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Stimulants Oxytocin for meth addiction: really any surprise that love is the answer?


May 31, 2021
Oxytocin has been referred to by silly names such as the love hormone and so on but there's no doubt that it plays a very important roll neurochemically in reinforcing life-affirming behaviors of bonding between mother and child, also couples. So it stands to reason that someone who feels the compulsive need to use meth after its initial positive reinforcing qualities are long gone is in futile pursuit of those feelings of connection, communication, communion and love for self and others felt during the honeymoon phase with stimulants.

Abstract reposted from erowid.org
There is emerging evidence that the neuropeptide oxytocin may be utilised as a treatment for various psychopathologies, including drug addictions. Here we used an animal model to assess whether oxytocin might be effective in the treatment of methamphetamine addiction. Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to lever press to intravenously self-administer methamphetamine under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Once responding had stabilised, one group of rats received escalating doses of oxytocin (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1 mg/kg) administered intraperitoneally (IP) prior to daily self-administration tests, while other rats received vehicle. After these tests, lever-pressing was extinguished and the ability of methamphetamine primes (IP, 1 mg/kg) to reinstate responding was studied with and without co-administration of oxytocin (IP, 0.3 and 1 mg/kg). Results showed that oxytocin dose-dependently reduced responding for intravenous methamphetamine with an almost complete absence of responding at the highest oxytocin dose (1 mg/kg). Hyperactivity during methamphetamine self-administration was also dose-dependently reduced by oxytocin. Oxytocin (1 but not 0.3 mg/kg) also reduced the ability of methamphetamine to reinstate methamphetamine-seeking behaviour. In separate tests, oxytocin (IP, 0.3 and 1 mg/kg) robustly decreased the hyperactivity and rearing induced by methamphetamine challenge (IP, 1 mg/kg), producing activity levels similar to control animals. This study suggests that oxytocin may have a powerful inhibitory effect on the motivation to consume methamphetamine and on hyperactivity associated with acute methamphetamine intoxication. These results point to the potential utility of human trials of oxytocin as a therapeutic treatment for methamphetamine addiction.
Interesting. I'd imagine there is really something to this, however this is just in rats technically.

Oxytocin in humans is just one fraction of a complex progression of biology and psychology in human bodies/populations.

Human connection is really vital to human life and health in many ways, loneliness physically kills, just like stress does.

I feel like this is kinda proving something the already know in a way? Kinda cool.
Oxytocin is real vital for a male during adolescent development because it's what counteracts all the cortisol males get flooded with during this time of their life. Cortisol is such a trigger of stress. This can have so much negative impact. I make it a daily priority to make the connections with my son that he needs just for this purpose. I want him to be sure he's enough and hes loved and appreciated.
Oxytocin is real vital for a male during adolescent development because it's what counteracts all the cortisol males get flooded with during this time of their life. Cortisol is such a trigger of stress. This can have so much negative impact. I make it a daily priority to make the connections with my son that he needs just for this purpose. I want him to be sure he's enough and hes loved and appreciated.
be a real mom and get him a nasal spray from ebay with 99.9% pure oxytocin
So as this thread seems intended to help meth addicts kick I have something worth sharing.

Some time ago I relapsed and desperate for help went to the emergency psych ward at local hospital (for the uninsured aka poor people) and begged for something that might help. The psychiatrist put me on abilify theory being it working as a dopamine agonist (partial anyway) it would reduce cravings.

It worked really well although after the initial period of sleep (I slept about two weeks straight after i started taking it. It was a super low dose 2mg Ed i believe) I began to use again and started a nasty cycle of using more of one to offset the other etc.

So what I mean by it worked well-the abilify seemed to make meth ineffective. I wouldn't get high no matter how much I consumed. I didn't give abilify enough effort and essentially I couldn't seem to break out of the learned reward seeking behavior etc. Old habits die hard. You know, mouse drinking water until it dies if you put cocaine in the water a few times and then remove it. I wanted to get high I just couldn't.

So a few months ago I started taking a prolactin reducing drug called cabergoline (cabaser) for bodybuilding purposes. Dose of .5mg once a week.

Turns out cabaser works much the same in the body as abilify at least that is my understanding. I stayed clean for several months with no effort. No cravings no desire it was almost magical. I've struggled with addiction my whole life going back to Ritalin when I was 8 years old. This was the first time I had actually been clean in...18 years? Something like that. The extra bonus being no side effects! Abilify I stopped taking because it made me so drowsy I could not hold a job. And it wasn't doing the job.

I will add caber is much cheaper and easier to get than abilify. I am not a doctor and make no guarantees I am only conveying my personal experience in the interest of harm reduction. Because addiction just sucks. I wouldn't wish my life on anyone. I do believe caber may help others as it did me.

I can't speak on ideal dosing because I know myself i am ultra sensitive to medications. People normally use 20mgs and up of abilify I tried 5mg and dropped back to 2. Be that as it may studies have shown Cabaser is very effective at .5mg every 6 or 7 days for lowering prolactin.

Worth considering. I hope this helps at least one person and if it does thats great.

Thank you.
Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist and thus indeed kinda of replaces meth but unfortunately it's cardiotoxic, you don't want to take it infinitely for sure if you value your heart. Really @Methyl Mike , in the US)?) easily available? Here it's OTC but darn expensive - it's not allowed to mention prices here unfortunately so let's just say that 3 for 2 boxes pregabalin are cheaper than 4 (!) pills of caber.

Oxytocin - I keep reading and thinking about that I needa try this one. The dissociatives have been shown to be pretty strong on oxytocin, enough for making ketamine dangerous for pregnant women, and I absolutely love the cuddly-fluffy feeling specially the deschlorinated analogue gave me. Way better than any antidepressant.

Interesting but not completely surprising that oxytocin helps with addictions. My primary reason for drug use was often enough loneliness too. And it confirms my theory that treating addicts hard with dysphoric shit and cold turkey etc. is just torture.
Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist and thus indeed kinda of replaces meth but unfortunately it's cardiotoxic, you don't want to take it infinitely for sure if you value your heart. Really @Methyl Mike , in the US)?) easily available? Here it's OTC but darn expensive - it's not allowed to mention prices here unfortunately so let's just say that 3 for 2 boxes pregabalin are cheaper than 4 (!) pills of caber.

Oxytocin - I keep reading and thinking about that I needa try this one. The dissociatives have been shown to be pretty strong on oxytocin, enough for making ketamine dangerous for pregnant women, and I absolutely love the cuddly-fluffy feeling specially the deschlorinated analogue gave me. Way better than any antidepressant.

Interesting but not completely surprising that oxytocin helps with addictions. My primary reason for drug use was often enough loneliness too. And it confirms my theory that treating addicts hard with dysphoric shit and cold turkey etc. is just torture.
Well, when I say easily available you have to consider what I likely have access to which admittedly may be more than the average person. But anyone with internet access and a credit card could probably get it.

At any rate I have not heard it was cardio toxic until now. Do you mind sharing where you have read that? In the meantime I will look it up myself. I'd hate for that to be true, my particular hobby (bodybuilding) is already known for early deaths. Lots of guys don't get close to 60 many die in their 40's so I'm all about minimizing risk factors...although the damage is probably done already. No sense making it worse right...
Well, when I say easily available you have to consider what I likely have access to which admittedly may be more than the average person. But anyone with internet access and a credit card could probably get it.

At any rate I have not heard it was cardio toxic until now. Do you mind sharing where you have read that? In the meantime I will look it up myself. I'd hate for that to be true, my particular hobby (bodybuilding) is already known for early deaths. Lots of guys don't get close to 60 many die in their 40's so I'm all about minimizing risk factors...although the damage is probably done already. No sense making it worse right...
Everything is risky in extremis, even minimizing risk factors. We're all going to die some day even though they made it against the law, so they now force kids on playgrounds to wear facemasks in the Sept. heat. Dogs are better parents
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At any rate I have not heard it was cardio toxic until now. Do you mind sharing where you have read that? In the meantime I will look it up myself. I'd hate for that to be true, my particular hobby (bodybuilding) is already known for early deaths. Lots of guys don't get close to 60 many die in their 40's so I'm all about minimizing risk factors...although the damage is probably done already. No sense making it worse right...
Here you are. It's the reason why caber isn't used so widely anymore and has been replaced by e.g. pramipexole or ropinirole.
Here you are. It's the reason why caber isn't used so widely anymore and has been replaced by e.g. pramipexole or ropinirole.
Your link and some googling produced a woman using 6mg per week a man using the same and for years at a time being associated with heart issues. Also a study done on albino rats showed Ill effects but these were circumvented with green tea...I'm not sold on the idea that .5mg a week in a relatively healthy person would cause heart problems. At least I haven't seen medical literature supporting the idea. A few cases over the years in fairly sick patients is not alarming to me. And if we compared apples to apples which is likely to cause more damage meth addiction or cabergoline?

Not trying to be argumentative.
@Methyl Mike Granted I didn't investigate myself and we have fairly some cases of overblown toxicity resulting in market withdrawal of medicine, e.g. pemoline or kava-kava in the EU. Afaik caber is a 5ht2b agonist like some infamous appetite suppressants and this agonism is known to be cardiotoxic but no clue how much of. Maybe caber's safer than thought.