went to crap lol. :p

Testing should always be mandatory these days.
It wouldn't be the first time that a well-known legit pressie went to crap lol. :p

For any other press, I'd agree wholeheartedly. Just can't see it with the OG mints, though. They've built up such an praised reputation over the years it would be crazy to tarnish that name. There were a few batches that people said were weak, but still MDMA. If you got a bad "mint" however it's more likely that someone sold you something else completely. It's just a name like any other, I could call compressed poop a mint and someone would likely buy it at a club.
I've never come across them so I wouldn't know. But many legit presses have gone south.

Looking at Pillreports, there has been a number of arguments sparked over "mints" lately. Most likely a case of copy cats. It happens.
Im only taking XTC about 6 months, The first time i done it i was up for 24hrs nearly but it felt amazing. No bad come down or pannic attacs. Still the same now !! but i was told the pills im taking now are better then the pills 10yr ago wher im from.
If you were up for 24 hours it was probably not MDMA unless you were bingeing. That sounds more like methamphetamine.

OP, I'd suggest testing it regardless of what your friend said or how well it's known. If a pressed pill is well known for how good it is it would benefit bunk dealers to press identical looking pills. Also, a friend of mine said he got the best roll from his new batch of "MDMA" that turned out to be some type of cathinone once I tested it.

In regards to your question I wouldn't recommend doing any drugs that may cause anxiety during the come-up. You may have a panic attack, which may cause you to have a bad roll. It's seemingly rare on pure MDMA but it's possible. I couldn't even imagine the comedown from a bad roll either. In the end it's up to you though. If you believe that you'll be fine without a sense of doubt, which I doubt since you made this thread, then go for it.
It is indeed possible to get panic attacks from pure MDMA, especially after your first 10 or so rolls.

After doing MDMA for a bit, the character of the high starts to change and you start feeling it differently.

You can't roll for 24 hours of MDMA, even if you redose after say 6 hours, you will crash hard in an hour or two. It's just the way MDMA works.
If you were up for 24 hours it was probably not MDMA unless you were bingeing. That sounds more like methamphetamine.

OP, I'd suggest testing it regardless of what your friend said or how well it's known. If a pressed pill is well known for how good it is it would benefit bunk dealers to press identical looking pills. Also, a friend of mine said he got the best roll from his new batch of "MDMA" that turned out to be some type of cathinone once I tested it.

In regards to your question I wouldn't recommend doing any drugs that may cause anxiety during the come-up. You may have a panic attack, which may cause you to have a bad roll. It's seemingly rare on pure MDMA but it's possible. I couldn't even imagine the comedown from a bad roll either. In the end it's up to you though. If you believe that you'll be fine without a sense of doubt, which I doubt since you made this thread, then go for it.

apb's are capable of providing and MDMA like roll, but keeping you up feeling cracked out for long periods of time afterwards, i think most ppl could tell the diff betwn meth and MDMA, but not apbs and MDMA
I never knew that some APBs could last 24 hours.

I always felt as though it was the other way around where people aren't likely to tell the difference between MDMA and Meth/RCs. I believe many festival/rave goers and other users are being fed substances that aren't actually MDMA and believe that they are taking MDMA. I can tell the difference, and I'm sure you can too, but many people I know can't. Drug dealers know this, which is why RCs and other substances get easily sold as MDMA to repeat customers.
I your feeling panic I would hold off on partying till it go away just to be safe.
I think you'd be ok during the experience, but since MDxx depletes your stores of serotonin, leaving you with very little for a few days, you would likely be on the verge of an attack until your brain can recover. remember, most issues with anxiety and depression are caused by the brains inability to regulate its release of serotonin, which is why doctors prescribe SSRI's, that help the brain release serotonin at a steady rate versus erratically. like any drug experience, you need to consider the whole risk vs reward thing. is an amazing experience for 3-4 hours worth a few days of anxiety to you personally? its up to you :) good luck bud..
I'm very curious to know if your talking about the "mints" from Chicago, that are small and currently stamped with logos like A & O & double O, etc., or if youre just referring to ecstasy pills as mints....as slang. all the current real mints are supposedly nicely dosed!