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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Panaeolus sp. magic mushrooms (small dose, oral) Surf riding


Nov 20, 2013
Very experienced surfer, very experienced tripper. I've combined psychedelics with a few other physical activities with great outcomes, and have wanted to do a mild trip on surfing for a long time.

WARNING: do not do this unless you also are very experienced with psychedelics and surfing as well, really know the surf break you're on, your dose is very small, and the waves are very tame. This is no joke. You could easily get into trouble by combining psychedelics with dangerous sports in nature. I wouldn't want to think about how terrifying it could be to be stuck out in some massive sets tripping balls on psychedelics with strong currents, or being confused in a crowded lineup and having an accident with another surfer.

Currently residing in a nation that has draconian drug laws condemning use of any kind, aside from tobacco, alcohol and pharma. I've been on the lookout for magic mushrooms in the cow patties as we're in the middle of rainy season, as this seems like the only safe way to trip. I've never ID'd psychedelic mushrooms on my own from the wild, so this is all very exciting for me.

The other day I finally found some. Or, as they say... did they find me? They are probably Panaeolus cyanescens or something in that genus - not Psilocybe. Tiny little guys, and they tasted so different from P. cubensis etc. that I didn't eat them all in one go. The horrid taste had me a little worried that I had mis-identified them. Not very many - maybe 8, about the size of enoki mushrooms.

Went for a surf and by the time I got to the water I could feel that typical coming-up-on-mushrooms wobble and slight malaise - suddenly thought I was so thirsty and like I had to poop, which was inconvenient given that I was going into the ocean. Luckily, as these feelings usually are on the come up, they vanished once I became distracted with the activity of surfing.

I was in the water right at dawn on a clear morning. With the sun just coming up over the horizon, the water was so glassy and beautiful. I was hypnotized just watching the water and light before I snapped out of it and turned to the objective of catching waves.

The waves were small, but so clean, peeling perfectly as the tide was dropping and exposing the swell to shallower reef. My harmony with the waves was enhanced, and had a better-than-normal ability to foresee how the waves would break, so that I could position myself more precisely on the wave. For anyone who has surfed, you know it can be a game of inches getting into the right spot for that perfect takeoff. This all reminded me of stories of hunters in the jungle taking small doses of psychedelics to enhance their ability to read the forest and see the animals. My surfing felt like that - more tuned in, more able to read my environment and my own body. I was free and light, unconstrained and open, light on my feet and more skilled at riding in harmony with the wave and being in my whole body. This is all a bit cliché, as psychedelic experiences often seem when you try to catalogue them, but I reckon you guys will know what I'm talking about.

The water was glassy and the conditions were perfect, and almost empty of other surfers. All this might be the real reason that I had a great session. I can't discount the possibility that I had mis-identified the mushrooms and that the whole thing wasn't placebo. I wasn't overtly tripping, the whole time I kept asking myself, "Am I even tripping right now?". This was probably something like an equivalent 0.3-0.5g dose of dried cubensis, so on the light-threshold end of the spectrum, if not placebo entirely. It's a hard to gauge, because surfing is already an altered state of mind - something like playing music, or being absorbed in a story, or sex. There isn't really a reference point for baseline. Anyways, this was the most fun I've had in a while, the most flow, the most in-tune I've probably ever experienced surfing. I couldn't stop because it was effortless and so much fun. Ended up surfing for 3.5h, which is about double what I would normally stay out for. If this was placebo, I'll take it.

On the other hand, reflecting on my thoughts during the session, I must have been tripping, mildly. Aside from the aforementioned flow in the activity, my thoughts had that interesting depth and quality that smack of psychedelics:
  • It's no coincidence that the goddess Saraswati is the goddess of both music and learning. Because what could be more fundamentally a practice of learning than learning to play music on an instrument? It's an endless process of learning with infinite paths.
  • Surfing is in many ways analogous to speaker/microphone design. In surfing, you try to match the impedance of your board with the wave so that you can ride it. You do this by selecting a board with the right rocker, shape, volume for the kind of wave you're on, so that you can match your speed to the approaching wave and drop in to interface with its pocket. In tweeter/mic design, it's really similar. You design the shape of the opening, the materials etc so that the diaphragm/speaker interacts with the air in such a way that the waves are in union.
  • When you optimize for fun you end up with things like surfing. Modern surf boards, surf styles are an inevitable evolution of the pursuit of fun along this particular vein of fun.
  • Surfing is unique in that it's about putting yourself in the critical zone of the dynamic interface between the three elements: solid, liquid, gas; reef, ocean, and wind. (Sometimes there's lighting, which involves plasma, and that's when you leave the water)
As you can see, tripper stuff.

Took a very small dose of some magic mushrooms and went for a surf in forgiving and ideal conditions. It went really well, and would do it again, as long as I could be safe about it. I would not recommend doing this as it could easily be a highly dangerous combo. Small doses of psychedelics can be extremely helpful in sports as a physical-insight generator. I feel this little trip bumped my surfing up a small notch, permanently.
Enjoyed reading your report, the surf you've described sounds perfect for a light trip. I've combined low doses of LSD with mountain biking before and felt that it improved my ability to ride during and after the experience with a strong feeling of connectivity between me and my bike.

I've always wanted to try kayaking on LSD, I'm a very experienced paddler but would probably want a trip sitter that is also an experienced paddler, to keep an eye on me.

Please make sure you know exactly what mushrooms you're eating though, don't want to get caught out with something dodgy.