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Opioids Oxycodone/naloxone


Apr 19, 2007
If you have pills that contain a combination of oxycodone and naloxone, what would be the effect of snorting them?

The naloxone is supposed to be to bind to the opiate receptors in your gut to prevent constipation, but I was wondering if you were to snort these pills would the naloxone negate the effect of the oxycodone?

this is what i'm talking about: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/medicines/100005204.html

OC oral B/A is higher than insufflated, and naloxone oral B/a is very low. swallow them to ensure that you can get high.

this is just a theory, but if a pain patient who had a opiate tolerance/addiction were to use these they would just have precip w/ds if the naloxone was doing what its supposed to, but if that was the case they wouldnt make them right

imo, snorting should yield regular result
So they worked?

wonder if the OC out competes the naloxone, the way Bupe in suboxone outcompetes the naloxone

but if that was the vase then wouldnt naloxone not work for ODs?

very interesting drug this is, never even heard of it

if it was ok orally then id guess the pooper is ok too
You're right in what you say. Naloxone outceomptetes almost anything, These pills are supposed to be eaten, so presumably the naloxone will be the first thing to bind to the opiate receptors in your gut, relieveing consipation but by that points its pretty well used up so the oxy is free to travel to your brain

Edit: Yeah my first reaction to seeing them was wft!
I'm guessing noones really sure here. 20mg is all thats available so max effect must be achieved.
My recommendation for that is always plugging (none of my friends shoot) but am worried the naloxone could cause problems if nottaken orally
^^ Well that what people say about Suboxone

yet there are plenty of people that shoot Subs

i dunno, im not tellin u either way

im just interested in this thread cuz this is the first i have ever heard of Oxycodone/Naloxone pills

by the way its a 2:1 ratio of O:N, which to me seems rather high, since even with bupe its a 4:1 ratio of B:N